13 Replies to “Before You Donate To The Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation”

  1. Remember when salt was the purest form of evil? I wonder how long it will take before the epidemiologists are telling us that sugar is good for you again…..

  2. As per usual, the “money” comment is the clincher (if valid). A “charity”
    in name only….
    “According to Charity Intelligence the heart and stroke foundation has 2 employees that earn over $350,000 per year. They have 572 staff members whose average salary exceed $72,000. They only spend about a third of their budget on actual programs to deal with heart and stroke programs. It appears to me that their main goal is to look after themselves and tell the rest of us how to live.”

  3. So tax on sugar would cause the cost of soft drinks to go up. Since people are being manipulated to make other choices they’ll reluctantly choose diet sodas. Which are full of aspartame. Nope, no unintended consequences here.
    There’s no possible way you can legislate people into eating healthier, even if you think it’s your job to try.

  4. “I wonder how long it will take before the epidemiologists are telling us that sugar is good for you again”
    Never. Sugar affects your insulin levels and insulin is the gatekeeper that allows glycerides into your fat cells where they turn into triglycerides.
    Carbohydrates > Insulin > Fat
    This is written in stone. The only way to change it is with a drug that regulates your insulin.
    The whole ‘calories in calories out’ meme is pure unadulterated lies, you can eat as much meat protein and animal fat as you can stomach and regardless of the calories it won’t trigger your insulin to make you fat.
    That said, the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation isn’t going to see any of my money until they very publically fire the people behind this tax promotion. In fact, I’m going to write my MP and demand that the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation LOSE it’s charitable foundation status because of this obvious foray into political advocacy.

  5. If you live longer because you haven’t had a heart attack or stroke, then you will most likely get Alzheimers or cancer. Your choice! Heart attack or stroke is much easier. Just don;t try to coerce me through taxation.

  6. This outfit always seems to be at the forefront for coercing timid politicians to legislate ludicrous restrictions on smokers. Demanding stricter rules through bullying and browbeating, all the while abandoning any semblance of common sense, puts this organization in the zealot category.

  7. I don’t care if they tax junk food containing lots of empty corn sugar, I don’t eat that crap.
    That’s the same corn sugar used to make ethanol fuel additive.

  8. Large charities have become large bureaucracies with large overheads and payrolls. For many of these charities 50% or more of every donated dollar goes to support too many people with 6 digit salaries.
    I stopped donating to our local food bank (Kelowna) when I found out the person in charge was making way more than both my wife and I combined!!! Why should I pay her salary?
    When charities start lobbying for tax increases they cease to be charities and become political activists.

  9. Sadly yet another body blow in finding that charity fund
    persons get even more than the Prime Minister himself,
    Just when I had a good feeling in giving to a worthy cause. One sees the devastating results of a stroke and winces inwardly.
    Never mind, I still have faith in the Diabetes Association. They accept nice clean goods and clothes. No yard sale for me and I just feel great at delivering real good stuff. Next up, a working small television, for donation. Wife got a bargain flat t/v across the river, I had to agree to this
    Our consumption carefully watched though by both of us.

  10. That quote is a definite bingo.
    I stopped donating to them quite some time ago when their self serving operations became known. Besides, we defeated the Nazis in 1945, or so we thought.
