Oh, Shiny Pony!

Really? This is how it works when someone breaks into a house to play with the butcher knives?

A man who police say went into the wrong home in error won’t be charged with the break-and-enter at Justin Trudeau’s Rockcliffe Park home earlier this month.
Police said Tuesday the man came forward to police when he saw the surveillance video released publicly after the break-in on Aug. 16.
“A thorough investigation has determined no charges should be laid,” an Ottawa police news release said. “A satisfactory amount of evidence shows the person entered the wrong home in error.”

So, who owned the right home?
The jokes about the suspect’s family resemblance just got a little more credible.

68 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. Yup – something does not add up here an the police are covering something up here. So what if it’s the wrong house. Did this person not still break and enter??

  2. I live in Ottawa and I have never heard of this explanation being given before. It is rediculous. Ok, then why the note if it was an mistake. I have come home in the past not being 100%, if you know what I mean, and never have I entered my neighbours home inadvertently or by mistake. It is a rediculous explanation to say the least.

  3. Coverup? Crooked police – need more be said? Someone presumably breaks into a home and makes real or implicit threats of violence but it is okay because we are crooked cops and we are covering up for people so as to not make them look like the idiots they are. I think that since the cops are covering up, we need a public inquiry, for the safety of our Parliamentarians. It’s all to not make the drama queen Justin appear to be as stupid as he really is.

  4. On corruption and cover up,one need look no further than that other stellar police force (OPP) and their so-called union endorsement of the Ontario liberals in the last provincial election.
    Progressivism is rampant throughout the policing ranks. Just ask MR Dziekanski of Vancover Airport fame though best of luck getting a reply.

  5. It’s getting more and more suspicious with this revelation and saying Trudeau was not targeted, just a mere drunk going into the wrong house. Was this person that drunk on alcohol or was he on pot as well, the homes in Rockliffe Park are not exactly row houses.
    Laying no charges is not clarifying it, it’s leaving people to assume all sorts as to the ID of this person. Trudeau’s wife was apparently too afraid to stay there so she joined her husband who was in Montreal to attend one of his favourite events, a pride parade. That alone should call for a charge of at least mischief.

  6. I would have assumed that Justin would have an up-to-date rich person home alarm system.

  7. They actually think the story will fly?? What an insult.
    Let me be the first to say: if this was a CPC MP or relation of PMSH the media would be doing somersaults to find this ‘lost guy’ and harass him.
    What is Sacha’ address BTW?

  8. Mischief is a very serious charge, max sentence can be 14 years.
    This doesn’t pass the smell test. The Police have very little credibility as it is, now they have even less. Their reluctance to name the perp is extremely suspicious.
    Ontario police didn’t mind arresting and smearing a guy all over the media when his kid drew the letter ”L” on a whiteboard, but this person does a B&E and they won’t press charges?!

  9. Don’t worry don…those serious MSM guys will do the digging and stick a mic in front of that ’19 year old’ before the 6 o’clock news.

  10. All we need is a comment from Sacha confirming he wasn’t in Ottawa. Is that too much to ask?

  11. I can see entering the wrong home when you live in one of those suburbs where all of the houses look alike — or one of those Vancouver condos — but this is Rockliffe. The houses are quite far apart and they do not look at all alike. Very odd story here.

  12. “I would have assumed that Justin would have an up-to-date rich person home alarm system.”
    But having an alarm system, or having to use an existing alarm system, would require memorizing an alarm code to turn it on and off. With all the memorizing of key BS phrases and buzz words such as “root causes”, “resource depletion”, and “lack of hope” poor little Justin is pretty much tapped out on memory in his limited little brain. Easier just to not use the system and simply trust a lock and key. Too bad his wife is just as “resource depleted” between her ears as her man-child husband and can’t remember to lock the damn door before going to bed.

