Oh, Shiny Pony! Caption Contest Winner

After a lengthy deliberation by the judges, we are ready to announce the winner!
But first, the Runners Up:
“As Justin announces Liberal platform support for 4th trimester abortions.”MOOSEMILK
“I want a pony with more than one trick!”JJJ
And tonight’s Shiny Pony goes to …

Trudeau Young Voter-1.jpg

“In fact I _do_ remember the exact moment I became a Conservative.”

Drop me an email, Brent and I’ll send you a list of books to choose from.
—Original post continues below—
Photo credit: Saskatoon Star Phoenix
Contest closes Sunday at midnight, the winning caption will receive a free book from the SDA Free Book Library.

169 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony! Caption Contest Winner”

  1. Justin fan 1: Is he beginning to speak in complete sentences yet ?
    Justin fan 2: Not quite.
    Justin fan 1: What about the baby ?

  2. “You know, as a white male in a Liberal Multicultural Diverse Just Society the only real option for your son is to become a Liberal politician!! Isn’t that exciting??”

  3. When I was this big I already knew I was going to be the Prime Minister.
    I’ve got a chunk of hash in the trunk of the Benz this big.

  4. The great part is this little gaffer’s kids kids kids KIDS will be paying for me and my Dad.

  5. Mommy Help Me! That stuff I left in my diaper last night has a hold on me and it has a stupid grin on its face!

  6. Yeah see the root cause of his unhappiness is because he’s a baby “who feels completely excluded, completely at war with innocents, at war with a society.”
    Here you hold him.

  7. When I was this big me and my brothers would smoke fat Cohibas on Cuban estates while Papa Fidel banged my Mom.

  8. “No, see, shake them up and down like this and then hand them to your 3rd world fake illegal immigrant nanny.

  9. Hey, smells like this little fella just filled his pants with Trudeau logic.
    If I’m elected, you will legally be able to hot knife what ever we scrape out of Oscar’s diaper here.

  10. Yeah see, it’s better if you go back to work and we take him and put him in all day government day care.

  11. Heh, it’s the funniest thing, all I said was ultimate frisbee coach and substitute drama teacher.

  12. Here’s a child who has yet to learn how he can contribute to society in a positive way, beyond the realm of parental dependence and normal childish ego-centric personal gratification.
    And the baby has a lot to learn too.

  13. Anyone, even this beautiful baby boy who knows nothing and has no life experience, can grow up to be Prime Minister of Canada, and I’m beginning to believe it!

  14. Jeez, all I said to the little guy is I will charge your future credit card to bribe the mindless to vote for me.

  15. For gods sake get this big goof away from me !!
    He’s such a pro-choice zealot he might start supporting a womans right to a POST-PARTUM abortion!

  16. The chip implant only takes about five minutes, we’ll bring him right back…Honest!!
