18 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. “A zionist plot to make ISIS look bad”?? Its working wayyyy better than the Zionists had ever dreamed!

  2. Great,and depressing piece by Mark Steyn.
    Turkey isn’t alone in it’s dearth of courageous politicians, none in Canada will stand up to aggressive Muslims, even the cops as we saw in Calgary, are too politically correct to do their job.
    Canada can rest easy for a short while,we’re still only at 3.5%, but maybe Prime Minister Trudeau will remedy that with his recent promise, made at a mosque, to open up “family class” immigration.
    Bring ’em in by the millions,then we’ll all get rich paying them welfare.

  3. I don’t think it is political correctness; or at least, not only. Even though the state has a monopoly on the use of force (cue the grasping at pearls, the reaching for the fainting couch), police forces throughout the West are now officially, even if privately, risk averse. They prefer to enforce the laws on those they know will submit, otherwise known as the citizen.
    If we needed more evidence, and we do not, the ability of a society to choose who joins and who does not, is essential to it. Give that up, and you give up any expectations of success.
    Meanwhile, as Steyn shows us, Europe leads the way toward the end of Western civilization.

  4. Wackos of the left get a free pass. Some are elected to high office, while others become media darlings.
    Progressives are cowering behind their Islamist blind spot construct because reality is so far removed from the sanctity of their group-think narratives, it is too painful to accept.
    A city like Calgary with almost 10% of the population Muslim is just around the corner from Paris or London no-go zones, not in confrontation with Zionists but with everyone else. The sooner the public starts to motivate politicians to face reality, the less ugly the ultimate conflict. Unless liberty is relied upon to allow private discrimination and censure, the only alternatives are submission or civil war.
    Thanks PET for the gutted-out culture that fertilized the acceptance and migration of the pathology. The Spawn should be made to wear this.

  5. Ok, I just found this site which gives a summary of the Mossad’s devious use of animals. I especially like the picture of the sinister Agent R65.

  6. Turkey has the highest number of journalists imprisoned in the world.
    Turkey continues to be a member of NATO even as it becomes more and more Islamist.
    At 10 percent of Calgary’s population, with block voting they can affect election results, municipally, provincially, and federally.
    They know that. That is a core part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategy.
    9/11 was a wake-up call, but instead our governments continue steering the ship of state into an iceberg.

  7. I hear this year’s Taliban Picnic Committee is looking around for a liberated muslim chick to provide some entertainment…

  8. A militant commander operating in Syria has said in a newly-released video that he was in league with the Israeli regime in exchange for military and medical support.
    In a video uploaded to YouTube earlier this week, Sharif As-Safouri, a commander of the so-called Free Syrian Army, confessed to having entered Israel five times to meet with Israeli military officials who later supplied him with anti-tank weapons and light arms, the Times of Israel reported on Wednesday.
    Following the meetings, the Tel Aviv regime began providing Safouri and his fellow militants with “basic medical support and clothes” as well as weapons, including 10 RPG launchers with 47 rockets and 48,000 5.56-millimeter bullets.
    The Israeli regime has been among the major supporters of the Takfiri terrorist groups operating against the Syrian government since March 2011.

  9. We are living in Progland it SUCKS. I am sick of PC Progressives running the show.
    I have sent the following rant to all of Calgary’s city councilors. My previous questions to them remain unanswered, and I expect this one will too.
    I have repeatedly asked the Councilors and the Mayor, to explain what they are going to do to protect Calgarians from the increasingly violent Islamists swarming into our city.
    Not one single councilor, nor the Mayor, has shown the courage or decency to respond or speak up on the issue. Not one backbone in the bunch.
    Why is that? I can only presume the worst. That all of you will do and say NOTHING to upset the delicate sensitivities of those who support the vile and violent Jihadists running rampage across the globe. In fact you will, with help from the PC Police Chief, downplay the obvious threat leaving us all at significant risk. For votes I guess.
    We hear cries of “the Nazi’s were right” on our streets. We have cowardly Muslim men beating up women and children on our streets! Are these the new Progressive Canadian values now? Beating up women is so multi-cultural.
    And you, to your eternal shame, cower on our behalf.
    Save us the BS about “the majority are peaceful” because when push comes to beheadings the “peaceful majority” will side with the terrorists, thanks to gutless politicians like you.
    What will it take for one of you, any ONE of you, to stand up and denounce the violent, tyrannical, ideology of Islamists? Crucifixions and decapitations here in Calgary?
    My guess is at that point you will all be advising us to convert.

  10. And I found this interesting interview.
    Al-Maydeen TV: Excuse me, you’re talking about ISIS? You were in charge of an ISIS camp?
    Nabeel Naiem: No, I am telling you I was once in charge of a camp of 120 men and we were spending that time thousands (of Dollars), imagine how much this ISIS is spending?! Let me tell you something.. The wounded from ISIS during (terrorist) operations, are they being treated here in Lebanon? No, neither in Syria, nor in Saudi nor in Egypt, where do they go? They go to Israel. Now as we speak there are 1,500 of ISIS & Nusra (Front) are in Tel Aviv hospitals.

  11. Most Canadians would not say sh*t if their mouth was full of it. They take “tolerance” to a whole new level. It seems most would tolerate almost anything rather than defend themselves or their country.

  12. May 28/2013: “John McCain crossed into Syria from Turkey to meet with Salim Idris, the general commander of the Free Syrian Army. McCain wants the U.S. to support the Free Syrian Army with arms and a no-fly zone. NBC’s Richard Engel reports and NBC’s David Gregory discusses the visit.”
    The U.S. has sent aid to Free Syrian Army.

  13. It’s my theory – and I’m sticking with it – that a type of infiltration is being used in western democracies. Beach heads, so to speak, are being established in cities and towns throughout Canada and other nations.
    I had an experience in our local Canadian Tire yesterday that prompted me to write the following letter to our local newspaper. And I do really regret not speaking personally with the husband, because being native born, I still feel put on the defensive in confronting that with which I vehemently disagree. Anyway, here’s my letter.
    Dear Editor;
    Symbols are emotionally powerful, designed to convey more than mere words. On Wednesday while shopping at a major retailer, I was confronted by such a symbol, a woman wearing a black niqab with only her eyes visible. Her husband of course, wore comfortable western summer clothing and was indistinguishable from other shoppers. Unfortunately, being engaged in a transaction, I was unable to ask him questions that concerned me. I would have asked why they chose Canada, why they left their homeland behind and why he and his wife are rejecting Canadian culture and values. I would have asked if she had worn the niqab during her interviews with Canadian Immigration officers. I would have asked whether, since the niqab is not a requirement of the Muslim faith, it was a symbol of adherence to Islamic sharia law and the acceptance of women as chattels. I would have asked whether they came to Canada as immigrants who like millions before them, embrace Canada’s culture and values, or as her garment symbolically spoke to me, as ‘missionaries’ of Islam, here to spread the values of sharia law, misogyny and intolerance. While we speak of ourselves as embracing multi-culturalism, it is a grave mistake to accept all cultures as equally valid. Islamism, as expressed by such symbols of repression, is an outright rejection of the equality, plurality and democratic values of Canadian society and as such, should not be accepted by our society.