  13. What’s Justine Trudeau’s dealers name again?
    Oh right!
    The government/media syndicate can say and do anything they want

  14. Two comments:
    1- Remember the media outrage over sensitive documents Bernier had in his possession and revelations about his biker girlfriend? Astute media would be asking if what’s-his-name has any sensitive documents at his out of riding residence.
    2- The media has been pumping this story to find a way to demean Harper by inuendo, or inflate what’s his name. In response I’ve come up with the perfect headline they can read while they enjoy a meal of crow.
    “Harper’s Canada, a place where even opposition politicians feel safe enough to leave their doors unlocked at night”

  15. I see what a stupid press conference they held. I want to know who this person was! They said he was so drunk he mistakenly entered home. This same drunk person then realizes he’s in the wrong location and decides to gather some knives and other valuable items in the home with the ‘intention’ of taking them. In his drunken stupor that he apparently was in he then has the ability to formulate a note to residence about locking door. Hmmm, seems very fishy to me. So I ask. Was he trying to rob house and if so is this what he normally does when he goes to a buddies residence. Steal his stuff when leaving. Nice friend. If he was accumulating stuff to take then why isn’t that at least attempted robbery. Seems logical.
    Something very funny is going on here. Answers need to be obtained.

  16. What if, instead of sensitive documents, Turdeau had a huge collection of child pooornnnn and a sex dungeon in his home? Would that be worthy of a cover up?

  17. What if, instead of sensitive documents, Turdeau had a huge collection of child prn and a secks dungeon in his home? Would that be worthy of a cover up?

  18. “Section 348 of the Criminal Code establishes the main modern prohibitions against burglary. It creates 3 indictable offences: a) breaking and entering a place with intent to commit an indictable offence therein; b) breaking and entering a place and committing an indictable offence therein; and c) breaking out of a place after committing an indictable offence therein or after entering the place with intent to commit an indictable offence therein.”
    If the gate and door were both unlocked, which is likely since the bonehead was too drunk to pick a lock, he didn’t break in. Since he entered what he thought was a friend’s house it would be hard to prove he intended to commit an offence.
    Since he removed none of the hair’s possessions from the house he committed no offence while inside and since he left through the unlocked door he committed no offence as he left.
    I’m sure that the hair is now purchasing a state of the art soapstone carving for his wife’s nightstand.

  19. This was obviously to distract from the ISIS butchery; which counters the ‘multicultural meme’.
    Clearly, the young gentleman wanted to distract the ‘media circus’ and wanted to set up a knife throwing exposition, a la three ring circus, with one of the Trudeau clan on a rotating back board. How better to do it than in the wee hours of the night, anonymously with a mask while drunk.
    The media circus present “STUPIDO the KNIFE THROWER!”
    Lieberal fortunes would clearly rise when these tales of daring do hit the front page in contrast to the Toronto 18 attempting to behead the Prime Minister!
    Clearly a nefarious election conspiracy to unseat the PM Stephen Harper! /sarc
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  20. “I’m sure that the hair is now purchasing a state of the art soapstone carving for his wife’s nightstand. ”
    I think you may be onto something there. What if a bunch of us were to send soap stone carvings to Justine with a friendly note mentioning our concerns about his safety and well-being? That would be an interesting FU to to him without saying it outright.

  21. I live in Ottawa, the area where JT lives there are big homes, big lots. it’s not a town house development, no chance it was inadvertent…

  22. Justin did not want to lay charges. Asked police department to find root cause of the perps transgression.
    According to Trudeau, “We … need to make sure that as we go forward, we don’t emphasize a culture of fear and mistrust, because that ends up marginalizing even further people who are already, you know, feeling like they are enemies of society, rather than people who have hope for the future and faith that we can work together and succeed.”

  23. What the report omits, as per standard operating procedure when dealing with Liberals….:
    All the table knives were burnt on the ends.
    That’s why he was certain he was at the right place.

  24. No one looking at the root cause? Back door and gate were unlocked. Anyone going to ask Mrs. Dauphin why?
    3 kids…husband out of town…rich neighbourhood…???

  25. Would like to know name of this young adult to see if it is a Muslim name or if he is the son of a diplomat and is getting diplomatic immunity. Or someone connected to the Liberal Party.

  26. Ezra, or Brian Lilley, get Thee to Ottawa Police HQ now!
    There is no one else in our pathetic excuse for a press corps who will ask the many hard questions that have to be asked right now.

