The Social Climate

All god’s children got a say:

“Shame and humble all the wealthy, wealthy people, their families, their kids – have protests out in front of their schools..because if they’re not shamed themselves, then you can shame their children, you know? Really. Really.”

19 Replies to “The Social Climate”

  1. Governments claim to protect and help minorities. Sane people are a minority. Where is our protection?
    Never mind, the nanny state never listens to sanity.

  2. Shame someone’s children because their parents are wealthy? Be a real tragedy if they shamed their way into a fist to the face.

  3. Wealthy people, if they don’t live in gated communities, can afford to hire off-duty cops as security to deal with these kinds of eventualities, if they desire and should they occur.

  4. These people are the useful idiots of the left. Not only would they try to shame your children, they would hurt or kill them to achieve their goals. Truly evil.

  5. The type of revolutionary who would incite others to violence but then hide under the covers when the shooting starts.

  6. These “people” are cartoons that have, unfortunately, come to life.
    We can’t build enough sanitariums for these whackadoodles!

  7. You have to give them really simple reasons. E.g. “I disagree with your plans for me and I refuse to be persuaded. Your choices are leave me alone or try to use force. And I will kill you before I will submit to force.”

  8. People on any part of the spectrum to the left do not understand economics. The wealthy are the one paying for these folks meds through Medicaid, Are paying for their welfare, are paying for their subsidized housing are paying for a large part of their education JK through grad school. They should be happy for the wealthy who support their parasitic existence as a result of disproportional taxation. Sure, some of them have tax advisors who help them pay a lower rate than they would if they filed their own tax forms, but even they pay way more tax than these people; 15% of $5 million is still higher than 0% of anything anything these protestors earn.

  9. You can’t actually state, being a mere peon, that you will kill them. Remember the threat of protesting homes and ‘shaming’ was aimed at wealthy people and their children. That’s why I talk about wealthy people, not rich but wealthy, being able to afford off-duty police protection.
    Because they can.
    What I’d like to see is these Global Warming nutbags assemble at one of Al Gore’s mansions.
    Gore, a 1%er for sure, probably still has Secret Service protection, having once been a U.S. Vice-President.
    It would be funny, especially if Al was home…

  10. Why do I have this sinking feeling that I’ve just seen the live version of Cheech and Chong’s Big Bambu, especially Sign Ze Papers Old Man.
