Reader Tips

Do you find yourself plagued by houseguests – perhaps they’re your in-laws – who’ve long overstayed their welcome? Tonight, as a public service, we teach your parakeet to drive them out of the house.
Guaranteed to work or double your money back.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

30 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. For a young Dane, there’s no greater source of relaxation and pleasure than walking your dog on a lovely day.
    *Grrrr.* Native-born white European men should just cut their balls off now and get it over with.

  2. “Attorney General Eric Holder should be held in contempt of court for refusing to release ‘Fast and Furious’ documents in line with a judge’s order — and even given jail time if necessary, lawmakers said.”

  3. “Serve and Protect” has always been nothing but a PR myth. The courts established decades ago that the cops didn’t have a responsibility to protect anyone but themselves. Their job is to arrive after the crime, collect evidence, and then apprehend those designated by the court as criminals. The odds of the cops catching a crime in progress are vanishingly small.
    Call for a cop, call for a pizza. I’ll bet you a pizza who gets here first.

  4. “Call for a cop, call for a pizza. I’ll bet you a pizza who gets here first.”
    I witnessed a bar fight downtown Moronto about a decade ago, a guy flew though a closed patio window. The 24-hour glass service was on the scene before the cops.

  5. Experts starting to admit it may take vaccine to stop Ebola in West Africa
    The Canadian Press…By Helen Branswell,
    West Africa is a region with more people than it can feed.
    Let Ebola run it’s course there, and quarantine anyone coming from there till they test clear of Ebola. This isn’t rocket science; these are protocols that have kept plagues in check for a hundred years.
    It’s unfortunate that the current US Administration can’t grasp what every previous administration understood clearly. Their present immigration policies regarding communicable diseases are as effective as a screen door on a submarine.
    TSA and HS could control this at the borders, but seem stymied to act. Is it a ‘black’ thing

  6. PET Cemetery Report.
    Al-Justine is thrown under the camel by Liberals.
    “ISIS mission reveals Liberal divide: Party’s grandees express support for ‘robust Canadian mission’”
    “Former interim Liberal leader Bob Rae took specific aim at the comparison, embraced by Mr. Trudeau, of this mission with the 2003 American invasion of Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein, calling it simply “wrong.”
    “It is now apparent that the forces of radical violence have metastasized, and that Islamic State represents a clear and present danger to the people over whom it rules, to any minorities around the area, to the region and potentially to the world,” Mr. Rae wrote in a Globe and Mail op-ed.”
    “Quebec Liberal Premier Philippe Couillard, whose son is in the military, gave his support to the mission before knowing the specific details, saying Canada “cannot escape its obligations.”
    “This is a significant threat to our society and Canada and Quebec are part of that landscape,” he said. “Let us not be so naive that we think because Quebecers have been fortunate enough to live in peace for centuries that we’re immune to this risk. The risks also exist for us. These murderous movements are mobile, they are imaginative in the worst sense and they won’t hesitate to attack those they consider enemies, which are democratic societies.””

  7. Postmedia buys Sun Media for $316M
    “Quebecor today announced the sale of its English-language operations, consisting of 175 publications including the Sun chain of dailies, its community dailies and weeklies, its Canoe portal in English Canada and its Islington printing plant, to Postmedia Network Canada.”
    So , will the Sun newspapers become Liberal lite like the National Post has become?

  8. AGW Regress Report.
    “*The day after Saskatchewan fired up the world’s first commercial-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) project, Alberta’s new premier said he aims to wind down funding for such projects in his province.”
    “*Jim Prentice says to wind down carbon capture fund in Alberta, new projects ‘on hold’”
    “Some of the amounts listed above actually broke snowfall records, some dating back decades.”

  9. That does not bode well. The Vancouver Sun USED TO BE a good paper.
    “These developments must be very confusing to Afsun Qureshi, who in August published an article at *Canada’s National Post* advising kidnap victims to recite the Muslim prayer of submission to Allah, known as the shahadah, to avoid beheading. It’s not being widely reported in American media, but the Daily Mail says Kassig took the name ‘Abdul Rahman’ when he converted. That didn’t do him much good, either. ISIS didn’t even use that name when they indicated he would be their net victim.”
    (My asterisks.)

  10. In view of the way that the government is currently handling the economy, ISIS, and now the Ebola pandemic scare, this word may be quite appropriate:
    Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

  11. Now it appears the Abos are still fishing. Are they using their traditional fishing methods? If not, then they too should be banned. Oh BTW, also the traditional hunting rifle and 4×4.

  12. CCS is just pumping your and my money into the ground political friends’ pockets.

  13. Let’s try that again
    CCS is just pumping your and my money into [I]the ground[/I] political friends’ pockets.
