You know, I don’t envy him.

So, Obama is giving his ISIS address. I don’t envy him. His decision to remove troops from Iraq has created this problem and now he has to figure out how to deal with it.
The US made good use of the Sunni muslems in Iraq to eliminate the Shia terrorists…and now the Sunni are the terrorists. Today ISIS killed 28 “hardline Islamist” leaders of the Islamic Front.
There are no good guys.
However, I can condense Obama’s speech for the readers who don’t want to listen to it.
“I’m a neo-con, you’re a neo-con, we’re all neo-cons. Bomb, bomb, bomb them all.”

36 Replies to “You know, I don’t envy him.”

  1. I don’t envy anyone who has to listen to that empty drone.
    At least that speech was short.
    By Obama standards that is, he still managed to drone on and say SFA.

  2. What’s not to envy? A lame duck who doesn’t feel responsible, has no interest in fixing it, and no one to make him accountable? When’s tee time?

  3. So basically Obama is going to “carpet bomb” the savage terrorists.
    Obama’s address to the nation could have been much shorter, he could have simply said; ” Bush was right and I will do what he recommended.”

  4. Bomb, bomb, bomb: I can live with that. It is the appropriate action.
    Of course more is needed than carpet bombing. Low-level tactical air. Just as was inflicted on the Iraq army as they fled
    Kuwait at the end of Desert Storm. Not many made it back.

  5. Iraq the gift that keeps giving..
    For the financial elites & the MIC Iraq is the gift that keeps giving thanks to their bought and paid for hand puppets in D.C.
    Ever wonder what Iraq would be like today if Saddam Hussein was still running the show?

  6. Who knows what Iraq would be like today if Saddam was still running the show? Any idea what Libya would be like today if Gadaffi was still running the show? Or what things would be like if bin Laden was still alive?
    Europe has a much bigger stake in Iraq than the U.S. except Europe is essentially gutless while sitting on their butts and pointing fingers at others.
    Obama caused the mess in Iraq today…..and do you happen to recall how Obama said, not that long ago, that he was leaving Iraq in great shape. Yeah sure…..spin, spin, spin. That’s all the Obama administration knows. Pitiful.

  7. Air power has inflicted severe damage on enemies in the past but it takes somebody’s boots on the ground with will power behind the boots to finish the job. Obama is reluctantly being dragged into this by the US people who did not like their journalists being beheaded for all to see.
    My, my, we sure opened up a hornet’s nest when we fostered civil war in Egypt, Libya, and Syria. Even going after Hussein, and even worse, destroying his army, has added enough volatility to the region to give us many headaches and treasure expenditures for decades to come.
    A few bombs, cruise missiles, and drone released missiles will not stop the reawakened 7th century Jihad.

  8. Obama has proven once more that he can lie with a straight face. Was he adamant that ISIL (as he referred to ISIS)be bombed out of existence when he went golfing or that Russia would face his wrath when he did nothing?
    This man lies to himself as well.

  9. This war won’t be over till the restraints of political correctness are removed.
    If you don’t think ISIS has already come through the Mexican border, God help you, they’re here.

  10. For such hyped up speech that everyone in the world was supposedly waiting breathlessly for, it sounded pretty boilerplate.
    – Remember, I killed Osama
    – Islamic terrorists aren’t practicing true Islam disclaimer
    – Airstrikes, airstrikes everywhere
    – No boots on the ground, not going to be dragged into a quagmire
    – International coalition fig leaf
    – Segue into how the US has stopped Russian aggression in Ukraine and halted the ebola pandemic in Africa (what, no taking credit for halting global warming for the past decade plus?)
    – We fixed the economy and our officially reported metrics are totally awesome
    – ‘Murica!

  11. We are leaving a Sovereign, Stable and Self Reliant Iraq.
    -Barack Obama December 14, 2011 at Ft Bragg.
    What a difference three years make. Fallujah fell to ISIL/ISIS in January 2014. Barack called them the JV, ignored them, and even ignored the Iraqi requests for help in fighting ISIS. And so a few months later, most of Sunni Iraq fell to ISIS.
    Christians were executed and the survivors driven from their homes. The Yezidi were attacked, slaughtered, and their women and children were kidnapped. Iraqi Shia troops were captured and marched into the desert and executed. 750 Iraqi Air Force Cadets, 250 Army troops from Mosul, and hundreds of others. Syrian troops are also being executed, including hundreds after an air base was overrun.
    And then two American reporters* were executed last month. Suddenly Barack, the MSM, and official Washington DC notice there is a problem. Now Obama gives a primetime speech, and promises action.
    I have to ask, if ISIS didn’t kill Foley and Soltoff, would Obama have given the speech? After all, tens of thousands of dead Iraqis and Syrians weren’t reason enough last month.
    *Soltoff was actually actually an Israeli, but his friends hid the fact to prevent him from being killed out of hand. He had some great friends!

  12. “I can condense Obama’s speech for the readers who don’t want to listen to it.”
    Thank you.

