Reader Tips

Tonight, as we wait for tomorrow’s ‘aye’ or ‘nae’ Scotland independence vote that could break up the United Kingdom, we listen to a modern version o’ Robbie Burns’ Scots Wha Hae. (Lyrics here.)
Hopefully it won’t affect the vote, because tribal tensions are already running high in the comments:

“…your Fascist Faggotry is only exceeded by your wacky bampot wankery..”

The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

29 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Artificial sweeteners linked to obesity epidemic
    Artificial sweeteners may exacerbate, rather than prevent, metabolic disorders such as Type 2 diabetes, a study suggests.
    It could be that artificial sweeteners lead to an expansion of bacterial species that extract energy from food that often gets stored as fat, contributing to obesity, Nagler said. It’s also possible the sweeteners could suppress the growth of other bacteria that seem to stave off insulin resistance, she said. sweeteners linked to obesity epidemic, scientists say – Health – CBC News

  2. So help me out here.
    – A ‘Yes’ vote will permit men to carry-on, in colourful tartan dresses, blowing weird noises, drinking malt whiskey;
    – A ‘No’ vote will …..Oh damn!

  3. I grew up in rural Saskatchewan the 50’s, listening to early morning radio while we waited for the school bus. This song blended in well with a bowl of porridge on a cold January morning. It was number one on the charts in 1961, in Canada, the USA and most of the UK.

  4. 1. WestJet starts charging fees for checked bags, just as Southwest starts flying to Canada. Southwest says “Our customers don’t like bag fees, so we don’t like bag fees”. They can’t get here soon enough.
    2. Marty Armstrong says of Scotland, “there seems to be a surge in the Yes camp”. Watch out….

  5. Some climate ‘scientists’ now believe that global warming is to blame for extreme cold snaps in North America during the winter months…. yeah right.
    Isn’t this the point in the story where some kid in the crowd says “Why isn’t the King wearing any clothes?”

  6. Ontar-I-owe Liberal government showing it’s arrogance again. Their run-away-when-the-going-gets- tough former Premier, Dalty McGuinty/McLiar registered as a Lobbyist, will be lobbying for a company called Desire2Learn which sells the provincial government some $3 million in school software annually. He may not be breaking any rules if they have none and the poor fella has to make a living is the story….Bullcrap, he just can’t get his arse away from government in some capacity. Rats just can’t leave a food source.

  7. AGW Kills.
    “Ukrainians are resorting to “wash visits” along with school closures and DIY insulation as the nation of 45 million braces for a winter without enough gas.”
    “Say it ain’t snow! Ontario gets first blast of winter”
    “A big chunk of the region had been under a frost advisory because of an Arctic cold front. Temperatures were expected to drop below freezing Wednesday night as well.”
    “May I Borrow Your Shower? Ukraine Braces for Winter Cold”
    “Since Kiev’s authorities started turning off communal hot water supplies last month to save natural gas, people with their own boilers have found unwashed friends on the doorstep armed with a towel and a bar of soap.”

  8. wacky, bampot, wankery. man it just does not get better than that. when I first read about Scottish independence, sometime before I was concerned with quebec independence, I did question who was going to pay for the level of socialism they do or do not enjoy.

  9. The Scots have their haggis, bagpipes and kilts but can they build an army with that? Their famous for their frugality but if they separate we’ll know the frugality also extended to their brains.

  10. PET Cemetery Piney Shoney Report.
    Media Party has a blast.
    “Trudeau’s abortion stand ‘discriminatory’: former Liberal MPs” (G-M)
    “Justin Trudeau’s abortion stance ‘undemocratic, say ex-MPs
    Tom Wappel, Pat O’Brien, other former MPs say Trudeau violating spirit of charter” (OurCBC)
    “Former Liberal MPs call on Justin Trudeau to reverse ‘undemocratic’ position on abortion”

  11. Livestock Workers May Carry Staph Bacteria from Pigs
    Over the past several decades, it’s become standard practice for farmers to give animals, such as chickens and pigs, regular doses of antibiotics. This is not done to fight bacterial infections, but rather to promote the animals’ health and speed up their growth.
    However, the increasing use of antibiotics has encouraged the evolution of drug-resistant strains of bacteria. There is now even a livestock-associated strain of MRSA, a bacterial strain that, in humans, can cause debilitating, sometimes deadly, infections and is known for spreading among hospital patients.

  12. Livestock Workers May Carry Staph Bacteria from Pigs
    The bacteria may have a greater chance of spreading to the workers’ families, communities and even into hospitals if the bacteria linger in the workers’ noses after they leave the hog operation, the researchers said. Previous research has shown that people who persistently carry Staphylococcus aureus have an increased risk of infection in clinical settings.

  13. PET Cem’s Shineye Peony Update.
    “Former Liberal MP says some in Trudeau’s caucus could bolt over abortion decree”
    “A former MP who quit the Liberal caucus in 2005 because of his opposition to same-sex marriage says several Liberal MPs are considering leaving the party over Justin Trudeau’s stance on abortion.
    Pat O’Brien, a staunch pro-lifer, wouldn’t name the MPs he says are considering ditching the party.
    O’Brien, along with six other former Liberal MPs, wrote an open letter to Trudeau on Thursday because …”–could-bolt-over-abortion-decree

  14. “Former Liberal MP says some in Trudeau’s caucus could bolt over abortion decree”
    “A former MP who quit the Liberal caucus in 2005 because of his opposition to same-sex marriage says several Liberal MPs are considering leaving the party over Justin Trudeau’s stance on abortion.
    Pat O’Brien, a staunch pro-lifer, wouldn’t name the MPs he says are considering ditching the party.
    O’Brien, along with six other former Liberal MPs, wrote an open letter to Trudeau on Thursday because …”–could-bolt-over-abortion-decree

  15. “Former Liberal MP says some in Trudeau’s caucus could bolt over abortion decree”
    “A former MP who quit the Liberal caucus in 2005 because of his opposition to same-sex marriage says several Liberal MPs are considering leaving the party over Justin Trudeau’s stance on abortion.
    Pat O’Brien, a staunch pro-lifer, wouldn’t name the MPs he says are considering ditching the party.
    O’Brien, along with six other former Liberal MPs, wrote an open letter to Trudeau on Thursday because …”
    (TO sun)

  16. “Best for Doing Business: Countries”
    “The U.S. drops to third place while Canada goes from sixth to second”
    “Ottawa: Harper to host Canada-EU Summit with Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, and José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission to celebrate the historic end of negotiations of the Canada-EU Trade Agreement (CETA)”
    “Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced that Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, and José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, will travel to Ottawa and Toronto on September 26, 2014, to take part in a Canada-European Union (EU) Summit. The Prime Minister made the announcement during a roundtable meeting with members of the Ontario business community.”
