More Pavilions At Folkfest

The New Colonizers;

As Melanie Phillips in a recent talk pointed out, recycling a friend’s analogy, there is a tunneling factor at work on the model of Hamas. The tunnels stretch under the soil of another country and, suddenly, the terrorists “pop up,” seemingly out of nowhere. Phillips is scrupulous to clarify that she is not alluding to Muslim immigration as an overt military scheme carried out by bloodthirsty extremists, but the metaphor of Islam tunneling its way surreptitiously into and under the cultural terrain of Western civilization holds. In the words of Swiss parliamentarian Oskar Freysinger, Islam is “a dogma that is gnawing away at the pillars of our system of laws” — laws, we might add, both written and unspoken.

h/t Paul

13 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. Dick Morris was talking about this two-fold approach on his radio show yesterday – how Islam conquers via traditional warfare and also via immigration. The immigration tactic is of course a smashing success. Thanks multiculuralists!

  2. The following from the article, “Every immigrant group in this country has variously adapted to the heritage culture, integrating more or less seamlessly by the second generation.” This was the experience of our family and millions of other families. Muslims though, want our society to cater to their 7th century lifestyle.
    Solway quotes Daniel Greenfield who sums it up well with the phrase, “They aren’t immigrating. They’re colonizing.”.
    The article also mentions politicians pandering to Muslims and soliciting their votes. This is exactly what Trudeau has been doing all summer, skipping from one mosque to another.

  3. Just finished reading Melanie Philips book, “The World Turned Upside Down”.
    Believe me, she is right on the money. Highly recommended to anyone who is concerned with what is going on in the world today.

  4. Our leaders are selling out our very existence in the name political correctness and moral eqivilence.

  5. Progressives parroting multi-culti pieties are the useful idiots of Islam. In this, The Spawn excels.

  6. Well makes sense to me, I regard Progressives as blind worms, gnawing upon the foundations of civilization.Useless eaters obsessed with consuming everything they can steal.
    The Moslems are just copying success.
    Takers versus makers.
    When the Takers dominate they must turn on each other.
    Or Socialism is great, until you run out of other peoples money.
    The Jihads way has been tried before, results in stagnant economies.
    Why pay tax if you can pretend to be pious?
    why build if it is certain to be taken from you?
    So Sharia or Socialist, whats the difference?
    Both will kill you for your wealth.
    One is more honest.
    Both have an unshakable sense of entitlement.
    They are the chosen.It is their right to take from the unclean heathen.

  7. Biological weapons of mass destruction!
    Liberals have done this to our civilization, they need to be held accountable now not later.

  8. If Canadians are dumb enough to elect Trudeau PM, the Muslims who intend to vote for him in a sold bloc, will demand and get Sharia law, just for Muslims,within six months.All Canadians will be called on to respect sharia Courts,just as we did ”circle sentencing” with our beloved First Nations, and we will do exactly that or suffer arrest and prosecution.
    I have never seen a politician pander so shamelessly to an ethnic group as Trudeau with the Muslims.The problem is our political whores of all persuasions, who only want their time at the trough, and have no idea who or what they’re promoting by allowing Muslims to immigrate here.Tell a Conservative politician Muslims are colonizers,and the conversation will end right there.
    I fully expect that when Trudeau is PM, more than half of all immigrants will be Muslims,to the tune of three hundred thousand a year, or far more. It won’t take nearly as long for Muslims, the moderate type of course, (heh) to become the dominant political force in Canada,with our acquiescent nature, as it did in France and the rest of Europe.
    Well,at least those of us who opposed multiculturalism will finally get our way,as in 50 years this Country will be determinedly unicultural.

  9. From the article:
    “Then, as I was about to confront them — the odds were not in my favor, but so be it — they moved aside and, after a few moments, spread carpets on the grass margin a few yards away and ritually prostrated themselves in prayer — close enough that I had to be careful when backing the car out.”
    This is when you quietly back the jeep up to within feet and spray them with gravel and dirt.

  10. Pot-bellied pigs make nice pets, and you can even take them to the ol’ swimmin’ hole with you!
