33 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Understatement of the week:
    “Sometimes you could almost get the impression that installing in the Oval Office an irresponsible anti-American adolescent with an Islamic-communist background and virtually no job qualifications mainly on the basis of his skin color was not one of the liberal establishment’s brighter ideas.”

  2. Russian light armoured unit and trucks cross border into Ukraine today. So-called aid convoy had been field parked and later today headed toward Luhansk, Ukraine bypassing the Red Cross checkpoint.
    All the drivers are young clean shaven military age men. Civilians? I think not.
    “A column of armoured vehicles and military trucks crossed the border from Russia into Ukraine on Thursday night, in the first confirmed sighting of such an incident by Western journalists.”
    “A separate, larger convoy of around 270 Russian trucks, which Moscow claims is carrying aid, rumbled to a halt just short of the border on Thursday night, while in east Ukraine, shells hit the centre of rebel-held Donetsk for the first time.”

  3. “Test results indicate that the RF resonant cavity thruster design, which is unique as an electric propulsion device, is producing a force that is not attributable to any classical electromagnetic phenomenon and therefore is potentially demonstrating an interaction with the quantum vacuum virtual plasma.”
    This last line implies that the drive may work by pushing against the ghostly cloud of particles and anti-particles that are constantly popping into being and disappearing again in empty space. But the Nasa team has avoided trying to explain its results in favour of simply reporting what it found: “This paper will not address the physics of the quantum vacuum plasma thruster, but instead will describe the test integration, test operations, and the results obtained from the test campaign.”
    Maybe NASA is not all just muslim outreach after all, but we remember cold fusion and faster than light neutrinos (not NASA experiments, but notable failures). It could be demonstrating a possible space drive that doesn’t have to carry all the fuel up the gravity well.

  4. How the MSM spins…
    Remember this?
    The man who did the stabbing – his name was Mohamed Ali.
    But instead of getting an editoral on the inherently dehumanizing violent nature of muslims (witness the recent genocidal savagery of ISIS), we get a lecture on texting and walking:
    Oh, and it was an “alleged” stabbing in the heart.
    Who is paying these guys to write this stuff?

  5. Toronto Star, Wed., Aug. 13. Letter to the editor from a biology professor at Ryerson.
    “The word ‘race’ was invented by Linnaeus where he categorized people in much the same manner he categorized other lifeforms.”
    “It’s well known that all of the Homo sapiens currently alive are recent descendants of a group of individuals, fewer than 200, that literally walked out of Africa into the Middle East and Europe and then the rest of the world, a mere 60,000 years ago.”
    “So statements like ‘biracial’ or ‘race’ are simply ‘racist’ because they perpetuate the ignorant division of humans by superficial meaningless traits. Races don’t exist, so stop referring to people as belonging to one race or another — or two races (biracial). There is only one race, the human race.”
    So can we finally drop “affirmative action” and “employment equity” in the garbage can where they belong?

  6. Toronto Star, Thurs., Aug. 14. More unsettled science.
    “Current maximum sodium recommendations are too low and could even be ‘unsafe,’ according to a new pair of studies from hundreds of researchers including some from McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences.”
    In a nutshell: many “healthy eating guidelines” recommend no more than 2,300 mg. of salt per day, but studies indicate that it’s possible the ideal amount is really somewhere between 3,000 and 6,000 mg.

  7. Letter which has so far not been published to the Montreal Gazette complaining about its complete regurgitation of Liberal talking points in its editorial on divisive (Conservative) politics:
    Re your Editorial Tories haven’t grasped the cost of wedge politics (August 7, 2014) I believe the Liberals are past masters of divisive politics. The party has a history of pitting the East against the West. Leader Justin Trudeau has recently announced that any pro-life Liberals need not apply to be candidates in the next election. And I haven’t forgotten former leader Michael Ignatieff supporting official bilingual municipal signage in Eastern Ontario where we all get along just fine thank you without our own Office De La Langue Française rules and regulations.
    Since Justin Trudeau’s forthcoming autobiography is called Common Ground and his supposedly finding values that bind us as Canadians is a major theme I find it rather offputting for the Gazette to be parroting the party line “It’s so easy to exploit the fault lines that divide us, it’s much harder to build common ground“.

