The Road to Hell

Is paved with nanny state intervention.

On Monday, by a vote of 36 to 2, Toronto City Council voted in favour of a Board of Health recommendation which would prohibit e-cigarette use in all City of Toronto workplaces. The Board also called on the provincial government to amend the Smoke-Free Ontario Act to ban e-cigarette use wherever cigarettes are banned and to prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes to minors.

I have no problem explicitly banning the sale to minors. Any retailer I’ve used does that already.
I can guarantee you that if Saskatchewan jurisdictions start along the same road I’ll probably be back on cigarettes when I work in those areas. You don’t get anywhere near the nicotine dose from electronic nicotine delivery as you do from smoking. When working on-site it’s more efficient to puff a cigarette for 5 minutes than to vape for 30.
No cigarette since February, thanks to electronic devices, at risk because people say it looks like smoking and have absolutely no facts supporting any serious health issue.

48 Replies to “The Road to Hell”

  1. I got so completely pzxxed off at the government that I quit smoking cold turkey, and simply told myself that any stress I felt as a result was simply the manifestation of my hatred for Trudeau, Chretien, Mulroney, Martin, and the rest of their cronies and supporters up the line and down again. In the end, they miss my taxes more than I miss smoking. It’s worked for more than twenty years.

  2. It seems that much of the left’s fetish for control is more about controlling appearances than anything else.

  3. Try nicotine mints or gum (unless, of course, the powers-that-be have decided to outlaw them as well). Nothing is worth going back to smoking.
    They made quitting possible for me. Not easy, but possible.
    And good luck.

  4. Lefties are ruled by their irrational fears, and think everyone else should be so ruled as well.

  5. Do e-cigs actually have any electronics in them, aside from the heating element? Usually the term “electronics” denotes some application of electricity a little more complex than brute-force ohmic heating. There has to be some manipulation of a signal of some sort.
    It’s more of a small appliance than an electronic device. I know the line is getting blurred these days, when many small appliances have onboard processors, and are legitimately “electronic” inasmuch as their controls are concerned.
    And I have seen some annoying e-cig users ostentatiously blowing out virtual clouds of vapor into the atmosphere of rooms where they were. I know not all e-cig users are annoying douches, but there are some.

  6. I have great difficulty understanding the progressive mindset that with one side of the brain wants to ban tobacco and other means of nicotine delivery, while thinking its okay to push the marijuana issue to acceptance or legalization.
    These people are truly dislocated at the level of mental stability.
    In a fact they are mentally unhinged.

  7. These kind of rulings have nothing to do with health or smoking. It all about the power trips that took them into politics in the first place.

  8. But how quickly scientists use their status to get climate change on the agenda and the demand for the government to act NOW! based on whatever wonky data someone comes up with (think Mann and hockey stick)

  9. But if you’re a drug addict they’ll give you free needles and often drugs too. But a big fine if you smoke cigarettes, a legal product. Lots of smarts those lefties.

  10. Save Ontario.
    Farm Toronto off as the newest province, with its existing borders.
    This will isolate these fools and bandits to a limited area.
    Allow rural Ontario to establish representative government.
    Allow Toronto residents to enjoy the fruits of their wisdom.
    Of course a fence would be necessary.

  11. The silly of Red Deer recently placed such a ban. I guess that means Popeye candy cigarettes and sucking on a straw will be next on the nanny state list of “Silly things to waste time and money on” Oh how the mighty have fallen.

  12. Gordinkneehill asked: “Do e-cigs actually have any electronics in them, aside from the heating element?”
    Yes. There is a subset that are called mechanical mods (modification). These are simply a tube with a button that allows current to pass.
    However, the vast majority of e-nic devices are regulated (hardset or variable) voltage/wattage with all sorts of built-in protection. i.e reverse polarity, low battery, full-charge, short circuit protection, and low resistance.

  13. It became clear to me after they banned the peanutbutter sandwich that WHEN… they get you in their sights… the party is over. Period!
    So, that said, you might as well give-up the fight now; as you literally have a 0% chance of stopping the ‘do-gooders’ from doing “good”.
    I think this quote is suitable:
    “I would rather die from cancer that live in a do-gooders bubble” Kathy Shaidle
    Unfortuanatly… the bubble is not an option.

