62 Replies to “How’s That Hopey Changey Thing Working Out For Ya?”

  1. If a republican takes the whitehouse in 2016 I highly recommend they instruct EVERY member of the administration to delete their twitter accounts. No good can come of twitter. Same deal for Harper next election. Fire the entire social media team and tell every candidate to forget it. Social media is the realm of leftists and terrorists.

  2. james said, “Social media is the realm of leftists and terrorists.”
    Actually, james, the right wing rules on twitter, but you are right about pols and their sycophants from being on it. Should be a no tread zone.
    The problem is that they get hired with face-time (social media as an extension) but their job is hands-on. It’s rather hard for a narcissist to step away from the petal throwers.
    I’d rather a Brad Wall tweet innocuous clap-trap about a rider gnome day in and out, but call the ball and have SK power pull the plug on hazardous ‘smart’ meters without the twitter fan fare.
    It’s a matter of priorities, some do it right, some are horrible.

  3. The well-being of those wannabe-soldiers will be quite compromised by a few well-placed, el-cheapo IEDs. Come to think of it, any fool with an M-60 or FN MAG can mow down that line of amateur commandos.
    Police should stay out of the business of waging war – they are no damned good at it. Leave that to professional militaries. If you need military-style forces to regain control of your streets, you’re in far bigger trouble than any cop can help you with.
    The American Insurrection will soon be starting up – give it 5 years or so – and it will kill a LOT of people. Needn’t have happened at all.

  4. “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” ~ Hussein Ogabe al-Chicago

  5. I don’t recall cops being overly concerned with protecting Zimmmerman’s identity… double standards twice as good.

  6. Vernon Jordon was pimping Monica for Bill Clinton..Hillary must have had a nice chat with him & Monica!

  7. Just listen to some of these armchair rural libertardians! Have you any idea what these “people” do? The kind of insane damage these blacks inflict, oftentimes on white neighbourhoods and white people? I would want – nay, DEMAND – some kind of military force be placed in defense of me and mine in the face of that orcish horde, with me front & center if need be.
    Say it with me: I, the white man, am not responsible for the elevation of blacks who hate me anyway. And if you think you are, move them into YOUR home, not mine!
    End the Hate: Separate.

  8. I wonder.
    If an informal poll could be done of the protesters how many would now be avid proponents of the second amendment?

  9. It’s time for Canada’s STEPHEN HARPER to kick ASS on the world stage!
    C’mon Stephen….. Save the YAZIDIS on the Mountain ………. as the YANKS under OBAMA stand back and LOOK ON!

  10. “Obama is dancing because he never learned to play the fiddle, I guess.”
    Datza good one.

  11. With Militarized police, the end of posse comitatus, NSA warantless spying, TSA unwarranted search, arbitrary travel restrictions, curfews, arming every Fed agency to the teeth, the need for just cause evaporated and defacto martial law, it becomes the height of hypocrisy engaging in the pretense US policy is to spread democracy globally – you can’t spread something globally you don’t even have at home.
    These guys in the picture here have got to know their fascist political bosses have put them at war with the American people – their function is fully unconstitutional, they are not public servants and protectors, they are an occupation force of an unconstitutional criminal governing junta of klepto-socialists and security complex fascists – if these unwholesome displays of anti-American occupational militarism are pushed in the people’s face too often, you many see a “Ukraine” take place in America.
    But maybe that’s the plan.

  12. Dancing………..fiddling…….burning………something something something……….

  13. I wonder how long until the President announces that a tribute from each state will have the honor of competing in the newly formed 2015 Hunger Games?

  14. I have been banned from any number of chat groups and blogs for RACISM. I finally had to give it up because there were just too many stupid people with delete buttons.
    So it is that I just watch these doings and smile. Things just keep getting worse and worse. First it was OJ, then Rodney King, then New Orleans, then Detroit, then St. Trayvon Of Skittles, and now this.
    Folks, I am not a racist. Nor were your grandparents and great grand parents. We understand the black man. You will too, eventually.
    Or else.

  15. I have real trouble feeling any sympathy for the people of Ferguson when they rampaged destroying and looting anything they could get their mitts on.
    You want to protest a killing? Go ahead, you want to burn down and loot shops and private property and wonder why the police state is suddenly unleashed?

  16. Geez, sad that the loony colorists and racists still abound while ISIS is rampaging across the birthplace of civilisation. Race has never been a problem. Culture, values, and education are what it’s all about.
    And since the white man has been pretty much in charge of distributing that since day one in the US, this is all ultimately the whites’ doing. Guilty of corrupting an entire people, and creating and sustaining dependency and indigence. The Democrats caused this, not black people. By delegitimizing, and ultimately harassing and defunding the voices of progress, and prosperity in the black communities globally, the International Left has created a permanent underclass voting block for themselves. Increasingly, yo’ll see white kids behaving just as “gangsta” as any inner LA Crip or Blood, many of them being upper middle class whites. Sorry all, race-baiting is tempting for the cranially challenged, but it’s as dumb and evil today as it always was.
    Left-baiting? Now THAT should be national sport!

