35 Replies to “Bin Laden Is Dead And Ambassador Stevens Is Dead”

  1. The majority blame this debacle on the President’s incompetence. I submit that he intentionally allowed this slaughter to occur. It appears his love for Muslims trumps that of his love for his fellow Americans.

  2. Who gives orders for a 4 star general to ‘Stand Down’…?
    Do we even need to ask the question?
    Why it is the “Obama-Nation(tm)” who had to turn in early to bed, because he had a busy fundraising event the next day!
    Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty meet your “Betrayer-in-Chief”…let the “One” own it fully and completely.
    Ladies and Gentlemen, we introduce the disgrace to the Office of the President of the United States of America.
    Verse 3 Star Spangled Banner
    And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
    That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion,
    A home and a country should leave us no more!
    Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
    No refuge could save the hireling and slave
    From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
    O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. Who gives orders to a 4-star?
    Supposed to be a real real short list….
    The rumble I get is the stand-down order came from VJ….who has no such authority….

  4. Obama’s press cheerleaders are talking of arming the “Moderate Muslim” MM opposition groups in Syria.
    That worked so well before!
    BTW There may no longer be any MMs left in Syria. It appears ISIS got the jump on Obomber.
    His name starts with a zero … what a dud. His administration will now have to invent MMs, raise them from the dead, as it were.

  5. Yep, VJ probably gave the “Obama-Nation(tm)” the ‘mom look’ and he folded like a cheap tent.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  6. Yes – so Obama intends to provide arms to ISIS. Using the blank cheque he will shortly be given.
    I wonder if he has as yet arranged for the transfer of American nuclear know-how to Iran? If not, I predict that he

  7. PabloNH, you are missing the internal politics of all this. There’s much more going on than you would wish us to ignore.

  8. Ham’s retirement now has nothing to do with orders he received reliving him of command during the Benghazi attack.
    Other than the fact that its an obvious F- YOU to the guy, and it gets him out of the way. The Soviets used to call stuff like this a Purge. Obama calls it “retirement”.
    How much longer before “retirement” means a blind fold and a firing squad?

  9. There’s no doubt Benghazi was a colossal screw up and there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that Obama abdicated his responsibility (the golf attire in the famous photo), stand down orders, intelligence failures, VJ lies, etc., etc.
    But, I have to back up PabloNH here. Snopes is usually pretty reliable with their assessments (though not infallible). While I think it does a bit of whitewashing with some points, the comments on Gen. Ham (and other articles I found in a similar vein) are rather convincing. Yes, you could argue the administration is strong-arming him into silence and for sure that is not difficult to imagine. But it’s also more fun to think of that than the more mundane reason.

  10. General Ham was assigned to a post of 3 years, but suddenly retires after only one and a half, but immediately after Benghazi. That’s not fishy at all…

  11. It’s my view that the entire line of questioning has been off the mark from the beginning. The question isn’t who; but why.
    It has appeared from the beginning that the White House deliberately ‘gave-up’ the embassy to the attackers. Why? Why? Why?
    Reports came-out early that Stevens was running guns, so potentially the attack could have been part of a ‘deal gone bad’ so the WH gives-up the embassy to cover-up the gun running; or, perhaps it was simply a prior agreement between the WH and the enemy(a pay-off) for some previous deal.
    This is the only plausible scenario; that the WH deliberately gave-up the Embassy!
    This how the Commander in Chief could know when to be absent… it’s called plausible deniability.
    The “so called” cover-up of ‘who’… is actually the cover-up for why! Period!

  12. Valerie Jarrett was on Vacation @ Martha’s Vineyard with all the available security. It was Hillary alone, all alone who had a reason not to make a fuss over Benghazi because she had lost the Sidewinder Missiles that the CIA & Stevens were hunting for in Benghazi…Dead Ambassadors don’t tell tales about Obama’s friends in the ME.

  13. Look, I can’t stand Obama and I really do believe that they could’ve prevented the deaths of several good Americans, but please review the Snopes article that Greg posted earlier. Ham wasn’t immediately fired after Benghazi, it was months afterwards.
    Ham also categorically denies receiving any orders to stand down and takes responsibility for the decision himself. The reason he gives is plausible and makes sense militarily. If anything, the blame for inaction (at least for the decision to not send in close air support) lies with him.

  14. From the Washington Times article referenced to September 10, 2014 11:59 AM :
    “The Obama administration’s decision to grant retirement to the top general of U.S. Africa Command is part of the internal jockeying that goes on among the military branches to win top war-fighting assignments and was not related to the terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, a well-placed military source told The Washington Times.”
    Yeah. Right. And there are fairies and nymphs and unicorns and trolls.
    The current occupant of the White House is fully, 100% responsible for the deaths of Americans in Libya
    There is no question. There is not but. There is no excuse. There is virtually nothing that can eliminate this guy’s responsibility.
    The occupant is in charge. As much as he would rather hit the links and party circuits. He is in charge.
    In case he does not want to decide on real world stuff, he should definitely quit.
    It is still amazing that so many people are in support of him according to the polls.
    Though there is a saying that for whatever reason, there are people that like to be lied to.

  15. The Snopes opinions all rely on MSM News Reports, amateur drivel.
    The fact that Hillary’s State Department gave a “Stand Down” order to the Marines for the phony demonstrations at the Embassy in Cairo Egypt (same night) means that the State Department didn’t expect real attacks.
    Could Hillary have mistaken Benghazi for Egypt? That would be stupid beyond belief, a brain dead response.

