16 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. This is known as ‘polishing your guns in the presence of the enemy’.
    I’m sure they will hang Israel first and then offer a ‘fair trial’.
    They aren’t interested in justice, they are interested in a victory celebration.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Simple…..bust him for Human Rights violation before he heads out….then transfer the case from the HRC to General Division (real court with a real judge) then throw away the key.

  3. Of what benefit is the UN to Western democracies when the dictators and despots of the world have the majority vote in that shrine of the Left? Canada should take the lead and clear out of it but it won’t happen, the Liberal Left would cry like Banshees, make it an election issue.
    We know how the Media Party would make that trump all other issues that really matter to Canadians, like lower taxes and economic security for the country. At this point they’ve only got Trudeau and pot, he’s on for legalizing it with no clue how that would be dealt with, how that would make it less available to kids. Tobacco and booze are legal, kids have no problem getting either of them.

  4. UNHRC supports the right to be a terrorist and will now punish the hate crime of calling a terrorist a terrorist – does it get any more psychotic?
    Canada has wisely decided to exercise its sovereign right to make its own foreign policy and leave this UN nest of venal serpents to dissolve in their own irrelevance.

  5. Life on the internet is hard. You can never fully believe what is written. If it interests, you must spend time searching for verification. Time consuming work often without result.
    Life on Twitter is even more difficult as one liners abound (and that’s why I don’t Twit).
    Did he really say that?? I’ve searched but can not verify……….
    I’m not a fan of the UN. It’s been discredited on numerous occasions for numerous acts, facts, and appointments. And, in consequence, it is easy to believe the worst. But is it true? It’s so egregious that I wonder………

  6. It appears to be an interpretation of someone’s opinion of what he has indicated in the past. That being said, here is what he has said:
    Schabas said, many people believe “there is a double standard in the UN Security council, because Israel gets off rather light in the UN Security Council.”
    and then there is his suggestion that the Israeli PM be in the dock at the ICC:
    Last year, Schabas declared, “My favorite would be Netanyahu within the dock of the International Criminal Court.”
    Should a judge who has expressed such opinions of the one to be investigated recuse themselves? Of course not. It;s the UN we’re taking about.

  7. Canada is so far down the rabbit hole you can’t see the total dominance of the UN over Canadian policy. A simple goggle of International LAW (UN) & the Canadian Supreme Court Chief Justice
    Beverley Mclachlin tells the story of why the CBC & MSM complain when “any” Canadian Government excises democracy.
    “The International Commission of Jurists are pressuring Harper.”

  8. Madam/Supreme Highness Beverley needs a harsh reminder she is not elected,she can interpret cases according to their beloved Charter dictates but she should keep her political opinions to herself.
    We don’t give a whack what she thinks about anything when she disrobes and leaves the high court, she’s way out of order to be criticizing elected officials, they are not before her court. In fact, she’s one of the most annoying people ever sit in that place, her superior attitude is palpable.

  9. Whereabouts was Schabas born in Canada and what is his background and I don’t mean all this self-congratulatory hoo-ha that the academics hand out like kindegarten gold stars. Anyone know anything about this guy? There’s another one a women who was a honcho at the UN and was around at the time of the Oil for Food scam and she wound up at some wonderful think tank for peace at U. of Waterloo. And then we have Maurice Strong Canada’s answer to George Soros. All the best in this best of all possible worlds!

  10. Maurice Strong hides out in China, a real Commie loving rat whose wish is for the destruction of industrialized nations….not his Commie hideaway in China where they pollute to the nth degree.

  11. Prof. Schabas was awarded an honorary degree in 2007 by Dalhousie University in Halifax. I think that this tells us all we need to know about him.

  12. Standards are good for the “little people”.
    Double standards are the true mark of our progressive elites.
    The Useless Nutjobs may have one function after all, landfill for the East River.
    Notice their rush to prevent the genocide in what was Iraq, moving so fast…hmm.
    But Gaza is a war crime???
    I guess there are not enough virgin boys available yet or typhoid to spread.
    Or do we have to kick them out of Haiti before they need fresh meat?

  13. “But, Schabas said, many people believe “there is a double standard in the UN Security council, because Israel gets off rather light in the UN Security Council.””
    Yeah….standard fare for the lefty/Islamic alliance which denounces the Security Council as prejudiced because it is not dominated by the despots and dictators like the General Assembly.
    The lefty/Islamic alliance seeks to disband/end the Security Council and bestow the Security Council’s authority and power with the General Assembly.
    The “UN Global Government” supporters intend the General Assembly to be the proposed global government not the Security Council.
