Operation Empty Chair


Fire destroyed the terminal at Tripoli’s main airport on Sunday, one day after it was seized by militia fighters from the Libyan city of Misrata, witnesses said.
Unidentified war planes also attacked targets in the capital, residents said, the latest stage of the worst fighting in Libya since the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.
Tripoli residents heard jets followed by explosions at dawn but more details were not immediately available.
It was unclear who had burned the terminal and supporters of the rival factions took to social media to accused each other.

Update: Egypt and the United Arab Emirates were responsible for carrying out two series of air strikes in the past week on armed Islamist factions in Tripoli, Libya, U.S. officials said on Monday.

23 Replies to “Operation Empty Chair”

  1. In the hell-hole that Gaddafi once ruled as a functional country one suspects the “militants” (terrorists in antbody’s terminology) are muslim friendly and Iran sponsored.
    Hope it was Israel that took the initiative, the empty chair and euroland are hopeless at protecting their sovereignty.

  2. “Worst president since Jimmeh”
    People should start apologizing for their doubt in Jimmy. The Middle East has really been frigged up by Barak Hussein sailing without a rudder. I say start sending arms to Assad.

  3. Ummmmmm Keith…you didn’t check out the link above your post?Try it.It works when you read them,not just the leader.

  4. This has to be the most obvious sign of how the rest of the world views the USA and the Obama regime.
    When the UAE and Egypt launch air strikes without waiting for permission,which may not have come, you know America is not that important any more, nor can it’s allies rely on America.
    American diplomats are outraged, say the peace talks will be disrupted. To hell with those mealy-mouthed bastards who will talk on and on while people die by the thousands.
    If Obama set out to destroy America’s place in the world, he has succeeded magnificently.

  5. Well, a long, long time ago at a Georgetown cocktail party far away one f the Best and Brightest guys who got us involved in Vietnam is reported to have sad “Let the Woggies fight it out”. Just as long as we tell them that if they f**k with the West we’ll kill them all.

  6. Well, the Israelis found that the planning information which they confided to the US was promptly leaked to HAMAS etc.,
    sometimes to the considerable embarrassment of third parties.
    Caroline Glick wrote recently that Obama is explicitly now taking a pro-HAMAS stance, and presumably pro-ISIS as well.

  7. Just a little union jurisdiction dispute.
    Terrorist group 1 ; We start fires, not our job to fight them.
    Terror group2, ; We blow things up, not our job either.
    So consider the airport to be another liberated area of the Islamic Free Army.
    Destroying stuff is quick and easy, it takes much braver people to try to build.
    Especially when surrounded by dolts like these .

  8. Say what? “Caroline Glick wrote recently that Obama is explicitly now taking a pro-HAMAS stance, and presumably pro-ISIS as well.”
    Nah can’t be The Obummer is full ahead promote(destroy) The USA. Ms. Glick had better watch out for the IRS and Mr.Holder.

  9. Mogadishu on the Mediterranean.
    Jihadi Fanatics, Tribal Conflicts, and Burn, Plunder, Pillage. Of course they get it backwards. Competent barbarians know they should plunder and pillage, then burn.
    The only reason Egypt is not in the same sad shape from being mis-ruled by Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood is the Egyptian Military took over last year (again). Obama and the US State Department demanded Egypt return Morsi to power. General Al-Sisi did not listen. And he arrested and jailed most of the Muslim Brotherhood.

  10. Libya has the largest oil reserves in Africa and exports 85% to Europe. Shed a tear or two for the poor Europeans that blew their wad on useless green energy and are now caught in the vise of Putin on one side and the taps being turned off on the other side. Wonder how good Gaddafi looks in hindsight ? Karma is such a bitch.

  11. cgh, John Lewis, and peterj, exactly.
    Now the Egyptian and UAE military have to clean up the mess we made in Libya.

  12. Well, with a little luck, it will Dawn on the Saudis that their shining airforce could, before lunch, hit IS. And do it again in the afternoon.
    Call me crazy but it has to beat IS in Mecca.

  13. Worst President since Jimmeh?
    Hell, worst President since George III.
    Probably a better golfer, though. By now at least.

  14. Say what you want about Jimmah, he only got American soldiers killed stupidly. Obama has managed to lose an entire freakin country and has managed to let a Holy Media Person get beheaded. Oh, not to mention a couple thousand random Iraqis dead by the side of the road.

  15. Press Release from the Office of the Sultan of Swing:
    “I instructed them (Egypt and UAE) to go ahead with the strikes on one condition: that they would only have my approval if they undertook the strikes and made it appear that I had not been the co-ordinator slash facilitator slash planner. I did so because I am a humble, modest individual who regularly avoids the adulation that I am entitled to.”

  16. For shame sir: a great old Dire Straits tune does NOT deserve to be associated with the Cretin-In-Chief.
