Bad for the goose, great amusement for the gander

After the paroxysms of outrage over Ezra Levant’s dastardly segment on The Source, we came to understand as Canadians that when it comes to the intersection of journalism and politics, family is absolutely, strictly, one-hundred percent off-limits.
Unless, of course, your last name isn’t Trudeau. Then it’s just fun!

9 Replies to “Bad for the goose, great amusement for the gander”

  1. Not surprising at all. This sort of journalism has been the norm for Macleans for a long time and is why I dumped my subscription about ten years ago. I finally had enough of their pimping for the Liberals.

  2. Mcleans? McLeans?
    Used to read Mark Steyn on the back page of some mag until they dropped him.
    Was that McLeans?

  3. I read an article one time in a bathroom from that magazine,,Im sure it helped with the expulsion of beer and berritos, pathetic liberal crap.

  4. Other than is really obvious Justine has his mothers brains, or lack thereof, how do we really know who the father is.

  5. Why would she wait until the bill is passed? I guess she didn’t.
    Still, it’s hard to believe threats and media action like this could have been prevented…unless everything was legalized. At least then members of the SCOC could rest easy.

  6. If circulation is down why not post photos of the free-spirited Maggies beaver.
    Oh but thats a liberal beaver I forgot. Have trouble keeping track of these sorts of things.
    Any way I got copy, black and white.
    The picture I mean…… good grief.

  7. What is a “McLeans” or a “CBC”? Would I recognize one if I met it in the street?
