29 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Yahoo:

    Earlier in the day, (Capt. Ron) Johnson (of the Missouri Highway Patrol) said he had met members of Brown’s family and the experience “brought tears to my eyes and shame to my heart.”

    “When this is over,” he told the crowd, “I’m going to go in my son’s room. My black son, who wears his pants sagging, who wears his hat cocked to the side, got tattoos on his arms, but that’s my baby.”

    Johnson added: “We all need to thank the Browns for Michael. Because Michael’s going to make it better for our sons to be better black men.”


  2. Your humble agent Lev on August 14, 2014 11:25 AM commented on https://www.smalldeadanimals.com/archives/hows-th.html#comments this: …. Communist party of US must be celebrating……
    Well have a look at this:
    See Who’s Been Spotted in Ferguson Trying to ‘Incite’ Riots and Mingling Among Group Armed With Molotov Cocktails
    You’re welcome.

  3. PS: When you’re done laughing after reading the Keystone concert story, check out the coal fields of Gillette, Wyoming on Google Earth. Just go North and East of the city, and enjoy the view!
    Question: Why aren’t they having the concert there instead??

  4. I lived in Missouri in the early sixties and I remember when black kids were the best dressed and groomed kids (the parents too always never left the house without looking well turned out). They were also the ones who worked hardest in school because there parents wanted them to achieve.
    Since then the black family has fallen apart. Political commentators talk about the lack of jobs and the inevitable explosion in Ferguson, but I wonder how many of the young adults actually got their high school diploma which is crucial to get any kind of a job these days.
    I wonder how many applied to be a policeman, what kind of grades did they get and how many were rejected. Lazy journalists could actually dig into this instead of just going on about the fact that there are only three black police officers in Ferguson. There may be discrimination here or there may even be affirmative action with black hired with lower grades than whites.
    There is nothing like the incredible discrimination I remember from the early sixties where my brother went to boy scout camp and was appalled to see separate swimming pools for blacks and whites. Can you name any other country in the world which doesn’t have a black majority where so many blacks have risen to the top of fields such as entertainment, sports and, yes, politics (governors, mayors).

  5. Normandy H.S. will issue a certificate of attendance to “graduating” seniors to differentiate them from those who didn’t and those who had already done some time in other state institutions. Had an uncle who taught in Normandy H.S. He had some stories…

  6. Any more news on the walk in/intrusion on the Trudeau Ottawa residence through an unlocked door?
    Nah, now the media is all agog over the latest poll from Nanos that shows the Conservatives tanking further.
    Is it time we start to show some respect for that Shiny Pony? He’s on his way to being given the top political job and take Canada to a place we’ve never been. A dangerous gamble by voters who have more interest in their own agendas, many foreign to all this country was built on and once stood for, much of it could be the elements who harbor hatred for Jews and the support Harper has vowed for Israel’s right to exist. Whatever, we are heading for the most dangerous escapade in our history with this boy/man/flower child ready to cuddle terrorists while he looks for root causes.

  7. Who cares about a pair of scraggly old prunes looking for attention? They both could volunteer to be shot out of a cannon into the tailing ponds, guitars and all then sing us a duet and no one would notice except the professional protesters paid by rich buffoons who use more oil products than the rank and file could ever imagine. Hypocrites to the core.
    Our peaceful world in Canada is the envy of many around the globe but we are being attacked by fools who want to see us become a basket case, a haven of Socialism with our skylines laden with wind turbines and solar panels.
    We have so much work to do to save this country, so little time before a crucial election that could change our lives drastically. Look at Ontario as an example of stunned stupid voting, we’re taxed out of our homes, regulated from stem to stern as to what we can and cannot do by a government that is bankrupt in every definition of the word.

  8. LizJ:
    Re: Trudeau break in.
    The more I read up on this, the more it looks as if it was staged as a publicity stunt for Trudeau. The CBC has been using it as trough for Liberal drivel. Just look at the comments. Yet when I wrote: ”Before Trudeau comes west to tell us how to run our business, he needs to learn to lock his doors at night” my comment was deleted by CBC.
    On the other hand the CBC did NOT delete comments such as ”Harpergate comes to mind.” Where is there evidence that Harper was even remotely involved with the Trudeau family and leaving their doors opened at night??

