Men of No Appearance

On academic scandals, policing speech and “black privilege”:

No conspiracy theory is required to explain the silence here. Reporters and editors are nervous about being thought racist, or (worse) having “anti-racist” pressure groups demonstrating on their doorsteps. The easy route to avoiding this is a bit of suppressio veri – not lying, exactly, but not uttering facts that might be thought racially inflammatory. The pattern of suppression is neatly explained by the following premises: Any association of black people with criminality is inflammatory. Any suggestion that black criminals are motivated by racism to prey on white victims is super-inflammatory. And above all, we must not inflame. Better to be silent. I believe this silence is a dangerous mistake with long-term consequences that are bad for everyone, and perhaps worst of all for black people.

3 Replies to “Men of No Appearance”

  1. On the topic of political correctness: Had one asked the average U.K. citizen five years ago whether it was possible that wide spread ‘grooming’ and exploitation of young girls by Muslim gangs was going on in Rotherham, the answer would have been a resounding- NO!!!
    If you asked the average Canadian the same question today, you’d also get a no answer.
    How do we know? The same political correctness that allowed exploitation in Rotherham exist here. Right?

  2. .
    Black Monopoly
    …. Most people I know would think this is funny …. But then we lack the programming that the educational system offers nowadays. We are still normal.