  8. Re: Roger Waters
    A friend asks me if I want to go to a Roger Waters concert with him. I replied, “No thanks. If I want to see an anti-Semite perform, I’ll just get on YouTube and watch reruns of Obama, Carter, and Kerry. It’s just as sickening but a lot less expensive.”
    Friendship seems to have disintegrated…

  9. Does Warren Buffet have daddy issues?
    As you are probably aware no one on the planet hates gold with as white hot a passion as idiot-savant Warren Buffett and no one loved Ben Bernanke more! Warren’s own partner has gone on record saying they would have failed without TARP.
    But daddy Howard had a radically different view which has been proven to be wholly and tragically correct after 70 years.

  10. AGW Kills: UK’s Big Red-Green Bertha Update.
    Found: Trail That Wags Red-Green’s Dog.
    “UK weather: Wrap up, big chill on the way in Bertha’s wake
    Temperatures are expected to plunge this weekend as the Bertha weather system brings down cold air from Scandinavia in its trail”
    “Summer will be bought to an abrupt end this weekend as the tail end of Hurricane Bertha drags cold air in from Scandinavia.”
    “Irony alert – wind turbine involved in petroleum spill at sea”
    “Hazard to navigation?
    Danish ‘Safety Ship’ OMS Pollux, leaking oil after colliding with Morecambe Bay wind turbine
    A SHIP is leaking diesel after crashing into a wind turbine off the coast of Morecambe Bay.
    Liverpool Coastguard has been in attendance since just after 9am this morning co-ordinating the recovery of the stricken vessel which collided with part of a turbine at Walney Wind Farm.”

  11. One libertarian (and fundamentalist Christian) Gary North mildly chastises another libertarian, Gene Simmons of Kiss fame, for his insensitive and poorly informed dismissal of Robin Williams. A dismissal not unlike some of the callous comments here a few days ago.
    Being the oldest child of a alcoholic manic depressive father (no, bipolar doesn’t quite capture it!) I can tell you that North, who really liked Williams, has written the best thing you’re likely to read anywhere on the funny man’s untimely and tragic death by suicide.
    A very wise man, Gary North:

  12. The Globe and Mail has added the following message under the “Who’s the biggest name in Canadian broadcasting” poll, the one that had Ezra Levant in top spot at the top of the page:

    Editor’s Note: The order of appearance below is based on your voting which, like all Internet polls or surveys, can be subject to organized campaigns.

    Maybe that will assuage all the angry crybabies in the comments.
    Related: Grand Chief Nepinak calls for boycott of all Sun Media outlets.

  13. Anyone watch the Trudeau in a news event in Saskatchewan with bobble head Goodale beside him like a proud daddy? He was talking about legalizing pot at one point, I didn’t have time to watch it all but I’m sure it was clear as mud how he was going accomplish it, keep it away from kids. Guess nobody told him alcohol and tobacco are legal ans sales restricted but kids have no problem getting them.
    It Trudeau gets his arse into the PM’s chair we may have to start smoking pot, we’ll be able to equate with the days of Commie Russia, life was the pits but vodka was cheap and widely used to make their miserable lives tolerable. Justin admires Communist states.

  14. Yeah, great rant for sure EBD.
    But did you notice that his measure of success is a black BMW?
    Wonder what the debt outstanding is.

  15. How many people will hear about the whoops correction? Will the media party report it?
    IMO heads should roll in Stats-Can, they’ve gotta be a bunch of Liberal rats or they’re incompetent. A mistake of that magnitude doesn’t happen by accident.

  16. Media Party is mocking/ridiculing AGW Kills.
    Huff’n’Puffin L’Heureux With The Happy AGW-ENSO Kills & Kills Post.
    ENSO’ll huff’n’puff and huff’n’puff and blow you down & blow you down again, Pa.
    “El Nino’s Delay Spurs Memories of 2012 When It Never Came”
    “Literally and figuratively, we may be witnessing the start of ENSO’s second wind,” L’Heureux wrote.”

  17. Do not believe any news you hear or read from the Ukraine. I sincerely doubt that an invading Russian armored column was destroyed by the Ukrainians.
    Propaganda and lies smell mighty strongly.