  17. Can anyone imagine having Trudeau as PM while his and the Liberal’s Idol is still sitting in the Oval Office twiddling his thumbs? We better not get too smug, we have a very serious situation to deal with right here, we need to ensure Boy Trudeau never gets into the top Office.

  18. Right, because predominantly black countries in Africa have become such utopias for civilization. Maybe Rhodesia wasn’t so bad after all?

  19. This is what Obamba has been after all along.
    Just wait until the millions of illegal aliens he opened the doors to get things going.

  20. Something…….something……. something………;
    Deflect……. Delay…….Disturb……. Destroy……. duh……duh…..; Enough Obamaisms Harkov? cheers;

  21. It makes me wonder what has really changed over the decades in America. The rioting today in St. Louis reminds me of the ’60’s when entire cities were burning.
    What is about the black man that prevents his climbing out of the poverty they experience? Many claim racism but other minority groups also experienced racism but succeeded. Chinese, Vietnamese, East Indians, Italians, Jews and in my neighborhood Hungarians. In Canada the only comparable I can look at is North American Indians.
    Point the finger at dependency and the industry built around maintaining that dependency. Huge number of people make their ‘living’ by delivering services to blacks and natives who would not need them if they could get their ‘act’ together.

  22. GEEZ, LIZ, why don’t you advise the PM HARPER, …. SERIOUSLY….!!!

  23. Meanwhile, Hamas recognizes its kin on the streets of Ferguson; sends message of solidarity.
    Clearly, this is a job for John F. (“I still have the hat”) Kerry and more of that smart diplomacy. Perhaps Ferguson could give up some land for peace. America could have its very own Gaza. It already has the terrorists to occupy it.

  24. Plus, many of their own community leadership has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo or even making the situation worse.
    Travis has a good point. There is much in Africa to suggest that in general it has not progressed much beyond rubbing sticks together to make fire.

  25. Ken (Kulak)>
    “many of their own community leadership has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo”.
    Queue in the race pimps, Al Sharpton, Teresa Spence, Justin Turdeau…….

  26. Joe, we may be a helluva lot more qualified to advise the PM than many he’s got around him. He’s doing a good job but still too timidly Conservative. He needs to get more Churchillian, tell it like it is without fear and just do the right thing at all cost. Namby-pamby doesn’t cut it when you’re dealing with the dregs of the world, diplomacy doesn’t work with hate crazed people, we need to get them rounded up and checked out.
    Those Mosques led by “Imams” who are fronts for terrorism around the world cannot be allowed to operate under the Freedom of Religion tenet of the Trudeau disaster called the Charter. Most people in Canada will agree, but we can’t include the Justin Trudeau Liberals to be among them, he worships with them for votes.
    Between newly released jail bird Marc Emory, Prince of Pot, and the those among the Muslim/Islamist cult who hate Infidels, that’s people of every religion but Islam, Trudeau is their man. Trudeau will embolden them,we will become an unsafe country as they infiltrate our political system.
    Time to call the PM’s Office and voice our concerns.

  27. Heh,
    There are times when it is about impossible to pick a favored.
    This may be it.
    Other than a young man being killed by a police, the whole situation after that is showing the progress the police state made during the administration of the current occupant of the White House.
    To be sure and clear, it started with the previous president and his homeland security.
    The “Homeland Security” has a familiar sound, perhaps of some variations thereof, of certain regimes before WW2 and after WW2 up to the fall of Berlin wall.
    It also approximates the tactics of those regimes. It must be said that it has not developed into the same extend, though give enough time without change in the government, it will.
    The politicians are cool with that regardless of the party affiliations. Communist party of US must be celebrating. Everything is falling in place.
    When you look at the pictures of the armed to their teeth police with their war machines “surplused and donated” by the US government, it does not look much different than the Ruskis in Ukraine.
    In the tight shots it looks like a war zone.
    From the article: “Two reporters were later arrested while working inside a McDonald’s restaurant nearby for no apparent reason. (They were both later released, with no charges filed.)”
    Is there no parallel in this sounding as though it is from other dictatorial regimes?
    You know there is no love for “journalists” in these quarters, that is why it is difficult to pick favorites.
    The ubermench at Harvard and other fine institutions of high rhetoric, they are already working on formulating the newspeak to tell everyone that all is done for their own good and it is so because they are superior and because they say so.

