Y2Kyoto: The Manitoba Ice Cap

Another Earth Day success story;

It will take a handful of bulldozers and a few more weeks of warm weather, but City of Winnipeg staff are confident they can take a dent out of an 18-metre snowpile that has stubbornly refused to melt before winter threatens to once again overwhelm the city’s snow-dumping sites.


29 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The Manitoba Ice Cap”

  1. When I visited Winnipeg last month,my Brother just HAD to take me to see the city’s monuments. We drove to the new Human Rights Museum,and to see the snow piles.
    I was more impressed by the snow piles.
    On July 15, my Brother finally got the call to turn off his water which had been kept running after they thawed the lines in February, and didn’t want them to freeze up again.

  2. Back in the 1970s, a meteorologist of my acquaintance, who was by education a climatologist, told me that we were one missed summer from the next ice age. It seems we just dodged a bullet. Amazing how “global warming” creates so much cold…

  3. I live in a small town just south of Calgary, we too still have a pile of snow that has not completely melted yet.

  4. Tim Patterson; University of Carlton.
    Used to be at Uni of Alberta.
    Has been sampling Arctic lakes for years ,gave a great speech in Yellowknife to the NAPEG folks a few years ago.
    Global Warming???

  5. My favorite part from NYT article is where the scientist inadvertently sums up the whole global warming fiasco.
    Daniel P. Schrag, a geochemist and head of Harvard’s Center for the Environment, said “I think the most likely thing is that we’re going to see a rapid warming in the next five or 10 years, and we still won’t know why.”
    You don’t know why, but you are willing to predict global warming. Sheesh!

  6. when people believe the silly info that comes from a computer model that they programed, the we are doomed.

  7. OK, now lets go look for NOah’s ark, or was that also a lark?
    Yah, faith always obscures truth and facts

  8. From the article: “In fact, global warming has not stopped. The greenhouse gases released by humans are still trapping heat, and the vast bulk of it is being absorbed by the ocean, as has always been the case… This documented ocean warming is hard evidence that scientists have gotten the basic story right when it comes to the effects of human emissions. It is also a problem in itself, because water expands as it heats up, so the warming is a major factor behind the rise of sea level — which, in turn, has worsened flooding from storms like Hurricane Sandy. ”
    Oh course they had all the variables right except for, oops, the oceans. Sorry about that, no big deal. Anywhere be really scared. Only reeeaaal scientists understand that when atmospheric CO2 rise and temperatures don’t, well that just shows we’ve got it right. Now be really scared.
    Yeah, right – the fact that we’re wrong proves we’re right. Now be really scared.
    Laughable denial – their models we’re never right, they never tried to disprove their theory of AGW (not obvious reality of the greenhouse effect), declared the science settled and isolated and ridiculed anyone who called them on their consensus, switching the burden of scientific proof onto them.
    Yes, climate change happened, it’s probably stopped for now, nobody actually knows. The precision these AGW models refer to have neither empirically nor experimentally validated. Climate science has nowhere the scientific certainty for anything close to the conclusions we’ve seen, as if all we have to do is adjust the earth’s thermostat.
    Bait and switch between satellite and ground measurements has gotten really old. It’s not warming but it is warming, good weather is bad and so on – sorry the party’s over.
    BTW that doesn’t mean humans can pollute the s**t out the the world, except China of course. And keep buying their wind turbines because if governments around the world are buying them, then it must be the right thing to do (yeah actually heard that argument).
    Right? Now be really scared.

  9. Yeah well, some folks thought they found it in the foothills of ARARAT but the experts ruled it a natural formation because:
    (1) Although it was the right dimensions…it was not rectangular….
    (2) A geometric pattern of iron residue was not evidence of iron fittings…because Noah’s Ark was pre-bronze age…..
    (3) Noah’s Ark was a myth any way…

  10. Yeah well, some folks thought they found it in the foothills of ARARAT but the experts ruled it a natural formation because:
    (1) Although it was the right dimensions…it was not rectangular….
    (2) A geometric pattern of iron residue was not evidence of iron fittings…because Noah’s Ark was pre-bronze age…..
    (3) Noah’s Ark was a myth any way…

  11. A scientist from an Austrian university just published an article apparently proving all glacial melting is caused by man. What’s the saying? Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?

  12. At one time the Columbia Glacier at Jasper or a display picture there was marked with dates showing the receding ice. No, man has nothing to do with receding glaciers. There used to be a mile of ice over where I am presently sitting. Did man cause that to melt?

