Renegade Regulator

Restore CSA;

Its not just that CSA leadership is living large while the little people’s paycheques are getting smaller. Its how the leaders are getting their money.
A lot of “mostly long term mid level Canadian CSA staff are in the process of being whacked over last 2 weeks […] and not with the generous packages that were once the norm when Rob Griffin was in charge […] and I’m sure they have stories to tell you”. Indeed they do.
It turns out that getting more money means shifting CSA jobs to other countries. China now has a large CSA staff, of locals of course, not Canadians. And the CSA has a new facility in India. The Calcutta Standards Association? Then there’s the expansive CSA operation in Cleveland, and the CSA is moving even more jobs south later this year. Consumer product safety certifications for all of Canada are already handled out of Ohio. The Cleveland Standards Association? There sure are a lot of foreigners running Canada’s standards regulator.

8 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Right, because Chinese, Indian and US staff are going to give a rats derriere about standards in Canada, if someone hands them a wad of cash.

  2. KATE:
    I just emailed you the e-letter response I got today from the federal Minister of Industry, John Moore. His lame excuse boils down to “the CSA is a private entity with NO connection to the government” so I should go away and have a nice day.
    Dave Sanderson / “Davers6”

  3. Bureaucracy evolves to kleptocracy.
    Bandits and fools, watched over by willfully blind and stupid politicians.
    A thing of beauty that the federal minister responsible continues to insist that CSA is a private entity with no connection to government.
    Therefore the provincial governments are party to imposing private law upon the taxpayer.
    Otherwise known as extortion.
    The concept and reality of private law imposed by representative government, is contrary to British Common Law.
    This is not just a corrupt and rogue organization, it shows how inept todays politicians are.
    I guess James Moore knows he will never be PM so he is securing his financial future?

  4. I had an experience with CSA that fits this description. I was renovating a house and the city had some stupid idea that roll down shutters were required in case of fire to keep the fire from spreading to the next house. These were windows located on a third floor, beside a bungalow. I suppose with the city, flames always goes downwards? There were already windows on the first and second floor anyways. Sheesh. Anyway, the only CSA approved product was of course those insane industrial roll down doors. I had found a smaller, less intrusive, shutter made of the same metal, but it was never tested by CSA and was not approved to meet the housing code. I called CSA to find out what was involved in getting this cleared or at least something that said it restricted the spread of fire. They wanted a $100,000 for the letter. Thinking the world has gone nuts. I set about resolving this by doing my own documentary proving the strength of the blinds. I shot an hour long video involving torches, bonfires, gasoline, and thanks to metal facilities nearby, a blast furnace. The city eventually dropped their requirement, but not until they admitted that this is more proof than they ever received from CSA. Funny thing about CSA, the guy seemed to just pick the number out of the air without sourcing any book or reference material.

  5. Danvers I got the exact same letter yesterday as well I will post it in a second!! What a joke!!

  6. Just another protection agency , protected by Government where they give kick backs to well placed politicians. When any thing becomes mandatory the mob moves in. Even at work our boots have to CSA approved or we can’t wear them. Why?

  7. I wrote a letter a month or so ago to Moore telling him the CSA was out of control, and, maybe he should think about restoring some order. Here is his response. It’s a good thing these guys were born with fingers, otherwise, how would they be able to point us in the direction of someone else and scratch their arses while they do nothing.
    Dear Mr. MacMaster:
    Thank you for your email of July 15, 2014, regarding the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), which is now known as CSA Group. I appreciate your taking the time to share your concerns.
    I would like to take this opportunity to clarify that CSA Group is not a government agency. It is a private not-for-profit standards development organization (SDO) similar to the six other organizations accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) to develop voluntary standards in Canada:
    · Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute;
    · ASTM International;
    · Bureau de normalisation du Québec;
    · Canadian General Standards Board;
    · ULC Standards; and
    · Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
    It is important to note that CSA Group has no regulatory authority or legislative role in Canada. Responsibility for federal law-making falls to Parliament, which can draw upon different sources to ensure that Canada’s laws are robust and address public policy needs. This includes referencing voluntary standards developed by CSA Group and the six other Canadian SDOs into federal regulations. The act of referencing standards in legislation does not impact the ownership of the standard, nor does it impact the rights of the SDO that developed the voluntary Canadian standard.
    For further information on SCC and its accreditation of SDOs, I encourage you to visit the Council’s website or contact it at or 613-238-3222.
    Please accept my best wishes.
    The Honourable James Moore, P.C., M.P.

  8. So CSA is like CAS, corrupt, arrogant and destroys lives in order to justify their existence… and they happen to be not really government too.
