“Isn’t that unethical?”

What difference does it make?

“She told me, ‘Ray, we are to go through these stacks and pull out anything that might put anybody in the [Near Eastern Affairs] front office or the seventh floor in a bad light,'” says Maxwell. He says “seventh floor” was State Department shorthand for then-Secretary of State Clinton and her principal advisors.
“I asked her, ‘But isn’t that unethical?’ She responded, ‘Ray, those are our orders.’ “

10 Replies to ““Isn’t that unethical?””

  1. This was an operation to ‘save’ the political royalty from voter disfavor.
    Shrillary’s ambition is opposite to the machinations of Ben Ghazi; so a State Dept underling’s career is thrown onto the Benghazi funeral pyre.
    Then again, if you are willing to torch 30 lives in Lybia; small wonder that a career bureaucrat would get thrown unceremoniously under the ‘Shrillary’ election bus.
    By ALL means the ‘sacred cow’ must be preserved, and ethical has nothing to do with it.
    Step right up to the Shrillary 2016 “What difference does it make?” tour…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. ‘But isn’t that unethical?’
    I would think it’s actually indictable. But then with Eric Holder as Attorney General, I wonder what the statute of limitations is.

  3. …” pre-attack telegrams and cables between the U.S. embassy in Tripoli and State Department headquarters.”…
    Ok folks I have mentioned previously on this topic that I suspect Obama and Clinton wanted Ambassador Stephens gone.
    Just sayin’.

  4. This is why I don’t believe in conspiracy theories. If Hillary Clinton can’t keep people from spilling the beans on her shenanigans, it can’t be done.

  5. “If Hillary Clinton can’t keep people from spilling the beans on her shenanigans, it can’t be done.”
    Disagree. Conspiracies can be kept secret if the people involved have loyalty to each other.
    Hillary is a very mean abusive person about whom it is said that among Secret Service agents, it is considered punishment detail to be assigned to protect her.
    There is no one who is loyal to Hillary Clinton that I have heard of.

  6. Oz said: “Conspiracies can be kept secret if the people involved have loyalty to each other.”
    Very true.
    However, as the old saw goes, there is no loyalty among thieves. So, while the US Special Forces community could probably keep a secret for a while (like the real reason Osama’s body was buried at sea) politicians can’t. Somebody will squeal for sure the second their personal self interest will benefit. It just takes time.

  7. “Two may keep a secret, if one of them is dead.”
    Mojo why bring up Vince Foster after all at this point what difference does it make.
