37 Replies to “Operation Empty Chair”

  1. Obama is a Nobel laureate so he can’t possibly start a war. Carrying out air strikes against ISIS targets is just Obama’s way of saying hello.

  2. Although the average American would disagree with Obama I do believe Obama is telling the truth. Obama and his ilk would surely accept a defeat or “arrangement” with ISIS so long that it doesn’t hurt fundraising and the democrap brand.

  3. It’s always more ‘Fore’ than ‘Forward’ with this president, except for fundraising and campaign speeches. He’s a one-trick pony.

  4. The Islamo-fascists seek to conquer the world and enforce their beliefs; that’s clearly stated in their doctrine and actions. In European countries gangs of Muslim men rape “infidel” girls, because it’s OK for them to rape the “infidel whores” that all non-Muslim women are in their beliefs. The religion is merely an excuse for age-old conquest. Wherever they emigrate they don’t tend to integrate but rather establish their own cultural laws and form enclaves. Dismissing it as merely ‘religion’ is to ignore the real threat at our peril.

  5. “Is the United States presently at war with ISIS, yes or no?”
    ~MSNBC host Chris Hayes
    “No, Chris.”
    ~White House press secretary Josh Earnest
    According to the U.S. Constitution, only the U.S. Congress has the power to declare war.
    Chris Hayes needs to ask John Boehner that question.
    Some people say the United States is a nation of laws, not men who rule by fiat.

  6. Obama is still formulating his # strategy with regards to the mad mullahs. Must be finding it difficult without the aid of a teleprompter.

  7. “…we are working very aggressively with international partners, with Iraqi and Kurdish security forces, to take the steps necessary to mitigate the threat that’s posed by ISIL,” he responded”
    Does he know what “mitigate” means: ie to reduce or lessen? Is that all the White House wants to do with these f***ing savages?
    The only way to mitigate the threat from ISIS/IL is to kill them until they bleed white,when there ARE no more members,the threat will be REMOVED, which is what the American government owes it’s citizens, not the weasel word,”mitigate”.

  8. In one of Obama’s two biographies, written by Bill Ayers, he states clearly that if push came shove, he would stand with the muslims. He attended a madrassa in his impressionable elementary school years …. his father was a muslim. HIs family in Kenya are all muslim. They are actually black african arabs. Obama is a fraud and I cannot believe that a couple of generals have not perp-walked him out of the white house yet. I could go on, but the evidence that this president is in violation of his oath of office and in my opinion, is a clear a present danger to the security of the USA. I fear for how this is going to end.

  9. Let me translate Obamaleze for you: We are not at war with the ISIL only because we refuse to fight back. ISIL is definitely at war with us.

  10. The US no longer has need for ME oil. I wouldn’t waste one dollar or one soldiers life on any of these barbarians.

  11. I agree completely with you, Joe. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia says that ISIS will be in Europe in a month, in the US in two
    months. So before the New Year it should be apparent to the meanest intellect whether ISIS means what it says; or, more
    accurately, can do what it so obviously wants to do.
    I do think that King Abdullah probably knows more about Muslims and more about Arabs than even the mighty Obama.
    And a lot more about maintaining power.

  12. “He attended a madrassa in his impressionable elementary school years …. his father was a muslim. HIs family in Kenya are all muslim. They are actually black african arabs.”
    Obama’s father’s Luo tribe were slavers in Africa and Obama’s mother’s Dunham family were slave owners in America.

  13. My dear chet, you may not be at war with ISIS but ISIS are at war with you. They are prepared to expend blood and
    treasure to kill you, whether you like or dislike them, or indeed know anything about them.
    Remember too, that a terrorist can board a regular scheduled flight in Beirut or Doha in the evening and be in NYC
    the following morning. It’s a small world, chet! Enjoy!!

  14. “Remember too, that a terrorist can board a regular scheduled flight in Beirut or Doha in the evening and be in NYC the following morning.”
    Naw. ISIS will probably mass in northern Mexico first waiting for their ATF supplied rifles from Fast and Furious 2.0 to be distributed.

  15. Too bad for Americans that they chose to elect a community organizing Marxist con man who by his own admission will always side with the Muzzies. At this point denial and indifference are the key factors in the Obarry agenda… “We don’t have a strategy yet”… the only thing that will change Obarry’s diffident attitude is if ISIS were to bomb a golf course. The west will be attacked by the barbarian savages of ISIS whether Obarry wants to acknowledge it or not, more American civilians will be killed. The only real question at this point is how long Americans will allow the traitor and chief choom gang punk to sell them out to the enemy.

