SDA Gets Results!


U.S. and coalition warplanes pounded ISIS positions in eastern Syria on Wednesday, what a Pentagon official described as mobile oil refineries being used by the so-called Islamic State terror group to help finance its operations.

Well, finally.

19 Replies to “SDA Gets Results!”

  1. Nov 4 – Congressional election day in the US
    Bombing stops November 5th – we may have killed 100 of the 20,000 ISIS forces by then. Time for Obama to get back on the golf course.

  2. Yaaaa, us!
    Taking ME oil production off line, just what the Wall St. commodity speculators ordered. Next let’s hollow out their infrastructure (roads, power, dams etc.) with some “stray”carpet bombing so when our “west friendly” puppet government takes over, the usual UN cronies can get filthy rich selling them a rebuilding package. – The Arabs have taken a lot of wealth out of the US and now it’s time they gave some back – All according to plan – so far.

  3. Yeah well. anyone who thinks they understand has not been properly briefed.
    The US administration has the problem of destroying US industrial society and remaining in power. Daesh is a threat to their credibility with elections looming.
    The simple remedy to Russian imperialism and Islamic Jihad is to allow Keystone, abandon AGW stupidity, and widespread North American energy development. This yields US energy independence and eases global energy supplies….degrades Islamic and Russian leverage and ability to finance unrest.
    However the simple solution cripples the first agenda, destroying US industrial society….which is the primary agenda.
    The problem for the administration, is that while they are indifferent to WTC attacks, Fort Hood and Navy Yard attacks….they dread the prospect of Daesh success in direct attacks on the White House as nearly occurred on 911…..that’s their butts.
    Then consider that the administration are a vast collection of inept, inexperienced, antisocial, leftist ideologs…..

  4. Why just last month we were told that ISIS were the “Jay Vee” team of beheaders…?
    I wonder if the Las Vegas fundraisers are taking bets on who is the world leading beheader…Al Qaeda vs ISIS…err I mean who retains control of the Senate.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. Good point Jim.
    Some time ago a commenter here pointed out how vulnerable those long lines of white trucks were and wondered why whole convoys of sitting ducks weren’t taken out.
    And think of the propaganda value of quid pro quo YouTube videos showing the slaughter.
    Yeah, Peters is right. The attacks were designed to limit not just collateral damage but core terrorist damage.
    Pure November 4 politics, end of sentence.
    And Liz J: quitting before they’re half done? How about 1/10th done?
    Even Israel pulled back to allow Hamas to regroup and rebuild those tunnels.

  6. What if the only infrastructure being hit is that being serviced by Chinese interests, or Russian interests, or Turkish interests… personally, I don’t believe Obama is going after ISIS at all, this is a ruse. The goal remains to oust Assad so a pipeline to Europe can be built, and protecting the fiat US dollar at the same time.

  7. “why whole convoys of sitting ducks weren’t taken out.”
    Exactly. A few A10’s flying in relative slow motion up and down a long line of Toyotas with no air defence would provide some graphic footage. Perhaps a few jihadists, if they were lucky enough to survive, would change career paths after seeing their buddies shredded by gatling gun fire or barbecued by napalm.

  8. Jim…I was wondering if someone would post the link to Col Peters commentary.
    He makes VERY valid points. Why the Nighttime bombing…what are they afraid of in the daylight…recognition..?? This is in my opinion as a President trying to appease (\He’s an expert at that), his American being seen to be doing something….Shock n Awe. When in facfdt his could have been fabricated in Hollywood for all we know.
    When you telegraph your intentions for weeks as he did with the first Jouranlist that was beheaded…what would any thinking person do..??
    This guy is an outright Muslim Sympathizer, hates Israel and is effectively destroying the United States with his domestic policies while also enabling (and arming), Islam to make its move throughout the middle east.
    I like sasquatch’s comment as well.
    It is high time for North America to completely cut ourselves off from ME oil. WE DONT NEED It..!! However I would add to Saq’s comment by saying this: #1 we tell our Islamic immigrants: Assimilate -rnounce Islam or leave. PERIOD #2 to our Middle Eastern Islamic foes..” from this point on we will leave you alone. If you harm 1 Westerner (Including Israeli), in any way shape or form again – We will turn Mecca into a glass factory. Do it again and say goodbye to Medina…seems to me it only took the Japanese Imperial Army 2 to figure it out.
    Enough of this crap around the globe. But it will take someone of character and a TRUE American PATRIOT to do that (or something like that)…kinda like Ronald Reagan..not this Muslim (_i_)kissing imbecile that is there now.
    His speech at the UN was just unbelievable…..
    Just got notified my Bumper stickers are on the way: Canada (with our flag on the left)…FIT in or PISS off.!

  9. Remember to buy lots of Halliburton (HAL – NYSE)!
    Reconstruction is going to be expensive.
    Too bad most little people missed the boat on Lockheed Martin, Raytheon etcetera, but if you know your way around Liberal political circles there will be a flood of Immigration and Refugee schemes to capitalize on.
    “Happy days are here again……….”

  10. I wonder how the Obama Coalition evolved from less than ten to more than fifty states in three days!
    Couldn’t be ALL BS? Could it?
    CBC repeated a number in the forties many times yesterday while lauding The O and his blather at the UN.
    US state dept. has a list of 54!
    I call BS all around.

  11. Ebola response is window dressing. They sent enough to make a brave show at the airport, but not enough to actually -do- anything.
    If you wanted to really contain that thing now, you’d have to send the -entire- US Forces. All of it. There’s ~ten million people in the affected region and zero infrastructure, the 3,000 guys Barry sent aren’t going to make even a dent. They might die, of course. And they might bring Ebola home with them when the photo-op is over. But they won’t make a dent in the outbreak.
    Everybody knows it. F-ing window dressing.

  12. Much as I value the A10’s ability to break things… is MNSHO that their contribution should be direct to the head and rear of the afore mentioned columns of pickups etc.
    Then bring on the AC130 “spectre” gunships….rapid systematic destruction from the flank beyond the range of the DSk’s in the Toyotas. Then some fast movers with cluster bombs and napalm…..just for show. Then a few Apaches to deal with lose ends. In that order.
    I can dream can’t I?