  13. Aside from reflexively opposing whatever plan Obama announced — which is entirely expected from this corner of the internet and frankly a bit of an easy out — do any of you foreign policy experts have any actual ideas about what SHOULD be done?
    You supported “regime change” in Iraq, before you opposed it.
    You supported military occupation and exportation of Western democracy, before you opposed it.
    You supported withdrawing troops, before you opposed it.
    So do any of you actually know what you’re talking about, or are you just (yet again) mindlessly parroting the anti-Obama position?

  14. kt – how about… be good to your word, don’t change your standards for temporary gain, and know that a culture of violence / xenophobia cannot change in under two generations (if then). Pulling out early and not vigorously supporting a long time friend are signs of weakness to a face culture.

  15. Form a Kurdish nation, including the bits from Iran and Turkey – hitting two religious supporters.
    Put troops back on the ground.

  16. one mistake is not corrected by following up with another mistake, it is compounded
    but then you didn’t come in here to debate, you came in here to prove your lack of comprehension. We are not discussing intended action so much, but Obumble’s lack of leadership skills. Even his buddies who are called demokraps see this lack of skill. Try keeping up would you.

  17. You supported “regime change” in Iraq, before you opposed it.
    Um, noooo…….
    You supported military occupation and exportation of Western democracy, before you opposed it.
    Nope, wrong again.
    You supported withdrawing troops, before you opposed it.
    Error yet again.
    Is there anything else that you would like to be wrong about today?

  18. “His decision to remove troops from Iraq has created this problem and now he has to figure out how to deal with it…..”
    So did removing Gadhafi and Mubarak along with arming ISIS an friends to “Liberate Syria”.
    Stupid doesn’t run this deep, this has been the plan all along.
    Now Open Borders with millions of illegals streaming across, with reports of terrorists in the mix? – Yea, right.

  19. It has become very apparent that these troublemaking devils need devil dictators like Saddams and Muomaars, their religion does not lend any peace to their existances, is it not obvious to everyone. Fighting is all they know.

  20. “Bomb, bomb, bomb: I can live with that. It is the appropriate action.”
    Is it, though? ISIS is currently fighting Assad and Hezbollah in Syria and is keeping the Iranians tied down as they try and protect their new Shiite client-state in Baghdad. Is ISIS a threat? Sure. But Hezbollah is a threat to Israel and the Iranians are the Americans top politicial adversary in the ME. The Syrians/Iranians/Shiites and Saudis/Sunnis have created this mess. Let them sort it out.
    It’s not like the Americans can solve this. After 10+ years in Afghanistan the Taliban is still around and that place is still a mess. We left Iraq with an army and it made no difference. After those messes and the disasters in Libya and Somalia, you’d think we’d learn at some point.

  21. This speech was nothing but political cover to gloss over Obama’s “got no strategy yet” comment(which was devastating to Obama politically). As some have stated above, he said absolutely NOTHING that we didn’t already know(save perhaps ignoring the Syrian border); that being, we are going to offer air support(which I might add he’s already been doing).
    In other words, I am saying that had Obama not made the “no strategy yet” statement; there would have been no speech, and we’d not be having this thread.
    It’s all a show.

  22. It’s not that Sunnis are terrorists now or Shiites are terrorists now; they’re all terrorists who are muslim – just not every single one and at every single moment.
    Obama is not suggesting that he’s a “neo-con” or that they should be bombed to oblivion. Obama is arming a side which is in cahoots with ISIS and he damned well knows it. The point is that Obama is actually ON THE OTHER SIDE and is counting on us repeating our same, tired, myopic foreign policy of the past few decades. He knows that we’ll go along with the ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ theme and that far too many of us won’t question the arming of the ‘good cops’ over there.
    The point is that we’ve been literally ‘good cop-bad copped’ to death and Obama’s merely seeking to double down on it. There’s simply far too much time left in his presidency.
    God help us all.

  23. Of course it’ll take generations to (forcibly) change an entire culture. Of course a fledgling Iraq army would quickly fall apart without the US military propping it up. Of course the withdrawal of military forces in Iraq would result in a resurgence of violence by those merely lying in wait — that would be so whether the US withdrew troops early, on schedule, or not for another decade or two.
    These outcomes were all predicted years ago, except back then it was by critics who were AGAINST reckless and unjustified military incursion into Iraq, precisely because it would end in quagmire. They were denounced, here and elsewhere, as unpatriotic terrorist sympathisers whose opposition somehow meant that they despised the troops.
    Of course it was clear from the get-go that once the military was in it, they would necessarily have to be in it for the long haul. There was never going to be any realistic alternative, once one went down that ill-advised route. Regime change at gunpoint, followed by permanent military occupation — what else did you think was going to happen?
    So I ask again: if Obama is wrong yet again, then what’s the better foreign policy solution in the problem of ISIL?

  24. I find it odd as well that Obama felt the need to say very early in the address that ISIL is not Islamic.
    As if that was something very important to us…
    maybe it is important to Obama because deep down he is a Muslim…

  25. I think one exhibit that will probably be the most mysterious at the Obama presidential library for social justice will be the Muslim prayer mat that was “stored in the oval orifice”.

  26. Kt
    bush failed in that he didn’t finish the job, Damascus and Tehran should also have be conquered. Now go read up on S Korea and git with the program. One needs to nurture and guide these ideological changes. ET beet that verbal path many times in here!
