3 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. And socialists still wonder why we mock them.
    I’m waiting for Iberia to get on here and explain how the state penalizing companies for accepting -volunteer- labor is a good thing, and will Free The People From Capitalist Oppression. Or even to explain how such a thing can be done by a state government in a supposedly free country.

    Any time now.


  2. Exactly. Isn’t socialism wonderful? You see stuff like this all the time and you still have massive support for the Democrats in the US and for the Liberals/NDP here.

  3. Strange that the government will fine this fellow out of business while politicians use unpaid ‘interns’ all the time.
    Actually not strange at all.
    Neighboring states should man the borders and stop the idiots from emigrating. They’re more destructive than Ebola.
