They’re Here To Teach Us

Artists Katy Albert and Sophia Hamilton, aka Mothergirl, tell us that their work “exhibits a strategically refracted or misrepresented view of current political and philosophical discourse, creating a space where viewers are challenged to think critically about their own relationships with feminism, consumerism, and representational visuality.”

Which is why they spent 90 minutes standing by an onramp hitting themselves with pillows.

31 Replies to “They’re Here To Teach Us”

  1. It’s difficult to take performance art seriously when the artists aren’t nude. I’d possibly watch again, or at least forward this to friends if they were.
    Why are they so intent on conforming to societal norms by wearing women’s dresses? Neither was wearing a veil, this would have helped diversify this work.
    All the pillow punches seem soft, (I skimmed through, not actually watching the full performance) yet the world’s not a soft place. It’s sometimes hard, cold, and lonely. Perhaps the pillow punchers need to up their game by using much harder pillows, possibly damp, and alone, instead of in a group of two. People are hurt in this world every day, I didn’t see any hurt here. I did note the do not enter sign posted near to them, almost saying, “don’t try this at home kids”….
    Without a musical soundtrack to this work, how do I know which group is being represented?
    I like the name Sophia, it’s pleasing to me, soft, sensual, something I may or may not mutter in my dreams, I thank this artist for using that name. Still, that dress needs work.

  2. Just think of how great, say, Rembrandt would have been as an artist if he had done things like this. What a fool he was to confine himself to painting pictures that still please viewers (and do a whole lot more than please) nearly four-hundred years later. We’ve come a long way.

  3. I think that they failed to capture the futility and brutality of war. Next time they should substitute tire irons for the pillows.

  4. I think they are in need to be” challenged to think critically about their own relationships”

  5. (don’t comment on the sign)
    (why not?)
    (it would be vulgar and sexist)
    (but I’m …)
    (damn you, get out of my head, you killjoy)
    (heh, heh)

  6. It would have been much more effective had they used baseball bats instead of pillows. Ah, the political statement you could make while beating yourself to death.

  7. Perhaps the hardest thing about processing the actions of our society’s vanguard is keeping up with their ever-changing nomenclature.
    This kind of thing used to be called a manifestation of Autism. Now it is called a ‘durational performance’.

  8. If they didn’t look like finalists from the women’s Olympic axefight they could stick the pillows under their large butts and throw thier legs in the air as large piece signs. Yes proper spelling

  9. This performance would not have been possible if someone hadn’t hit them first with a brick.

  10. This sort of exhibitionism results when segments of society lose their grip on reality.

  11. Heh. Perfomance art. They used to call this crap dancing to disco at a slumber party,stoned on Mom’s prescrption drugs and cheap wine somebody’s big brother had bought.Or akin to autism.

  12. These two should be given tedious and repetitive manual labor to perform at low wages until they get a clue. That would be good performance art.

  13. And here I thought 21st Century self-flagellation was just watching the mainstream media or having to listen to a striking BC Teacher snivel about negotiations. Perhaps they wanted to date Muslim guys but simulated beatings were as close as they could get. Most likely they were using the pillow beatings to suppress the urge to chase the cars and bite the tires.

  14. I watched this video for 30 seconds (28 too many). With every pillow strike I felt more embarrassed or those poor girls. The more I thought about though I feel more sorry for the birds that gave their feathers for those pillows.

  15. And these people wonder why they have to stay on the dole for years, and insist that taxpayers need to give up their hard-earned dosh to “support the arts” – meaning support useless parasites like this. True story: my wife studied fine arts at a Canadian university that shall remain nameless, and was called on the floor by her profs, and given lousy grades, again and again, for the simple act of developing the skill to create paintings that had no political content – paintings, I might add, that she is now able to sell to appreciative buyers.
    So, do university arts curricula encourage failure? You bet they do. But gosh, are they ever correct.

  16. Actually, it does bear more than a passing resemblance to much of our current political discourse….

  17. It seems to be working…

    The federal Tory government is becoming as interventionist and poke-nose as the Liberals or NDP. Almost.

    Earlier this month, Status of Women and Labour Minister Kellie Leitch told reporters she has written to the CEOs of Canada’s 500 largest companies “suggesting” that their boards of directors be comprised of 30% women within five years.

    There was no or else. And that’s all there is that separates Leitch’s initiative from something a liberal-left government would come up with.

    The feds, led by Leitch, are going to require federally regulated companies to file regular reports declaring what their goals are for women on their corporate boards. What percentage? When? And what are those companies doing to recruit more female directors?

    At the moment, Leitch says her hectoring is intended only to “compel them to think about this.” She will only nag companies to appoint more women to their boards, she won’t make it a legal requirement as the governments in Norway and France have done.

    This would be one of those things to write your MP about.

  18. “Actions like these will not make it any easier for these girls to land a husband”
    I beg to differ,CB. There are tons of leftie progs,metrosexual, pussified “men” around to sweep(pillow) these nitwits off their feet(they are all ready off their meds).

  19. Was taxpayer money funding that?
    If not, I don’t care.
    At least it’s keeping them from actually bothering people trying to live or do things.

  20. Dunno, from my observation, those who would set themselves up as our teachers are in dire need of an education themselves

  21. ….”exhibits a strategically refracted or misrepresented view of current political and philosophical discourse, creating a space where viewers are challenged to think critically about their own relationships with feminism, consumerism, and representational visuality.”….
    …seems to me someone found a sheet or two of windowpane…??
