Oh, Shiny Pony! Caption Contest Winner

After a lengthy deliberation by the judges, we are ready to announce the winner!
But first, the Runners Up:
“As Justin announces Liberal platform support for 4th trimester abortions.”MOOSEMILK
“I want a pony with more than one trick!”JJJ
And tonight’s Shiny Pony goes to …

Trudeau Young Voter-1.jpg

“In fact I _do_ remember the exact moment I became a Conservative.”

Drop me an email, Brent and I’ll send you a list of books to choose from.
—Original post continues below—
Photo credit: Saskatoon Star Phoenix
Contest closes Sunday at midnight, the winning caption will receive a free book from the SDA Free Book Library.

169 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony! Caption Contest Winner”

  1. First, there was the spanking. Then, the lecture about the school of hard nocks. Now, this guy’s gonna be my nanny?
    You weren’t kidding about it being a jungle out here.

  2. “And this little guy will be one of the first Canadians to live his whole life in the Utopia I will create…”

  3. ‘Have you had this little one fitted for a burka yet? Don’t wait too long, it would be a shame if something were to happen to her in the mean time’.
    As an aside, look at the kid’s face and clenched fists. My fists would be clenched too if that turdo pos ever touched me.

  4. I have a bad feeling about this

  5. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
    —- Matthew 19:14

  6. “If you start squeezing taxpayers like this when they are this age, by the time they are my age they don’t mind at all”
