23 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. Anti-pervert? Jeez, perverts will probably love these things. Normal guys will just grimace and move on.

  2. Or they could be just the thing that attracts that special someone after he’s released from lockup when he’s finished doing his time for good behaviour.
    Seriously, there’s a reason Arab women wear burkas and their men go for goats.

  3. Actually Warran, yourt comment was at least as apt in this thread as it was in the one you intended it.

  4. “Yes, yes, but does it come with a tail?”
    There could be no end rejoinders to that statement.
    I don’t know, but could not these stockings be a perfect fit for your average female vegan greenie.

  5. First i just thought “Why am i looking at a picture of my legs on SDA…?”
    Then i realized it must be a post about the happy confluence of the Goracle effect (99.999% per cent of all scientists agree on that), and globull “warming” driven evolution!
    Somewhere in the future, all members of our species will resemble the original Wookiee

  6. Unfortunately there are too many false rape accusations, Tawana Brawley comes to mind.
    At one time there was capital punishment for kidnapping.
    Then it donned on them that since there was already capital punishment for murder, it incentivised the kidnappers to kill the victim so as to eliminate a witness.
    Crazy, eh?

  7. In that scenario, the standard of proof for capital punishment would be higher than ‘beyond reasonable doubt’. There shouldn’t be ANY doubt.
    Also, capital punishment doesn’t have to mean execution.
    I direct you to the wording of the fifth amendment to the Constitution: ‘nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb’.
    Presumably, the implication is that the founders didn’t see the removal of a limb for certain offenses to be cruel or unusual punishment. I’m sure we can think of some things that could be chopped off of sex offenders.
    I know, I’m a terrible person.

  8. the ultimate ‘anti-pervert’ must-have.
    Hairy Stockings?
    So what about something to stop the Muslims?
    There are all sorts of Scandinavian woman getting raped by Muslims who need something too!
