10 Replies to “We Don’t Need No…”

  1. To the Green theocracy, the poor are human sacrifices to Gaia. Many consider humanity a blight on the planet so eliminating the unwashed brown masses nowhere near their backyards is their covert or unconscious form of Jihad. No dirty hands necessary, just accept the faith, cast off that nasty critical thinking for the few that knew it, lobby, parrot, parrot, parrot and vote accordingly. Friends prosper from their political connections while life on the eco-Jihad, public teat, circuit is good. All the beautiful and rich people of one mind must be on the right path. Wouldn’t it be fortuitous if they all end up as green nourishment for future masses revolting.

  2. You want to save the environment, right? Prevent global warming, save the world’s 13 Icelandic snow owls, that kind of thing.
    Then you must pee in the shower. That’s the earnest message from a couple of students at England’s University of East Anglia, reports BBC News.
    The two students, Debs Torr and Chris Dobson, theorize that their idea could “save enough water to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool 26 times.”
    It’s also a pragmatic timesaver, The Daily Caller notes.
    “We’ve done the maths, and this project stands to have a phenomenal impact,” Dobson told the BBC.
    “Imagine how big an impact it could have if we could get everyone in East Anglia, or even the UK, to change their morning habits.”
    Dobson, 20, also noted that, strangely enough, not everyone has loved the big, brilliant idea.
    “The campaign has been really divisive. People either seem to love it or hate it,” he explained.

  3. Thanks Kate for the great post. The poorest of the poor being hurt & decimated the most by self serving ideologically restricted energy access based on ridiculously bad science is the most compelling reason for abandoning that intentionally punitive effort. It’s a cold hearted and inhuman agenda and reflects the hearts of people of Suzuki’s anti-technology and progress ilk who so vigorously push it at the rest of Us. They know what they’re doing and have no sympathy for their victims because they believe there’s simply too many humans using too much of Earth’s resources. If their intent was studied by a court of law I have no doubt it be found to be criminal.

  4. The Liberal left is all about black genocide.
    Everything from Energy Policies, to euthanasia, abortion and gun control.
    The last thing the Liberal left wants is an armed Negro, it’s why they fight so hard to keep them in ghetto’s and disarmed through Federal gun control laws.

  5. I agree about this being a great thread video.
    Specifically to your comment, did not Suzuki even comment at one time that people should reduce their family size in order to save the planet. In the meantime he had five children. There is no hypocrite like the socialist “some are more equal than others” crowd.

  6. I would love to see the holier than thou, screeching harpie NDP Megan Leslie marched into that meeting. Sit her down and show her these inconvenient facts. Then force her to explain the AGW again without looking a fool.
    Oh and then drop her into Liberia just because.

  7. Liberalism is a progressive disease.
    Kill the poor is their intent, save the planet their cover.
    They lie, always, when lips are moving BS flows.
    Time we corrected the decline of our civilization.
    We cannot cure stupid, but we cannot allow the stupid to rule.

  8. “It’s a cold hearted and inhuman agenda and reflects the hearts of people of Suzuki’s anti-technology and progress ilk who so vigorously push it at the rest of Us.”
    You are correct. I would add they are also driven by their anti-human ideology where they have the misplaced belief that man is not part of the natural biology of the environment. Suzuki explains it in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsLOcZQheoE
    With a belief system like that, it is no wonder they advocate policies that reduce human population by any means possible. My only wish is that they would practice what they preach, set the example and put a gun in their mouth. It would be a wonderful world once again.

  9. Hard to beat what the video says. It will never work in China or India who are not buying this bill of goods designed for the developed world economies to be sabotage ideologically.
