17 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Marathon”

  1. I was in Seville for Expo 92 and then again a few years later and it was already run down. I guess it’s not just the Olympics that eat up money and then go to wrack and ruin, all these international events seem to follow the same script.

  2. The Olympics are a pointless waste of money and resources. The committee that runs it is greedy and corrupt. Put an end to it, or have in the same location.

  3. There’s only one solution, Greece should hold the Olympics again,as soon as possible.
    Please,because if they don’t, Toronto will try to host them some day.
    Agreed,John Galt.

  4. Lets not be so foolish to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
    This has far less with it being associated with the Olympics and far more with it being associated with Greece. There are no elements of the Calgary Olympics which have fallen into such disrepair.
    Calgary (and Canmore) still use and regularly maintain the Olympic Legacy buildings and venues 26 years later. I’ve used one of those venues over 100 times so far this year.

  5. Agreed.
    Must be something about Alberta.
    Commonwealth Stadium and many of the other facilities are still functioning beautifully after 36 years of use.
    Of course, the stadium has been upgraded several times since due to hosting sporting events.
    That way, the Edmonton taxpayers are in for one-third, the province in for one-third and the feds in for one-third.
    The arena is a different deal since the province rightfully refused to chip in.
    So, it will be feds one-third, Edmonton taxpaying suckers two-thirds.

  6. Is that a baseball diamond in Greece? Not a great long-term prospect. The Olympics has since dumped baseball. No wonder.

  7. I think Edmonton is getting soaked and held hostage by your precious Oilers organization.
    If the Oilers need a new stadium they should be able to afford it, or they should go under or move away. There’s no reason why the taxpayers of Canmore (or Camrose, or Brooks, or other) should be paying the rent in Edmonton to keep the plutocrat owners happy.
    Personally I’d prefer to merge the Oilers and Flames organizations at have 8 decent player all on one team.

  8. I was in Germany this summer and was in the town where the 1936 winter olympics were held (called Garmish Somethingorother). It’s still a mountain resort town and although the facilities look old, they look like they are still well used.
    In general I do agree with the common sentiment on this thread.

  9. Should have just spent the money upgrading the Coliseum and used it for the Olympic events. After all, it’s been there for almost two thousand years.

  10. “Must be something about Alberta.”
    Yeah, Greece doesn’t have a surplus of oil revenue to spread around for sports palaces.

  11. “Should have just spent the money upgrading the Coliseum and used it for the Olympic events. After all, it’s been there for almost two thousand years.”
    Obviously you have never visited the Flavian Amphtheatre. It looks and is nearly 2 millennia old….subjected to 2 millennia of neglect.
    Made with reinforced concrete—-the iron fittings long since pilfered…it is a structural nightmare….crumbling for centuries.

  12. Also the coliseum aka the Flavian amphitheatre is in Rome not Greece
    Still a great building. It had a retractable roof
    Also saved money by using the stairwells as washrooms and sloped the stairs so they were self cleaning

  13. The Olympics long ago became a commie pinko thing, with a few fat socialists enriching themselves while telling everyone else what to do.
    When you think of Olympics think of the UN or Greenpeace etc. Absolutely no different.

  14. The olympics is operated by an international mafia of pimps and prostitutes. They fly around from event to event declaring that any mention of their games is illegal and local laws must be changed to protect the interests of their “games”. They claim great economic benefits come from hosting a bunch of obscure sporting events. Who are the idiots that fall for this scam? LIBERALS. That’s all you need to know. Liberals know that low information voters are down for one of the biggest scams in history so they drool at the thought of bagging one of the largest opportunities for graft there is.

  15. That slide show could be a preview of the future of western civilization. We are half way there already. Values lost …. integrity lost, trust lost, prosperity for the middle class, disappearing fast, personal freedoms going fast, happiness? gone. Mind-sucking hand-held devices that keep us all distracted so we don’t even realize we are being raped … on the rise with no end in sight … at least not the sort of end we might prefer. And … half of us are fat, out of shape, unhealthy slobs. The other half seem to be gay …… Go figure.
    The world is at war with us and we are texting.