  16. Thousands of the ISIS fighters are supposed to have come from western countries, including Canada. Many of these bloodthirsty terrorists were born and educated here (in Europe, Britain, N. America, Australia), but obviously never assimilated. That is the important thing. Why should we endanger ourselves by letting any more into our midst. All the rioting over Gaza indicates that not all of the haters have gone jihadi in Syria and Iraq.
    The numbers of them as a percentage of the muslim population of the west is much larger than the percentage of the entire population that would be psychopaths or sociopaths, but these ISIS terrorists are totally depraved, they can kill so easily precisely because they are true believers. They believe in islam, whether or not islamic leaders in both the west (dar al-harb; territory of war), or in dar al-islam (muslim dominated countries, so-called territory of peace) or western apologists for islam protest that they are not true muslims. The ISIS terrorists, by claiming to be renewing the caliphate, announce they are the only true muslims, followers of the original tenets of islam, practicing pure islam. I am willing to take them at their word.
    We have to stop muslim immigration and we can no longer even accept muslim refugees. We need to extricate ourselves from Saudi influence (no funding of schools or universities). No creeping sharia. No more western-raised jihadis.
    Yes, I suffer from islamophobia (it isn’t an irrational fear!).

  17. It’s unlikely ISIS will “mass in northern Mexico”. It’s much more likely they have been infiltrating across the border disguised as Central American refugees and have now made their way into the Muslim enclaves throughout America’s Rust Belt. ISIS will organize the blacks as their allies, and then it will get very interesting in the US of A.

  18. Obamba is not at war with ISIS because he and his ilk CREATED ISIS!
    ……….and not by mistake, any more than the open southern US border is not a mistake.

  19. Rampant stupidity in the Obama White House. Let’s ensure we don’t have the same situation here after our 2015 election.

  20. Militia seize Libyan compound and post triumphant video of gunmen leaping into the water and giving guided tours
    Footage reportedly taken inside the compound shows men gathered around the embassy villa’s swimming pool, with some even jumping in
    An official claims the compound is being ‘safeguarded’ and was not ‘ransacked’
    The compound has been unoccupied since July 26 when U.S. diplomats evacuated to neighboring Tunisia under a U.S. military escort
    It comes near the two-year anniversary of the death of US ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Libya’s second-largest city, Benghazi

  21. White House Says We Are Not At “War With ISIS”…
    No, but they are at war with YOU, you dummy, you.

  22. “…Rampant stupidity in the Obama White House. Let’s ensure we don’t have the same situation here after our 2015 election….”
    Obammy is just a reflection of their electorate. Want to guess what ours looks like? Build a cabin Liz J….stock up on ammo.

  23. What happened in Ontario may well be a sign we’re in for the worst of times. Wynne now thinks she can interfere with Federal Government policy,she’s got the gall of a canal horse, demanding more transfer money when she’s been part of the worst, most broken government in history. She is presiding over and still spending to increase a debt already higher than all the Provinces put together, now she’s going to use blame try to take down the Harper government to her level of bankruptcy. Of course she’s already affecting our bottom line.
    What happened to recall legislation?

  24. AliBama is the most dishonest man ever to occupy the Oval Office (That’s right, Bill; and moreover, he, not you, is the first black prez.. Sucks, huh?). His administration is the most corrupt in US history. He has already done more harm to the country than any other politician, and he’s nowhere near done (Don’t let the golf and the “lame duck” moniker fool you. He has lots more in store for us in the next two years, and none of it is good.). He doesn’t care one little bit that we all think he’s a malicious, lying adolescent in the middle of an ideological tantrum. He thinks all the harm is a big improvement.
    What let’s him get away with his cavalier attitude is his knowledge that, once out of office, he, like all ex-presidents, will be protected by the full force of the Secret Service and the US military. He will be untouchable.
    So, here’s a modest proposal: (1) Let’s index the level of protection that an ex-president receives inversely to the amount of harm he causes while in office. The more harm, the less protection; (2) Let’s make presidents liable under the law for all the damage they do while in office (While we’re at it, we ought to extend this to all politicians.).
    Do you think that might wipe the smug grin off his face?
    By my estimates, Obama would be on track to earn a SS detail of two old fat midgets armed with pea-shooters.

  25. Please remember,the Yanks are a Republic,not a democracy.And they are willing following the way of the Roman Republic.They are all political whores,but do not have the guts of a whore.At least a whore makes her screw happy,and he gives her money.May be harsh,but the best thing that can happen is the USAR to be wiped out.Oh wait.The Chimp-in-Chief is trying his best.

  26. It was a joke. When Obama started out bombing Gaddafi’s forces and arming the “rebels” in Libya I and quite a few SDA commenters were against it because, Constitutionally, he does not and should not have the power and I specifically stated that Obama was arming al Qaeda.
    Only Congress has the power to declare war.
    Not the President, Congress.
    Obama should be demanding that Congress convene and consider this question, but criticising Obama for not unilaterally declaring war is risible.
    I also criticised Stephen Harper for supporting Obama in his Libyan adventure.

  27. We should be encouraging as many young radicals in North America as possible to return to the ME, fight and die for whatever stupid cause they claim to believe in. Go and don’t come back.

  28. I don’t know how this ended up here. I re-posted with the same copy/saved I used above and the right one came out on the 2nd try.