  13. I hear that the current thinking is that Noah’s Ark was a large coracle, and hence more or less circular.
    It has been thought for many a day that the story of Noah’s Ark, and the story of a vast inundation
    in the Gilgamesh Epic, do reflect some sort of actual occurrence, perhaps a major flood in Mesopotamia.
    A “snow patch” that doesn’t melt in summer is called a – glacier. Yes, that’s how they begin.

  14. Good chance the the Noah flood was a breach of the Bosporus , the whole local world was floodedR

  15. The Holocene Climate Optimum was a warming period during the interval from 9,000 to 5,000 years ago. It was much warmer than today, and as glaciers left from the Ice Age melted there were unprecedented floods all over the world as recounted in both written and verbal legends. The Christian Bible is one example.

  16. And yet here in BC the local globalwarmistas are screaming bloody murder. Its 30 degrees plus with forest fires all over. Oddly enough it’s just like any other summer but according to the experts it’s all caused by “climate change”.

  17. True, except that the HCO occurred over the course of several millennia, whereas the more recent warming trend has occurred over the course of fewer than two centuries.
    Nobody is saying that the Earth has never experienced climate change before, but it’s the PACE at which global temperature changes are being observed now that’s unprecedented.

  18. KT – That’s only because the proxies used for long term temperature calculations add a dampening effect to any spikes (up or down) in temperature. The natural variation of sea level near changes in global glaciation status is over 100 metres. I submit to you that us talking about how much we change the global climate is like mites on the backs of fleas arguing about how much we steer the dog. Sorry, but we’re just not that important.
    In the interests of full disclosure I’m a mining engineer who plans the mining of mountains and ridges. We can approximate several million years of erosion in a couple of decades, but only in a very localized area.
    We’re just not as powerful as what you seem to propose.

  19. About that ‘pace’…the science is settled? peer review means we can trust the reports? is it an inconvenient truth? how can they hide the decline?
    Are you new here kt?

  20. There are a lot of flood stories: Noah’s is just the best known. Relatively recent evidence points to the collapse of an ice dam here in Canada which allowed Lake Agassiz to flow into the Atlantic (or pre-Atlantic) Ocean, causing rapid rising of sea levels in Europe.

  21. Here in the Edmonton area, last winter was from September to May. Three months later the leaves are already starting to turn colour.

  22. Between 1860 and 1880, the world warmed for 21 years, at a similar rate to the 24 year period of warming which occurred between 1975 and 1998. There was simply not enough anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere to have driven the 1860s warming, so it must have been driven by natural variation. The climate is not hotter than it was in the past, periods such as the Holocene Optimum, or looking further back, the Eemian Interglacial. The warming which ended in 1998 was not faster, or of significantly longer duration, than similar natural warmings which occurred in the recent past.
    Nothing about the current climate is outside the bounds of climatic conditions which could reasonably be produced by natural variation

  23. One has to feel sorry for them climate scientists, well almost.
    40 years ago after a few years of cooling climate scientists at the time pulled out the ruler and drew a straight line down trough the data points and concluded the next ice age is upon us. Little more than 10 years later after a few years of warming out came the ruler again and after connecting the data points catastrophic global warming was predicted by the very same scientists. Another decade or two later the yet again the same scientists not knowing what way to point there ruler announced catastrophic climate change and would you know it not much has changed in the climate the last 17 years. And somehow those climate scientist having been proven wrong with there simplistic predictions think they are the smart part of the population and should dictate how the rest of us should live our lives. If I would apply there unimaginable genius and logic to the first few years of my working lives income I should be a millionaire and retired a long time ago.
    Most people aren’t dumb enough to think in such a simplistic way and those who do are climate scientists already.

  24. Interesting, the global warming, that hasn’t been detected on land in the last 15 years, surreptitiously makes it’s way into the oceans.
    That sneaky Gaia…

  25. Ya. They allegedly can tell the difference between natural glacial retreat and man made glacial retreat. Not that the man made glacial retreat looks any different from the natural retreat. It’s all in the models, you know, the models that run much warmer than the actual measured temperature record.

  26. Look at the pace of the climb out of the last ice age or even more dramatic, the onset and end of the Younger Dryas. About 1C rise from the middle of the 19th century is not a rapid pace by paleoclimate standards.