  27. Ah, yes, the old “drunken stupor” defence, one of the few things that will now be claimed by those on the left and right alike. And who is to be held to account for the “drunken stupor” that is responsible for so much bad behaviour (since the perpetrator is obviously not responsible)?
    According to “Eminent Persons” in Canada, we can blame the host of whatever party the individual probably arrived at drunk and left drunk; we can also target “Big Alcohol” which lures unsuspecting innocents and imprisons them in a living hell of drunkenness and Coors Light/Bud Light parties; or we can conclude, with Michael Wharton’s memorable psychiatrist, Dr Heinz Kiosk, that “We are all guilty.”
    And don’t forget the residential schools.

  28. .
    When I watched the original surveillance video he did not appear to be severely intoxicated
    Not only that , many “severely intoxicated” people have done stupid things and were still found guilty of misdemeanors

  29. So did he bring the pen and paper with him, what’s with the knives? Why was it a threatening note last week and a note of apology this week?

  30. there hasn’t been a media scrum like this since Stephen Harper pocketed the communion wafer. oh yeah he didn’t do that , didn’t keep CBCpravda or CTVtass from keeping the story for a week.

  31. The drunk was talking on a cell phone presumably getting directions.
    Somehow he still managed to get to the wrong house.
    He took the time to build a knife Inuksuk and write a note.
    This is almost as stinky as the Toronto police covering up Jack’s handjob.
    Can a freedom of information request be filed or is this cover up finished until some cop retires and then spills the beans?

  32. Being drunk is not an excuse for breaking the law. At one time it was, but they changed it back in the late ’90’s.

  33. Boy, wait till the Kings of Exposure, McGregor and Maher, sink their canines into this one! There’ll be blood on the walls, I tell ya!

  34. Too ‘drunk’ to recognize his house in an exclusive upscale neighborhood, but not so impaired that he can’t find pen and paper and compose a warning note. Yeah right.
    This is so typical of the sort of BS the liberals always expect the gullible to swallow without question.
    In what passes for democracy in Canada, stupid gullible people generally get the government they deserve.

  35. “…If the gate and door were both unlocked, which is likely since the bonehead was too drunk to pick a lock, he didn’t break in. …”
    Unless there has been a recent court decision that says something to the contrary, it is not necessary that a “place” as defined in the Criminal Code has to be locked before the requisite elements of the offence of B & E are made out. Sec. 350 CC has this to say:
    (b) a person shall be deemed to have broken and entered if
    (i) he obtained entrance by a threat or an artifice or by collusion with a person within, or
    (ii) he entered without lawful justification or excuse, the proof of which lies on him, by a permanent or temporary opening.

  36. This was the Mob sending over a “come to Jesus” message for Justin to remind him that the Librano Party still needs to pay dues out to the Mafia. Some guy named Vinnie or something like that was the “root cause.”

  37. Right, they want us to believe he was extremely drunk but had the sobriety to find a paper and pen and leave a note advising them to lock their doors. Bullcrap.

  38. This story is over now. The Media party only kept this trivial story alive hoping to pin it on Stephen Harper and the Conservatives. We don’t know the perpetrator, but we do know with certainty that he has absolutely no links to the Conservative Party. If he did, however tangential, it would lead the dinner-hour newscasts for weeks.
    It is likely the son of some local well connected (Liberal) family.

  39. If you are male and have sex with a drunk girl you are guilty of rape.
    If you are female and have sex with a drunk guy while you yourself are drunk, he is guilty of rape (unless he happens to be native or mooselimb then things get blurry).
    If you are drunk and leave a party and drive away the owners of the place you got drunk at are guilty … because … shut up.
    Consequently, if you break into someone’s house while drunk then it needs to be verified that (i) you were not raped (if you are female or … metrosexual … I guess), (ii) you did not have sex with a drunk female occupant of the house, (iii) you did not take a sip from their liquor cabinet and then drove away in their car.

  40. ‘Why was it a threatening note last week and a note of apology this week?’
    Good Point. Why can’t we at least see the note since we aren’t allowed to know who the perp was?