  16. General Ham’s words:
    MCKEON: “This might be a good time to ask … I heard that you had made the statement that you were prepared to go to their aid and somebody told you no and you said you were going anyway. Is that all some supposition that comes from some reporter?”
    HAM: “Yes, sir. No one ever told me no.”
    Read more at http://www.snopes.com/politics/military/benghazi.asp#RUUFlclGD2hbMpPj.99
    Anything else is conjecture.
    Let’s not play the same games with coincidences as others do…

  17. > The current occupant of the White House is fully, 100% responsible for the deaths of Americans in Libya
    Obviously. But “Moments later he was relieved of command” is still plainly untrue.
    Facts are on our side. No need to make up stories.

  18. Are being “gamed” by both sides these days?
    Or by one side playing both sides to keep us confused?

  19. EarlW @3.14 is right. Don’t conjecture; doesn’t get us anywhere.
    Because if we allowed that then someone would begin to wonder if Joan Rivers’ untimely death was connected to her comments a few weeks before:
    1. “we already have the first gay president in the White House” and
    2. Michelle is a “trannie”. /sarc
    General Ham was fortunate there were no se-x-ual peccadilloes to discover and was able to retire before a set-up. Not that there would have been.

  20. “Who gives orders to a 4 star?”
    NOBODY. If he/she was worth the rank,they would tell whoever to go f@@k themselves,and the troop would follow the now private with no hestation.. EVERYBODY in the US military swears allegiance to the CONSTITUTION,not the CIC. (soon to change with the new CIC).And for following trolls,READ the Constituation.

  21. Indy..that’s what I have been saying all along…that anti-Mo video had been seen by less than 100 viewers, yet WH was bold enough to claim it was the reason for riots? Is it possible the vid was created for that purpose?
    I cringe silly conspiracy theories…but no one has explained why Obozo and Clinton calmly watched and did not try to protect, and THEN came out with the farfetched lie. It seems pre-meditated.

  22. I read the Snopes article. I saw it was made out of media reports, mostly.
    I also saw there Gen. Ham himself is reported to have declared he was not ordered to stand down by the White House. There was also some blather about an Admiral being relieved of duty for swearing and saying mean things in email, not because he bucked a stand down order.
    Taken together, I have to say the top levels of military governance in the USA sounds like some kind of proto-Soviet snake’s nest of competing pit vipers. Just the kind of place where SNAFU is the rule, not the exception.
    Because really, wouldn’t you send more than a drone if one of your “embassies” was under attack, no matter if you knew the military situation or not? Wouldn’t you have some troops and gunships orbiting at a safe distance/altitude while the drone goes in and suckers the AA gunners on the ground? Shoulder fired missiles only reach up to ~15,000 ft, you can fly around all day above 25k and drop JDAMS on them. Or call an AC-130 and pick them off with aimed cannon fire. There’s no military reason not to do that. Just political ones.
    I’ve known and spoken to a lot of American soldiers. “Nobody left behind” is The Rules with these guys. Benghazi was a heinous abandonment of those Rules. I’m strongly doubting any US general did that on his own initiative, no matter what anybody says.
    I don’t believe -any- of it. There was some kind of dirt going down, and they cut the soldiers loose to keep from getting the dirt on Barry, just like Clear and Present Danger. I wonder how Tom Clancy feels about being a prophet?

  23. “There was some kind of dirt going down, and they cut the soldiers loose to keep from getting the dirt on Barry, just like Clear and Present Danger.”
    This smells like the dirt used to get rid of General Petrous. Only General Ham either decided to retire while the gettin was good or he could no longer stand the manure at the top.

  24. The real problem Ken is that Obama is rolling out the tanks again today, and the guys driving those tanks KNOW that he will hang them out to dry in a hot second if he thinks there’s any advantage in it for him. They have seen as we all have, that Obama thinks of the military as some kind of Soviet peasant conscript force, rather than the free men of a great Republic.
    I’m obviously speculating about Gen. Ham and Benghazi. Because NOBODY who wasn’t in on it knows what happened, and the survivors still aren’t talking. All we have is a body count and a black curtain to stare at. We don’t know who did what, when, or why.
    But we do know that an active coverup is going on, because black curtain. Therefore we’d all have to be crazy not to assume Bad Things were done. Best case scenario is massive incompetence leading to multiple casualties, incompetence now being shoved under the rug.
    That’s not a comforting Best Case, you ask me. I think its entirely possible that anybody in the High Command who ever had a clue has been replaced by “go along to get along” career sycophants and other desk pilots with an eye on the main chance. That’s not who you want commanding US forces in a dirty civil war situation.
    I have every expectation, based on the above, that Barry’s latest Short Victorious War is going to rapidly turn into the Soviet’s Excellent Afghan Adventure if they aren’t careful.

  25. Like I said, Snopes whitewashed a bunch in my opinion. No question. But just because it comes from them (or Wikipedia, or anywhere else) doesn’t make it wrong out of hand. To think otherwise is the act of a progressive (“I will only allow [or read] speech I agree with”). It also seems like purported congressional testimony (though no link to source was given, admittedly) is rather different than MSM “reporting”.
    I also agree with other comments though…stuff like this IS a distraction from the Why, to say nothing of
    “the buck stops here” with Hillary and B.O. They’re responsible, no matter who was on the ground or received which phone call.
