Riding High

Politics is a lifestyle choice:

Alison Redford travelled the globe when she was Alberta’s premier and so did her travel scout, forwarding photos of hotels and suites, sussing out suitable patios and restaurants and at least once advising on public toilets.

Michelle Tetreault went to such locales as China, India, Switzerland, London and Washington in the 20 months she held the position that International Relations Minister Cal Dallas said didn’t exist before Redford came to power.

Pity that Princess Redford was forced to resign before she could fully ensconce her personal fiefdom.

11 Replies to “Riding High”

  1. I am a conservative, but I have always felt that when a government has been in power too long, a culture of entitlement and corruption sets in. I did not vote conservative in the last 2 elections in Alberta (to refresh memories “stupid Eddy” and Alison Redfraud) but voted Wildrose. Sadly, other voters gave the Provincial Conservative party 2 more terms. I feel vindicated.

  2. This behaviour is totally corrupt. Sometimes politicians drift into abuse of their perquisites, but here
    it appears that Alison Redford formed the clear intention of cheating the Alberta
    taxpayer of the large costs of this travel. A second offence is that she would not be able to carry out her
    administrative responsibilities during her absences.
    What, WHAT, were Alberta voters thinking when they returned her to power??????

  3. Sona guilty.
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
    Liberal Tory same old story.
    Now would be a good time to bring in the hidden agenda, stick a fork in the CPC, they’re done.

  4. She bribed the unions, and in turn, they tipped the balance of power to her.
    Says a lot about the reprobates trhe unions cozy up to.
    And vice versa!
    Remember too, there are too many across the country who take this stance, when it comes to politics:
    “My grandpa voted PC, my dad voted PC and I will always vote PC”….swap Dip or Fib for each one, too many brain dead boters in this country, witness the Turdeau stupidity going on……….

  5. We Albertans really dodged a bullet in 1992. We might have ended up with Nancy Betkowski instead of Ralph Klein. Instead, we got Betkowski-redux in Redford. I don’t see a Ralph Klein on the horizon in the current PC leadership race. If I was Danielle Smith I’d be blitzing Albertans with ads right now, on YouTube, along the lines of the Colorado ad with the Russian gangster.

  6. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next revelation is that Redford had an official food taster on staff.

  7. I’m surprised that more is not being made of the fact that the PC party was (maybe still is?) paying her in addition to her premier’s salary and perks. Why would anyone donate to them knowing that is how they spend your money?

  8. She’d look real fine in a Marie-Antoinette suit – with her hair piled up off her neck, of course.

  9. While you’re at it,maybe you could give us the name of the Liberal who was charged with making “robocalls”. Maybe you could tell us something about the NDP election spending thingy.

  10. I agree and would like to add(said this here during the election), that there were many newcomers to Alberta who had bought new shiny new trucks/cars and new homes and voted PC because they had payment obligations and didn’t want to rock the boat.
    As someone who worked very hard to get Wild Rose elected, I have to say that some of the responsibility is ours. We failed to get our message across.
