17 Replies to “Mann Down”

  1. Mann is at Penn State – the same university that was warned about Jerry Sandusky, one of the football coaches, who raped little boys. The school did NADA – ZERO for years.
    Then they “investigated” Mann and said, “Yup, he’s a great professor and all those East Anglia University emails (uncovering the fraud of global warming)are bogus and we stand behind Professor Mann”.

  2. Oh mann, what a storm of you-know-what descended upon the dear doctor. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow. With a fragile ego like his, he should have known better, but with its monstrous size it was probably impossible not to.

  3. Remember to buy a gift cert at steynonline and don’t use it.

  4. Well, in all honesty, Mr. Mann’s representation never really much looked like any hockey stick I’ve ever seen — and I grew up in Brantford ON, in the shadow of Wayne Gretzky.
    I had the opportunity to play hockey once with Wayne, which experience pretty much convinced me that I had no future in the NHL.
    On the other hand, as Wayne, Mark and me are all for Stephen J. Harper, we’ll need only two more to put a team on the ice, which, apparently, is getting pretty thick.

  5. The rest of the losers on the CAGW bus had better brace themselves.
    The Mann being throw under the bus is gonna make a bump.
    Its been obvious that Mr Mann has been chosen as the designated fall guy for the USA bureaucrats.
    He has been groomed for this task, shame he is too stupid and greedy to see it.
    When Mann falls others will be turning on their comrades at an ever increasing rate.
    Last lying weasel to be backstabbed?

  6. Every once in a while appears a “serious” question from a warm-mongering true believer. Bless their hearts, they’re trying.

  7. Message to the Environmental Movement – Climategate 2009
    Nearly a half decade come November since Climategate leaks from East Anglia.
    We still don’t know who the big leaker(Whistle Blower) was…cue those who think conspiracies can’t be kept on the hush*.
    *spoiler: they can!

  8. I have a small hockey rink in my back yard. I want to plant pineapples. Is it too soon or should I wait for more global warming to melt the ice?