  14. Typical statist bait and switch.
    Smoking is bad for you. But that’s my business, as long as I’m not harming others. But, second hand smoke harms others.
    Wouldn’t want to do that; OK ban smoking in public places.
    Vaping doesn’t cause second hand smoke. Irrelevant because smoking is bad for you. I thought if I wasn’t harming others then that’s my business.
    Typical statist response. Don’t think, just shut up. You’re obviously evil (and probably racist), no need to listen to the likes of you. Did I mention you’re probably a kitten eater?
    Coming soon, no vaping or smoking in private places, cause we know what’s bad for you, and we’re it baby.
    For further reference check tobacco taxes and lawsuits to recover the social cost.
    Any questions?
    As my late father in law often remarked, thinking makes lefties heads hurt.

  15. This is more about forcing people back on the smoking gravy train. Do you know how many hospitals, health professionals, pharmaceuticals, scientists, advocacy groups, government revenues etc etc have their very existence tied to the steady stream of citizens with cigarette smoking maladies. This e-cig has the potential to derail that train.

  16. Would these be the same people who are pushing for legalizing marijuana, the toke being pushed by Justin Trudeau and his supporter, King of Pot Marc Emory? Next election may be go to pot and if Trudeau wins we may all want to toke up.

  17. Happy vaper here now as well. Picked it up after Wynne’s Liberals won. I wanted to pay as little tax as possible and quitting smoking was one step. Unfortunately I also live in Toronto. That being said, whenever I am out at a bar I ask the staff if I can vape at my table or have to step out. I don’t even ask at a restaurant. The nanny statists in Toronto feel they are falling behind the ultimate nanny state city so have to one up them.
    In Ottawa you aren’t even allowed to smoke outside in parks. Toronto has a bylaw like that in the pipe. Now they are going after a NRT that for a lot of smokers works better then other methods. I have tried the patch. I can’t chew gum and other NRT’s are overly expensive. Vaping is know becoming cheaper for me then smoking is.
    As well I love the option of flavors that aren’t tobacco based.

  18. Shamrock said…”Smoking is bad for you. But that’s my business, as long as I’m not harming others. But, second hand smoke harms others.”
    Yes.Smoking is bad.I quit on Oct 8th,2013,and haven’t looked back.However,the second-hand smaoke thingie is pure BS.I lived with 3 other smokers,who smoked in the house,and when I took a drug test for employment,specifically asked if they would test for nicotine also.They did,and not a trace of it in my system.Pure PC BS.

  19. When jurisdictions decided that businesses could not provide a smoking area for clients, I was a little suspicious about their motives. When it was decided to ban smoking outdoors, first in patios, then parks, my suspicions were confirmed. The whole anti-tobacco jihad is not about health. Never was and never will be. It’s a pure, unadulterated lust to wield power and control over others. Whenever a certain group in control decides to up the ante and impose further nonsensical bans, the next group, desperately needing to feel progressive, takes it one step further. Smokers, being the modern day equivalent of lepers, really have no choice but to be herded along like sheep as government officials attempt to satisfy their insatiable urge for power and control.

  20. I don’t know an e-cig from a burning stump but I know bureaucratic overreach and nanny state tyranny when I see it – way past time people stood together and tell the nanny banners to FOAD.
    I don’t smoke but I carry a very old dried out black stogie just in case I ever bump into some officious nanny state twinkie who is scolding someone (or just lipping off for their prog homies) about smoking in the open air – the other part of my personal defiance arsenal is an always ready to draw loud eardrum rattling FOAD.

  21. I’m from the days of smoking rooms in schools. All the cool kids smoked. I smoked for 40 years and quit cold turkey. Easiest thing I ever did, coincidentally the day of my heart attack. Haven’t had one since. Being a gardener, that spring, I had bought tobacco seed and was going to smoke for a year on the price of a pack or two. I’ve told myself I’m going to start again in 20 years, at 80.

  22. Let’s face it… this issue is about leftist controlling every aspect of our lives, that is their desire. It has nothing to do with health, nothing at all… its about control. Leftists “progressives” live to control, they’re constantly scheming up new ways to control people. Second hand smoke is bullshit! Banning e-cigs is an even bigger load of BS… “Progressives” don’t care about facts or science nor rational thought because that runs counter to their tyrannical nature, and their biggest enemy is individuals thinking for themselves and acting for themselves… e-cigs simply pisses “progressives’ off, so they ban it.

  23. As my late father in law often remarked, thinking makes lefties heads hurt.
    Posted by: Shamrock
    And lefties have very low tolerance for pain. For that matter, they have very low tolerance. Period.

  24. Yes, according to news reports apparently ‘e-cigs’ are the easiest way to consume cannabis without being detected.

  25. Proof that to the left the banning of e-smokes has far more to do with the taking away of peoples freedom then their concern for your health. And the fact that they support the smoking of marijuana is simply further proof that their brains have turned to mush.

