Reader Tips

Longtime SDA reader Bunbury, who is a dreadful invalid, writes “Would you be so kind as to post a video showing a bunch of Russians in cowboy hats riding through a hilly temperate broadleaf forest while singing a song from ‘Oklahoma?'”
Because of his extraordinary bad health, I will do just that: Here are members of the cast of the Moscow Operetta Theatre performing The Farmer And The Cowman.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

36 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Re: Oklahoma, and the song, ”The Farmer and the Cowman.”
    This is an American performance.
    I don’t know what year the Russians performed theirs–but it sounds pretty good. Was it Soviet?? If so–my generation did a very poor job of hiding what was going on in North America!
    I grew up believing that all Soviet farmers lived in little grey mud shacks with thatched roofs made of wheat straw, drank Vodka and sang patriotic songs.
    My Dad was a garage owner and a farmer. One day (about 1970) he sent me out to a SW Sask farm to fix a Chrysler engine on a Massey Harris combine. The farmer had a new Belarus tractor; two guys from the factory were there performing changeovers on it. They had photos of their homes, kids, wives etc. It was quite a bit different scene than what the Yanks had been showing us in magazines.
    Conclusion: Never underestimate the enemy!

  2. From their accents I would guess the singers are from some far eastern county of Oklahoma.

  3. “we have not been there for the last 10 years…
    …Harper will address the UN General Assembly on Thursday, his third address since taking power,”
    All right, which is it? It says Harper hasn’t been to the UN for 10 years but he’s been there three times IN THE SAME ARTICLE! No wonder the media have no credibility.

  4. No tip, but…
    That chic in the blue dress needs to stop pulling on the bit. Poor horse. He needs to buck them both off, just cause they’re artsy-fartsies on horseback.

  5. The Original Oklahoma film (1955) was produced (Mike Todd) in 70mm wide screen, in the 1980’s I attended a special screening in Hollywood of the original 70mm uncut version. It is a visual & audible master piece especially on a theater big screen.
    The normal distribution was in 35mm.

  6. “Longtime SDA reader Bunbury, who is a dreadful invalid…”
    Bad enough being invalided without being labelled as a crotchety old bugger as well! 😉

  7. In my youth it constantly snowed in Moscow. All pictures all year showed grim politburo standing on a platform with rather large women sweeping the streets with ragged corn brooms. Perpetual gloom
    Appears global warming made their climate change to the better

  8. Why are they getting away with spreading lies about Harper and his attendance at the UN? We know the answer, the Conservatives, Harper’s public relations people are silent, letting them away with it. It’s time the Conservatives shake it up, defend themselves on any and all misinformation and outright lies from the media. It’s hard to support a party that isn’t prepared to defend itself.

  9. Actually, my brother has said that “Capitalism has made Russian women better looking!” His actual words were a bit coarser than that.

  10. If you respond you acknowledge their importance. Media credibility is at an all time low. Why take them seriously and respond to their gibberish? We don’t need the media and will never have them so why bother. Next election cut the questions down to 1 per week I say.

  11. I disagree…I am surrounding by fans of lamestream media who believe ‘whatever’ they have heard or read…they trust the lazy journalists and hang on their word. Someone needs to take them to task, and demand accountability. I am getting tired of doing the work of CPC public relations.

  12. Ha! Bunbury is the fictitious (non-existent) friend (“Yes, poor Bunbury is a dreadful invalid”) of Algernon in the Oscar Wilde play “The Importance of Being Earnest.”

    “I have invented an invaluable permanent invalid called Bunbury, in order that I may be able to go down into the country whenever I choose. Bunbury is perfectly invaluable. If it wasn’t for Bunbury’s extraordinary bad health, for instance, I wouldn’t be able to dine with you at Willis’s to- night.”

  13. Yes, Holder is stepping down! Otherwise known as mini-Mugabe. Otherwise known as a flat out racist. Otherwise known as the man who created the most politicized Attorney General’s Office in the history of the USA.
    I cannot even stand the sight of the man. He is evil.

  14. And Holder is the same SOB that called the USA a “nation of cowards”. This is the SOB that tried to come to the aid of every black loser criminal out there, and in doing so totally abused the power of the office he held. This is the SOB that rode over laws to advance his own political agenda.
    As I said, he’s one evil bastard.

  15. Look West! The land is bright.
    “A milestone as Suncor sends first tanker of Alberta crude across Atlantic to Italy”
    “Suncor’s first waterborne shipment from Canada’s east coast was loaded on to the Minerva Gloria at the port of Sorel near Montreal”
    “The Saint Lawrence River is going to become a little Mississippi River
    “The landscape is completely changing,” Jacques said. “The Saint Lawrence River is going to become a little Mississippi River.”
    Canadian producers are looking for other ways to get their crude to water. Pipelines already connect Alberta to the Houston Ship Channel, the largest U.S. export hub.”

  16. This is bizarre. I’m in rehearsal for a production of “Oklahoma” this Fall, and will have to share this with everyone involved. (They did take some liberties with melody lines, IMO)
    Must have been dubbed. I reckon it would be doggone difficult to sing in operatic full voice, while riding horseback… though I can’t say I have ever tried.

  17. O’narcissist & KneelOurCBC & the Rev. Al.
    “Even Democrats, writes Neil MacDonald of CBC News, don’t know where Obama is going with this.”
    “The desperation of the situation was underlined when Al Sharpton announced his organization was helping the president find a replacement for Holder.”
    “Foreign Policy writes that “a bad moon is rising”. David Rothkopf says that behind the presidents confident words at UN the panic and disarray was palpable. Obama is trying to minimize a crisis that if anything, is going to grow.
    But offstage, the discussions about all these issues had a dramatically different tone. It was doubtful and largely pessimistic.”
    “But ISIS is just the tip of iceberg. Obama is facing comprehensive catastrophe in the Middle East. Obama’s Arab backers, writes the Daily Beast, may draw him deeper into the flames and in particular into the divisions between the rulers and their restive subjects.”

  18. Some words from the Prime Ministers UN speech today. The speech that’s being extensively covered by…basically no one.
    The threat posed by foreign fighters is a source of great concern.
    The conflicts in Syria and Iraq are becoming an ever greater challenge for people around the world, including Canada.
    The presence of a large number of foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq is of course not only aggravating an already dangerous regional security situation, but for us it involves the risk that individuals may return home with knowledge and experience gained in terrorist activities to motivate and recruit others and, potentially, to conduct attacks.
    Canada is taking action on this.

    Liberals are against this.

  19. My bad, just checked out the AW website and it actually was a 1000 lb GBU-32, Joint Direct Attack Munition that was dropped, my apologies to Robert of Ottawa.
