12 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Just surprised it’s still that high. Our mistrust dates back a fair few years, after noticing the disconnect between what occurred at community meetings we attended and what the local newspaper reported.
    Went further downhill when an offspsring’s classmate was conned (and I use that word advisedly, said offspring being present at the interview) into giving an ‘off-the-record’ candid comment about perceived misbehaviour on the part of some of the grad class at a rural gathering place. The school’s grads were never seen doing the damage; a poster linking them to the site (which hosted parties for several groups that weekend) brought the ‘reporter’ to the school. Need I add that the reporter promptly published the ‘off-the-record’ remark.

  2. I’ve had a fair number of dealings with the media over the years and I can honestly say they have always got something wrong on anything of which I have direct knowledge. They are experts on nothing, so anything they report is from, at best, a superficial understanding. Military or aviation subjects can be particularly challenging to a reporter who has only ever studied syntax and has never been in the real world.
    That said, it is disturbing that 40% of the population still trust them!

  3. I think that the drop out in public trust and MSM subscribers is directly equivalent to a growing number of intellectually maturing middle class figuring out:
    A) The MSM is a critical component of the existing power structure, not a public watchdog.
    B) The current power structure is morbidly self-interested, self-indulgent, demophobic and contemptuous of civil freedom, open democracy and free market capitalism
    C) The above situation has manifested itself in the notable decay of western economies, law, society and culture within a generation – which the MSM whitewash as being the status quo.

  4. Yes, it is disturbing how the press and news “outlets” have become a part of the apparatus of the state.

  5. Aviator is right. I’ve had the same experience on scientific and specific technical topics.
    It’s also worth observing that the decline in the public trust in the MSM has been accompanied by its remorseless shift to the left in its slant on the news. Has the former been at least in part caused by the latter? Another possible cause is that over the same period of media decline has been the growth in other sources, particularly on-line, which the MSM does not control and which has a tendency to fact-check them pretty ruthlessly.

  6. 40%? Wow the crusted on believers will buy anything.
    If we could get most of the 60% aligned on reviving civilization we may be better off than I thought.
    Once todays young people realize how badly they have been used, the number who “trust” our Presstitutes will tank.
    Reality is kicking the narrative to pieces.
    The economy is failing, the watchdogs are rabid,your future has been sold, so sorry kiddies you get the bill and we blew the funds.
    Invested in the welfare state, Oh Yeah.
    As for the Falling Sky, weighed down by the Magic Gas?
    Where is my Global Warming?
    An absolute certainty, if we failed to act, well I acted, I bought 2 diesel pickups, burned all kinds of fuel, resurrected my 350 chevy, got a bigger snowmobile …… still no warming.
    Can I sue my local government?
    They stated this nonsense as FACT.?

  7. Did I forget?
    That our preening Presstitutes cannot even spell Kleptocracy, never mind parse out the meaning.
    These parasites were guaranteed special privileges to perform their civic duty.
    They chose to become sycophants and their odour precedes them everywhere.
    “Facts? We don’t report no stinking facts, we fabricate reality as a whole fable.”
    Except their fables have collided with the real interests of Canadians.
    Property rights.
    Rule of Law.
    Impartial courts and civil governance,
    we have nothing in common and absolutely no use for useless feeders who lie to us.
    For our own good of course.

  8. cgh, you and Aviator are right.
    cgh’s comment, “MSM has been accompanied by its remorseless shift to the left in its slant on the news” is particularly
    After thirty-four years experience I would say the same can be said about media reporting of municipal affairs. If certain policy does not fit the leftist dogma the media relentlessly goes after the councils or some of the members. If the policy is in line with leftist dogma the media goes all out in support.

  9. The media used to be proud of their role as intermediaries between the common man and an overweening government.
    Now the media are part of the very government they used to scrutinize.
    The media’s betrayal is undeniable.
