Crushed by The Hegemon

The New York Times feels the pain of Laurie Penny:

By all means take a moment to realign your mind with the notion of Ms Penny as a “cyborg” writer and in some way marginalised – “marked as other” – and struggling against the pressures of not being heard. Except of course when she’s on TV, or Five Live, or Radio 4, or when airing her various and bewildering concerns in the pages of the Guardian, the New Statesman and the Independent.

6 Replies to “Crushed by The Hegemon”

  1. It’s been said that the surest way to destroy a man (or woman for that matter) is to pay them to do nothing. While normally assumed to apply to economic productivity, it would appear the maxim applies equally well to (pseudo)academic output.
    Loved that “article” Mike. I don’t doubt but that currently it would be taken seriously in numerous academic circles.

  2. A very wise person once said if you want the real
    story (in these crazy times), read the comments.
    What an excellent outline of how empty headed
    petty mandarin scum rise to the top today. Waves
    of corruption and mutual leftist backscratching.

  3. The comment I posted;
    It’s just the sisterhood. Entry is easily provided for the members and some of the metro-sexuals with external genitalia. The latest example is Madame Secretary, although i am not sure if this just part of the Hillary Campaign, and something called Four Women and a Man. I am not into bashing-a-trois so have not watched this one

  4. Until such twits donate their wealth, and thus their privilege, they should STFU IMHO! But, no they’re never bothered by their hypocrisy. The irony is they would be the first to be executed in the new state of Utopia.
    IOW we don’t need any more useful idiots.
