Oh, Shiny Pony! Caption Contest Winner

After a lengthy deliberation by the judges, we are ready to announce the winner!
But first, the Runners Up:
“As Justin announces Liberal platform support for 4th trimester abortions.”MOOSEMILK
“I want a pony with more than one trick!”JJJ
And tonight’s Shiny Pony goes to …

Trudeau Young Voter-1.jpg

“In fact I _do_ remember the exact moment I became a Conservative.”

Drop me an email, Brent and I’ll send you a list of books to choose from.
—Original post continues below—
Photo credit: Saskatoon Star Phoenix
Contest closes Sunday at midnight, the winning caption will receive a free book from the SDA Free Book Library.

169 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony! Caption Contest Winner”

  1. “Hey Pony, you’re not the only one to leave an impression. Here’s my Don Rickles!”

  2. “No Problems Mom, Dirty diapers, like Federal budgets just take care of themselves”
    “Ewww, I smell poop and this time it’s not from my diaper!”

  3. “Your little oochie koochie is so dependent right now. Thank you for supporting me and the Liberal party so that we can keep it that way!”

  4. My fist is ready to pummel and I don’t even know what that means!…Moooommmmeeeeeee

  5. Children can sense the people around them. He knows a baby killer that tot when he being held by one.

  6. By the time this little guy can speak well enough to protest I will have spend already all the income tax he will make during his life as Prime Minister of Canada 🙂

  7. “I wanna be a trust fund baby” common sing it with me ” I wanna be a trust fund baby”

  8. That picture makes me wonder.
    Did the “Natural Ruling Party” of Canada, lose their minds when booted out of office?
    The more this lisping, vacuous man child exposes himself to the voters, the more sure I am that the party imploded when Chretien got backstabbed.
    How else do we explain Stephan, Iggy and now Just-IN.
    The downward spiral is appalling.
    The babies expression is priceless, he/she sees the possible future with Just-In at the helm.
    This is a campaign poster,better tell the CPC to get the rights now.
    Much more of Just-In and the older liberals will be campaigning for Harper.

  9. “… And I was his son, and he took me to the Soviet Union to see the cuture. Wait, it gets better! I ran against one of my dad’s lovers, who is the mother of my step-sister, and who was the daughter of a former head of the Bank of Canada, and whose brother is a national commentator on the CBC. And my mom was a groupie with the Stones…”

  10. “Quickly someone remove this child before this photo-op becomes part of the next CPC ad.

  11. How about this for a caption?
    “A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

  12. Baby (as an adult): “In fact I _do_ remember the exact moment I became a Conservative.”