  28. Heh,
    There are times when it is about impossible to pick a favored.
    This may be it.
    Other than a young man being killed by a police, the whole situation after that is showing the progress the police state made during the administration of the current occupant of the White House.
    To be sure and clear, it started with the previous president and his homeland security.
    The “Homeland Security” has a familiar sound, perhaps of some variations thereof, of certain regimes before WW2 and after WW2 up to the fall of Berlin wall.
    It also approximates the tactics of those regimes. It must be said that it has not developed into the same extend, though give enough time without change in the government, it will.
    The politicians are cool with that regardless of the party affiliations. Communist party of US must be celebrating. Everything is falling in place.
    When you look at the pictures of the armed to their teeth police with their war machines “surplused and donated” by the US government, it does not look much different than the Ruskis in Ukraine.
    In the tight shots it looks like a war zone.
    From the article: “Two reporters were later arrested while working inside a McDonald’s restaurant nearby for no apparent reason. (They were both later released, with no charges filed.)”
    Is there no parallel in this sounding as though it is from other dictatorial regimes?
    You know there is no love for “journalists” in these quarters, that is why it is difficult to pick favorites.
    The ubermench at Harvard and other fine institutions of high rhetoric, they are already working on formulating the newspeak to tell everyone that all is done for their own good and it is so because they are superior and because they say so.

  29. Classic Rant
    Reminds me of Bob Parks before he got the idea he had no faults. However, this video rant is at the heart of the matter. Black dumbasses and the trash activists that both egg them on and feed off publicity are not representative of the majority. They are an embarrassment and a living insult to common people.

  30. Yeah well I have ala’s said that cops make lousy soldiers and soldiers make dangerous cops.
    What we have is a coddled demographic, incited by the grievance industry, colliding with a us vs them constabulary.
    Too often, our LEOs project a attitude they are our guards not our protectors…perhaps our rulers.
    Not exactly what Robert Peele had in mind.
    Probably the kid got shot for commiting the new unlegistlated crime…”contempt of cop”……that can get ya beat up, tazed and from time to time shot.

  31. I’m sure the dead kid in Ferguson was targeted for interrogation because he was black, mind you virtually the whole town is black. I’m sure it pissed him off and he ended up assaulting the policeman. Apparently the cop was treated for injuries. What in hell is wrong with black parents when they consistently fail to educate their children to the realities of the street? 100% of the time, a cop retaining the ability to win in a fight will win, and win big time.

  32. These small town police forces in the US have roll heavier than US military patrols in Afghanistan.
    It sure must give one comfort knowing that the reject from high school who was too stupid/crazy to get into the military is now wandering around your streets playing Navy Seal dress-up with enough ammunition strapped to his body to engage in a two day long firefight…..

  33. Remember the wealthiest urban blacks in America in the wealthiest big city, Detroit, rioted in 1967. It was the beginning of the end for Detroit.

  34. As one who lived in Africa for 32 years (born and bred) I can tell you skin colour is irrelevant. Social values, behaviour, attitudes and actions speak louder. Africa suffers from institutionalized kleptocracy, distorted markets due to foreign “aid” money, tribalist clan warfare, and Western inability to cut off the strong men, because Boko Haram (William Wallace and his savage dogs) is waiting in the wings.
    You see, Africa is a lot like Scotland and England, circa 1200 years ago…

  35. bbss >
    “You see, Africa is a lot like Scotland and England, circa 1200 years ago…”
    Right on bro!
    Just like Detroit is today, another medieval England you simple Mo Fo’s.

  36. It is amazing that so many people look at what is happening in Ferguson and remain faithfully convinced that it could not happen to them. You think that the same occupation force that has turned Ferguson into Fallujah would have any reservations repeating the show of force in your neighborhood? You think that just because you have little in common with the rabble on the streets of Ferguson the jack booted thugs would not aim their sniper rifles from top of their shiny MRAPs (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected for those who don’t know) at your faces?
    Think again.
    You think it is about the looting? The people on streets getting into the armor covered, stone cold, faces of the occupation force are not looting. They could be looting; given the magnitude of unrest they could be taking advantage of the situation and loot. They are not doing it. They are protesting while having guns pointed at them.
    When there were riots in communist hellhole I was born in, the riot cops were well known for their brutality. Even they were not anywhere nearly as tactical as the goons on the street of Obamerica. Rarely would they deploy with firearms at all. Tear gas, sticks, shields, helmets, water cannons is a proportional response to a riot, not snipers, Iraq patrol vehicles and loads of spare mags sticking out of every pocket of their camouflaged tactical vests.
    Like it or not, regardless of how little you have in common with the rioters in MO you are in the same boat. To the jack booted thugs it does not matter how much you despise “urban culture”, “inner city youths” (or whatever the current PC term is), you are the same as the rioters. If you ain’t blue, you are the potential threat to be intimidated and brutalized under the slightest excuse.
