12 Replies to “Bin Laden is Dead And Ambassador Stevens Is Dead”

  1. So how many manpads are missing again, I plumb forgot.
    Why anybody still flies these days I’ll never know……

  2. It’s all just ‘summer fun’ in the desert.
    I’m sure they are practicing for the next diving competition.
    However, they’ll have to work on reducing the splash on entry.
    A splendid video to be sure, but I’m sure Susan Rice can come up with a better excuse than a ‘poolside party with daquiris’ to overrun the embassy.
    Bin Laden and Ambassador Stevens gun running days are done, so Ben Ghazi will have to find someone else to invite to the ‘party’.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. President Tee Time is feeling slighted he wasn’t invited. They are his MB buddies after all.

  4. This is hardly a tragedy but it is an indication that these “rebels” have no sense of of property or rule of law – essentially the mid east will be Somalia in a few years – just as planned.

  5. NYTimes reporting on Rotherham. Surprised they even “went there”. Didn’t read the whole thing but the intro is pretty appalling. Religion of Peace dontcha know.

  6. So when are these fun loving guys going to take over a golf course? Then they could invite Bam-bam for a round.

  7. Tsk tsk, look how green that water is. Clearly they have neglected shocking that pool since their take over. It needs chlorine. I say give it them. Don’t bother with the powder form of chlorine shock; the gas will do just as nicely.

  8. Oh well, like ET said during the “Arab Spring” – “it’ll all be civilized in a generation or more”.
    SDA LAS also got his wish in that the “Rebels are putting Gaddafi’e stolen armouries to good use”.
    Now that Obamba and friends have taken out the only regional policeman for al Qaeda, they’re free to run amok throughout greater Africa………as they are obviously starting to do.
