44 Replies to “Making Miley Ray Cyrus Good”

  1. I’m sure the critics above can perform far better than those in the video, eh?
    “It is a thing of no great difficulty to raise objections against another man’s oration [or singing ability], it is a very easy matter; but to produce a better in it’s place is a work extremely troublesome.”
    ― Plutarch
    H/T goodreads dot com

  2. “”It is a thing of no great difficulty to raise objections against another …’s … ability”
    Yes it’s easy, and that is why the criticism is accurate.

  3. “I’m sure the critics above can perform far better than those in the video, eh?”
    Just because someone can’t cook doesn’t mean they can’t express the difference between good food and bad food offerings that they eat.

  4. Tooner & Oz – Hear! Hear!
    Her voice is heavily produced, she certainly isn’t a Patsy Cline or Linda Ronstadt.
    Yeah, yeah she sells lots of product, mostly to the female tweener crowd, but high sales doesn’t necessarily equate to high quality. Female teeny boppers have far too high an impact on modern culture, going as far back as Sinatra. IMO

  5. Nice voice, I think the lyrics were a bit much.
    You want to hear something Different, try this.
    C418 and Laura Shigihara: Tsuki No Koibumi YouTube it, then do the kids a favor and BUY IT if you don’t hate it.

  6. It’s about 10 times as good as anything Beyonce’s ever done.
    Wrecking Ball was pretty good too.

  7. This version is great what is the issue ? So is their Puddles Pity Party :The Royals – (“Sad Clown With The Golden Voice” Version) – Lorde Cover. Check it out.

  8. I’ll take these horrible singers who dressed with decent amount of class over the whorz out there today!! Any day of the week and twice on Sunday

  9. Yeah?
    Well I canna play bag-pipes but I can tell real easy, if somebody else can or can not, jus’ by listenin’.

  10. Well I have only been playing for fifty years and I would have to say that the group is well…..good! And with over ten million views, I don’t think I’m alone. Thanks capt!

  11. It was entertaining and pleasant so stop bitching you snooty bitches. BTW, as for Miley, she is a good singer. No doubt about it.

  12. Guilty of liking it. Proof that context is everything. She actually sounded great to me. I am afraid! :0

  13. That’s not a singer that’s a Disney fabricated Performance Princess.
    A singer would be someone like Taylor Swift.

  14. Cap, Cap, Cap, what a grumpy old curmudgeon you’re turning into in your dotage. Do I have to remind you of the number one rule of Cappy’s ethics? Earn your own way with your own skills and don’t be dependent on government cheese through a host of useless paid-by-the-taxpayer university degrees.
    Girl’s doing that. You may not like her music and I don’t much care for her music either. But so what? Lots of folks do, some of them not even tone-deaf. And they’re willing to pay for what she makes. Girl seems to be following the Cappy rules, and you don’t like it. So I’m confused.
    She could have gone out, lived as a trust fund twat on daddy’s big bucks. Been yet another Hollywood parasite. But no, girl went out and got a job. Made her own money. Probably works harder and for more hours than most of us here. And the best part is, nobody’s MAKING you listen to her stuff.
    So what’s the deal? She’s actually living all your rules and you think she’s an object of contempt?

  15. I’ve been around bands for forty-five years more or less. I’ve heard lots worse, but I thought this woman sang just fine. So did the back up singers and players. I enjoyed the song myself. There was something strange about the feel of the song that I liked too. JMO

  16. She’s a filthy, classless pig, which she proves constantly.
    Maybe it isn’t “skill” so much as the basement-dwelling standards of some people. It doesn’t take “skill” to cash in on the lowest denominator today, but it does speak to an ability to be opportunistic. Though many undoubtedly would likewise cash-in if they could, if that is what it takes to “succeed”, perhaps some people would rather not.
    By the way, the captcha here is absolutely terrible.

  17. So you’re not rebutting my point that she’s making her own way and NOT eating government cheese. And that’s the only point of relevance. Everybody has different views about “artists”. The difference is Miley ain’t getting some Canada Council grant to put up giant spiders in Ottawa in front of the National Art Gallery or plastic mooses all around Toronto.

  18. I’ve played in Bands for 50 years and I think she can sing. This material was repetitive and light but given some good American song book standards, her voice and looks could work well in my old fashion view. Of course in that racket, it doesn’t mean you can quit your day job. If she is making a living doing that, good for her.

  19. I think a lot of people here are making fools out of themselves, and it’s embarrassing, I don’t know why the lyrics about Miley Cyrus is promoting the venom, but the band is Postmodern Jukebox and the lead singer is Robyn Adele Anderson, getting all bent over the song seems like a spew of old fart syndrome, why do you care so much? Just enjoy the song, or ignore it. Sheesh….

  20. If the fact that she is not a government parasite is a virtue and a mark of success in and of itself, then my good cgh, we have come a long way, baby.

  21. When I clicked, I did not know if I would be subjected to Miley or not. Inside of two notes, it was obvious this is not Miley. This gal, Robyn, has a strength to her sound that Miley never could achieve without major production. Good for her, and I hope that she (and the band) make a good living without having to resort to shock to sell.

  22. I think most of you missed the point. Postmodern Jukebox takes current music (like Miley’s) and rearranges it to an older style. Compared to Miley’s version, I’ll take this any day. Look up their version of Rude. It’s fantastic (though, in that case, the original is not bad either). I spent the evening listening to their stuff. Thanks Captain!

  23. They’re good. Never having heard the song, I had to go to YouTube to listen to Cyrus’ original to see just how much better their version is, though. And as talented as she is, she’d definitely add to her appeal by smiling more in such a song – a thing far too many current singers choose not to do, for some reason.
    A solid 8.5 on the Mal Scale.

  24. Great voice, crappy lyrics,
    If there really was such a thing as Social Justice Miley Cyrus should be forced to give all of her income to this woman, then go stand on a corner with a pimp named Tyron C Jr. West Mo Fo.

  25. I think a lot of commenters are missing the point of this cover. There is a delicious irony in taking a slutty song by Miley Cyrus, and covering it in a 40s style. It’s a jarring juxtaposition of slutty lyrics performed by a classy band with a doll of a lead singer. I love it.

  26. Commenters are not too bright. Captain posted this because he thinks this is a good version of the song Miley shares writing credit on. So he likes the song, so he thinks she is a good song writer, so he thinks she is talented, even though he is slamming her. Green with envy…

  27. Hey Cappy Cap, (and Kate)
    Thx f. the Selection 😉
    Nice tune.
    Easy to dance to.
    I give it a 90.
    Niall from Winnipeg
