Love and Anger

First the love:

Does the university need to know if I had oral or normal sex in the last three months after I’ve been drinking alcohol or using drugs recreationally, or if I used a condom during? They don’t need to know that for a gender equality questionnaire.

Then the anger:

Occupy Wall Street activists sue each other over who owns the movement’s Twitter account.

8 Replies to “Love and Anger”

  1. Divulge your most personal secrets to the “Office of Civil Rights” or else.
    Occupy leaders are suing each other in court over ownership (I thought they were against “ownership”) of twitter accounts.
    Gawd, where to begin?!? Orwell? The Borg? Welcome to the “progressive” collective utopia.

  2. So, if I regularly have safe sex with a wheelchair bound black islamic lesbian that makes dream-catchers for a living and grew up on an south west american indian reservation that suffered brutal oppresssion at the hands of the local white pastor who carried a rifle and played cricket would I then qualify for a scholarship??
    Because that is what I can write, words are easy!

  3. With that kind of resume, you might very well qualify for sainthood under the new rules of the collective.

  4. Exactly !! People can write whatever they want, there is no way to verify anything.
    Lots of fuss over the inconsequential in the world of twits.
