10 Replies to “A Horrible History Of Scotland”

  1. I admit that I am rooting for independence based on entertainment value. If I lived there, it might be different. Good I don’t get a vote.
    Same with Quebec.

  2. “…the SCOTS and the ENGLISH do not have a language barrier …”
    True. Only slight variance of accent.
    We wants ooorrrr pogey
    We want owahh pogey

  3. The real question is who is driving the independence movement or who has hijacked it. Scotland (Like Ont.) is a net welfare state which has never run a surplus budget, dependent on the UK welfare dole and the EU monitarization. Independence is desirable but at a time when they ae self sufficient – as it is now the only winners will be the strained UK welfare state who cuts this burden loose.

  4. As a British mongrel, English; Irish; Scottish; Ulster & not sure about Welch, i would just shake my head when a pseudo English Toff such as on the Antique Roadshow or some other BBC programme would sound off in a patronizing manner about “Jock or Paddy”.
    The English working class are incomparably the best when they perform comedy, making the joke on themselves equally as with the other tribes of Britain. The true aristocrats know better than to mock their original colonized countries, but the class conscious aspiring lower classes have to put their foot on the necks of someone.
    My Celtic genes say go for it Scotland reinstate the Athens of the north and bring the Celtic world, which saved civilization after the Dark Ages, back to leadership in this screwed up European corner of the World. Cheers;

  5. I say go for it Scotland. Maybe it will encourage Quebec, Ontario and other provincial free loaders to do the same.

  6. Oh Doug! please tell me you will the separation of Canada be Western Canada and Upper Canada starting at Ontario’s Eastern Border. I promise when Lower Canada and the Atlantic parts are cut off Ontario will reduce it’s socialist meme.
    As an alternative, just include the Niagara Peninsula and a line west to Lake Huron as part of Western Canada. it will still provide an outlet to the Atlantic Ocean. We will be happy to let Ontarioooo including Trawna and Uttawwa to go it’s own way. Cheers;

  7. Speaking of separation, is there any way that the R.o.B.C. might be able to entice the City of Vancouver to break away from the R.o.B.C. and create its own, uh, sustainable collective?
    I suspect they’d be most happy to rename themselves from the “City of Vancouver” to the “Democratic People’s Republic of Vancouver.” They’re nearly there. All they need to do is raise property taxes to 100% of property value. Then they could install wind turbines in Queen Elizabeth Park and UBC and City Hall – hot air, you know – to charge up all their smaller-than-the-original-Mini-Cooper electric cars.
    The R.o.B.C. would merge with Alberta.
    Vancouver Island would merge with Great Britain and form “Greater Britain” and make up for any future loss of Scotland.