  9. Name our enemy: Mohammed.
    “Beheading of U.S. journalist raises stakes for Obama’s action against Islamic State militants” (G-M)
    “We must destroy the Islamic State to prevent violence on British streets”
    “The intelligence and security services have been warning for several months now that the greatest threat to British security is likely to come from British jihadists who have been radicalised fighting in countries like Syria and Iraq, who then return home to wage their pernicious form of jihad on Britain’s streets.
    You only have to look at the wanton acts of extreme violence – public beheadings, crucifixions etc – that the jihadists have perpetrated against ancient Yazidi and Christian communities in northern Iraq in recent months to understand the extreme measures they are prepared to pursue to achieve their warped goals.
    David Cameron is to be commended for being so open –…”

  10. AGW Kills Bank Holiday.
    “So much for summer: Snow set to blast Scotland as forecasters warn of ‘coldest August spell in a century’
    Forecasters have warned that Cumbria and Yorkshire could see the coldest August spell in 95 years
    The temperature rose no higher than 8.9C in 1919 and it is expected to dip that low again later this week
    Snow is predicted in the mountains of Scotland as a stubborn band of low pressure drags air in from the north
    Experts are predicting scattered showers, cool temperatures and windy weather for the next two weeks
    MeteoGroup has said said there is ‘not much to be optimistic about’ as the Bank Holiday weather looks ‘disappointing'”

  11. This “event” at the Trudeau residence is becoming more curious and suspicious, the less we hear about it the more suspect we will be. Of course the silly asses who are stomping for Justin will try to lay blame, make it political.
    They seem to think the PM and his Office, his support staff have nothing better to do than make mischief. That’s another reason why the Liberals are not ready for prime time, they have no idea how serious the job of running the affairs of this country is.
    We await the Media Party keeping us updated on their investigation of this one……crickets.

  12. If ever a President of the USA qualified for impeachment Obama must be close to it. He does his best work with his tongue. We should all be concerned about this presidency.

  13. Like Manna from Heaven Kate. Cheers.
    Toronto mayoral hopeful Olivia Chow is learning why one of her key strategists has labelled himself the “Prince of Darkness” of Canadian politics after Warren Kinsella suggested John Tory’s transit plan was “segregationist.”
    In a series of tweets Tuesday, Kinsella noted that Tory’s SmartTrack transit plan avoids two predominately black neighbourhoods in Toronto.
    “Is John Tory’s Smart Track, you know, Segregationist Track?” Kinsella wrote in a tweet that has since been deleted. (Check out the pic accompanying the tweet that was deleted, NP has a screen grab, it’s priceless.)
    John Visser NP

  14. O’s Cabbage Patch.
    H/T Citoyen MulcairBloc & Mohammed.
    “The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head He went galumphing back.*”
    “Obama Condemns US Journalist’s Beheading
    Voice of America”
    “Obama says beheading ‘shocked the conscience’ of the world
    Reuters Canada”
    “New Democrat MP quits party because she thinks Mulcair is too pro-Israel
    National Post”

  15. Does anyone think if Bush were in the White House at this time things would be vastly different regarding dealing with terrorists who behead an American journalist? Would he be on the side of the democratic country of Israel being attacked by scum of the earth terrorists, called “extremists” of a faith that preaches, calling for the killing of all infidels?

  16. They have already been recruiting blacks for a long time. Especially in the prisons.

  17. AGW Kills the “Pause”? nope!
    The “Pause” Kills AGW.
    “It’s a substantial heat wave, but it might not be as big a deal or as noticeable in any other summer.”
    “Late Heat Wave Would Have Been Impressive Back in June”
    “Temperatures will rise into the high 90s Fahrenheit (mid-30s Celsius) across the U.S. South from today, ushering in what may be the summer’s hottest days.
    The heat wave is noteworthy only in its rarity this year.
    “It’s impressive relative to the kind of benign summer that we have had,” said John Feerick, a meteorologist with AccuWeather Inc. in State College, Pennsylvania. “It’s a substantial heat wave, but it might not be as big a deal or as noticeable in any other summer.””

  18. I give the West 20 or 30 years before Democracy doesn’t exist. Thanks to freckles Politicians along with their socialist water carriers the Media.
    American Decapitated by Englishman
    His executioner – the man standing next to him in the picture at right – was speaking with a British accent. That’s to say, he’s one of thousands of citizens of western nations – British, American, European, Canadian and Australian – who’ve flocked to join the planet’s coolest new gang and saw the heads off anyone who gets in their way: Christian, Yazedi, Kurd, Shia, Alawite, and, indeed, plenty of little schoolgirls in pretty pink dresses. As I said to John, a higher proportion of British Muslims are serving with ISIS than as soldiers of the Queen. Click below to listen:
