Renegade Regulator

Restore CSA;

Lets review. In 2010 the CSA was caught running an eight year-long counterfeiting operation in the sales of fake safety certifications of modular buildings. The CSA was caught falsifying test results, skipping entirely whole ranges of safety tests for consumer products, they have been selling blank product certifications to manufacturers, they’ve even had CSA secretarial staff authoring their engineering reports. This is the context in which the CSA is testing and certifying Canada’s operating room equipment. At the same facility. By the same staff.

7 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Every time I read one of these CSA blurbs, the same question comes up: if the CSA certifies dangerous products, where are the effects? Should there not be lots of dead or hurt people whose injuries can be directly linked to these false assurances of safety?
    Absent some demonstration of consequences it seems reasonable to think that the reality has to be some combination of (a) the whole certification process is largely pointless; and, (b) the picture of the CSA presented in these blurbs is badly exaggerated.

  2. Every time I read one of these global warming blurbs, the same question comes up: if global warming is so dangerous, where are the effects? Should there not be lots of dead or hurt people whose injuries can be directly linked to these false warnings of global catastrophe?
    Absent some demonstration of consequences it seems reasonable to think that the reality has to be some combination of (a) the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is largely pointless; and, (b) the picture of climate change presented in these blurbs is badly exaggerated.

  3. Most of what CSA does is practically useless and certainly not cost effective. They basically follow others in the industry, such as the US electrical code. That’s on a good day; the rest of the time they run an extortion racket.

  4. Why aren’t the Liberals and the NDP screaming about this. After all, it must be Stephen Harper’s fault. Perhaps their hands are all in the cookie jar. When politician isn’t complaining about something he must be making money from it.

  5. The CSA is an exclusive club, membership is offered to selected bureaucrats, rewarding those who ease the scam.
    Politicians will only know of this corrupt organization if the bureaus tell them.
    So those out of power are not told and those in power only told what the bureaus need them to know.
    Case in point James Moore: Sucker. When this fully blows up, Mr Moore will be hunting the bureaucrats who set him up to appear duplicitous and stupid.
    CSA is over regulation.
    There is no sane reason for Canada to have different “safety” standards to the USA.
    If standards work for 300 million lawsuit happy people, then why not for 30 million more?
    But this would put a bunch of very fat parasites out of the trough.
    “Shut Up and pay up.” CSA demands.

  6. It is obvious by now James Moore and the CPC won’t do anything about the corruption at the CSA. Maybe Shiny Pony will?