  26. Bullies now run our lives. To the Premier of Ontario lets ban being gay since thats a choice to, can hurt others & is not healthy.It causes a lot of communicable diseases. The whole lot of them are Nazis.

  27. Different kinds of smoke
    1st hand smoke….alleged to be toxic…..dubious science
    2nd hand smoke…alleged to strip the chrome off a car bumper…upwind…
    3rd hand smoke…the smell on yer clothes is alleged to be toxic
    4th hand smoke….SEEING somebody smoking….includes TV, video….
    5th hand smoke…the very thought that someone, somewhere is smoking……

  28. that second hand smoke is harmful could be put into the same category as global warming
    Quite true.
    The planet is still slowly and inexorably warming since the last ice age, not at an alarming rate that we haven’t experienced before in human history. It’s been a lot warmer than now in the past. It will continue to warm until it shifts back into another ice age. It has been doing this cycle for the past 3.5 million years or so since the gap at Panama closed.
    People who live with smokers but don’t smoke ‘first hand’ have a documented and proven greater chance of lung cancer than those who don’t live in a smoking environment.

  29. “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good
    of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live
    under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.
    The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may
    at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good
    will torment us without end for they do so with the approval
    of their own conscience.”
    Thank you CS Lewis

  30. The only category of exposure that showed a trend toward increased risk was living in the same house with a smoker for 30 years or more.
    That’s 2nd hand smoke exposure.

  31. I’ve stopped posting links since more often than not they cause the message to be held by the ‘blog administrator’. Learn how to use google or other search engine.

  32. Regardless of the debatable 2nd hand smoke toxicity, I’m glad I can be inside buildings without having to tolerate the respiratory irritation of someone burning leaves. The indoor air quality of buildings has improved significantly now that smoking is banned.

  33. What Sean M said @ 6:23.
    Dr. Tom @ 8:19, that is so true and we have as a society have been experiencing this people control for a few decades now.
    And to think of the human cost and treasure we expended to defeat Nazism and the Soviet empire only to have the same mindset doing their best to control every aspect of our lives.

  34. Entrepreneur alert!
    E-cig dispenser that looks exactly like an asthma inhaler.
    Just what the “doctor” ordered…

  35. Now that’s smart marketing. Getting a nicotine hit from an inhaler rather than appearing to smoke seems like an advantage, unless it’s the social experience of sucking on a tube and acting like it’s a cigarette that’s part of the thrill.

  36. So is the new slogan of the Loopy Left/Socialist/Nanny State Nitwits down with tobacco, up with pot? Will we be getting high from the second hand aroma of pot wafting from the patios in downtown Toronto and Vancouver?

  37. The inhaler method has been around for awhile. Unfortunately you need a doctors prescription to use it. Only because it’s a dose of pure nicotine vs. the mixture used in e-cigs. There are other misters available as well which do use a propylene glycol mixture just like e-cigs. Starting to see a pattern here?
    Dr. subscription good. Over the counter bad. Private enterprise evil.

  38. My little sister was able to quit smoking due to e-cigarettes. She vaped for maybe 8 months and then slowly stopped that too. She’s been cigarette free for over two years now and we’re all really proud of her. I’ve never smoked, but I strongly support e-cigarettes as a tool to help diminish and quit smoking.
    My mother is a nurse who works for a smoking cessation program. She also thinks e-cigarettes are a good tool to help quit smoking, but until Health Canada comes out with guidelines on e-cigarette use, their hands are officially tied. They cannot recommend e-cigarettes as a tool to help quit smoking. The good news is that there is lots of interest in the smoking cessation world (doctors, nurses, social workers, etc) in e-cigarettes – they are talking about it, and my impression is that most people have an open mind. People on the front line of smoking cessation tend to care more about results than appearances.
    I think it’s really valuable for people to share their stories about e-cigarettes, like Lance has done here. It helps bring the issue to the forefront and provides support to those who are pushing for studies and change.

  39. If, after conducting hundreds of exhaustive studies, the vapour from these contraptions is proven to be absolutely harmless, does anyone out there really believe that the bans will be reversed? Or even relaxed?

  40. The boys at the heavy equipment repair shop I work in are not allowed to vape or smoke in the shop, though they can use an Air Arc gouger no problem.
    An Air Arc makes a welder look like a kids’ birthday cake sparkler.
    400 amps through a carbon rod with a 75 psi air jet blowing the molten metal all over the place.
    No second hand smoke, please….
