You Say ISIS, I Say ISIL

Let’s cut the whole head off.

Australian police detained 15 people and raided more than a dozen properties across Sydney in the country’s largest counterterrorism operation, saying intelligence indicated an attack was being planned on Australian soil.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott said he had been briefed on Wednesday night about the operation that was prompted by information that an Islamic State movement leader in the Middle East was calling on Australian supporters to kill.
Abbott was asked about reports that the people detained were planning to publicly behead a random person in Sydney.
“That’s the intelligence we received,” he told reporters. “The exhortations — quite direct exhortations — were coming from an Australian who is apparently quite senior in ISIL to networks of support back in Australia to conduct demonstration killings here in this country.”

10 Replies to “You Say ISIS, I Say ISIL”

  1. “Police have issued an arrest warrant for a former Sydney nightclub bouncer, Mohammad Ali Baryalei”
    Gee, his name is Mohammad? This is the name of someone who would be totally offended by titties and beer. Am I right?
    Chosen profession: nightclub bouncer. Poor guy must be so conflicted. The ironing is delirious.

  2. It was only a matter of time before individual citizens in the West would be targeted by Islamic radicals. Canadian citizens, like their Australian counterparts, make easy targets. So, ask yourself these two questions. How can I protect myself and my family? What’s the best way to avoid becoming a victim?
    If you expect your government to protect you, the answer is they can’t. There are too many people and too few police and military personnel to do the job. So, you might want to think seriouly about how you can protect yourself and your family.
    One answer is to get your firearms license. Then, purchase a firearm and learn how to use it.
    Why? Because we’re probably at the front end of this threat to personal safety. Islamic radicals want to create panic and terror. Threats like the one in Australia are an ideal way to scare the population. Over the coming months you are likely to see an increase in threats like this.
    So, give some thought to the two questions. How can I protect myself and my family? What’s the best way to avoid becoming a victim?

  3. This needs to be happening across the free world, and particularly North America where successive prog regimes have allowed terror sleeper cells and terrorist factories into the country in their agenda to secure electoral dominance through indiscriminate, criminally neglegent immigration.
    We need to have the mass surveillance turned on the real bad guys and the police focused on rounding up real terrorists – instead we have national intel that uses our Iphone cloud pictures like porno, cops that snap donuts, fatten pensions and pull swat raids to confiscate toy guns from minors, and domestic security filled with pervs who grab yer junk at the airports. This is what you get when effete progs attempt to address real public threats.
    We need Sam Steel – we got Cheif Wiggum

  4. Exactly!
    This sort of terrorism is happening almost daily in some western country somewhere.
    As the thread above discusses, we also have passive aggression by so-called “peaceful” Muslims to deal with and yet we are led by “Chief Wiggums” who still fervently believe in the failed multicultural policy and are leading us to our destruction. Some European countries and leaders have realized the error and are slowly turning around on the multicultural policies.

  5. “Coming soon to a country near you” is not just a catch phrase.
    Liberals should be forced to wear signs and T-shirts in western cities that read – “I brought you here, behead me first”

  6. Time to take the gloves of with Islam…our eternal enemy. Our craven “leaders” who support muslim integration need to be shown the door. Mosques need to be raided and exposed…local borne muslims who become radicalized are being fed this barbaric deceased evil from local Imams… make it illegal and harshly punished. Enough.

  7. Time to introduce “concealed carry” permits in Canada. They should be automatically issued to veterans and serving CF members and on a demonstrated loyalty and crime-free case for the rest of the population. A side benefit to taking out terrorists would be a reduction in crime. That should explode some liberal heads…

  8. Aviator>
    I’m afraid that the Liberals do not want the Canadian Negro’s armed, so they will never allow concealed carry permits.
    Liberals like their Negro’s locked up in drug infested ghetto’s, unarmed and slaves to their repressive apartheid systems.

  9. This is the best news Ive heard in a while. At least one Western Government knows the enemy of our civilization.
    Instead of the countless BS comoing from Cameron along with Obama being apologists for Islam that tells us every day what they are going to do. Kill us & force conversion.Make sharia law world wide.
