Renegade Regulator

“Good morning, my name is Oscar Jensen. I am 1 of 5 private investors of a consortium we call COPI (Consortium of Private Investors). […] We have come across the Dominion Airships website and we are very intrigued with the innovation.” So began a saga, a sideshow to the big show in CSA’s fight against PS Knight Co.

5 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Smart, cautious work by the ‘folks’ at RestoreCSA and Dominion Airships. Love it.
    Hope there weren’t any that fell for the ‘Oscar Jensen’ prank.
    You know the guvamint is too big when stuff like this happens.

  2. I have reached a point of fundamental disagreement with “Restore CSA.” What we need is “Destroy CSA” and a fresh start.

  3. The quotes from “Oscar Jensen” read like they were written by someone for whom English is not his first language. Both stilted and overly flowery. An Urdu speaker, perhaps?
    The first thing that came to mind when I read the quotes was “Nigerian e-mail scam”, but that doesn’t quite fit.

  4. Agree with walter F.
    We need to hang a few, jail a whole bunch more and remind the survivors, as we issue their pink slips, that Nuremberg rules still apply, as their defence will be;” I was just following orders/standard operating procedure”.
    This group of extortionists need to be made an example of, as using the mantra of Public Safety, they have raped business for years and have endangered the lives of Canadian Citizens by their corrupt practises.
    Specifically selling safety certificates to substandard goods.
    This level of malfeasance is Treason.
    They do seem to be prime suspects under the USA RICO statutes.

  5. Isn’t the situation around CSA just the kind of thing a Conservative government should expose to sunlight, disinfect, and remedy? Instead they’ve seemed content to just let it continue to fester & rot. No votes to be had going after them, I guess.
