19 Replies to “NATO Partner”

  1. This would be about right for Turkey!!!!! When I visited there some years back I knew that in the long run they are Effed!!!!!

  2. Aw common, everyone knows Muslims don’t lie.
    Of course, he’ll bomb the Kurds and not ISIS, everyone’s working towards Turkeys/ Ottoman Empires ambitions in the Middle East for them.
    Why would they worry about ISIS/ISIL, they’ll be kept at bay by the Dhimmi airstrikes and infidel Jizya via their tax dollars at work.
    Old Arabic saying: “Why work for anything when you can let stupid do the work for you.”

  3. A turkey/ISIS alliance would be very plausible, in fact. Ample historical precedent. ISIS would take care of the
    Kurds for Turkey. ISIS would have access to naval and air assets. The ferocity of ISIS is likely to impress even

  4. Turkey was useful once, when the USSR was.
    Turkey is an obstruction not an partner.
    Turkey needs to be let go and swim on its own.
    Let them see how that will turn out.

  5. “The enemy of my friend’s enemy’s enemy’s friend is my friend, is that how it goes? This is all so confusing, let’s bomb whoever is closest.”
    Turkey (mostly Sunni) is in a tough neighbourhood with Iran (mostly Shiite) to the east and Iran’s ally Russia to the north-east poised to strike through Georgia. Is it not in their interest to keep ISIS in power as a buffer state between them and Iran?
    The middle-east friend/enemy matrix. It’s from July so it’s probably out of date.

  6. give the Kurds some stingers with fake IDs, and lets see if they keep wipping out their TF-18s:-)))
    go Just-in go

  7. Agree, the Middle East is one huge mess, so why is it our problem? It’s our problem because we’re importing people deranged by a sick religion not fit for humanity and their out of control hatreds to the West where they attempt to live as they did in their hell holes and by the same doctrine. Until we stop all immigration from those places and let them fight their own battles isolated from our civilized Western countries we will have problems here, it’s their way of life.
    This is not culture, this is barbarism.
    We need to keep watch, see what unfolds, step in only if the world is threatened by something like nuclear capability acquired by Iran.

  8. Liz J >
    Well put.
    Starving them out with sanctions would tend to get the attention of other Arab/ Muslim nations as well.
    They like their Rolex watches, Mercedes, Roll’s Royce’s and western Universities for the 16 hairy brats just like the next guy.

  9. What a difference a little time makes. Back after the first Gulf War, Bush the Elder let Sadaam Hussein take out his frustration with losing by viciously thrashing the Kurds who were trying to carve out a homeland for themselves. The priority back then was to keep Turkey happy because Turkey kept the Soviet fleet bottled up.
    Now the Kurds are being celebrated by the West as an ally of convenience, but Turkey, in which demographic changes have weakened the vision of Atatürk, still fears that the Kurds will carve part of their homeland out of Turkey. (See what I did there? Carve, Turkey. Dang I’m clever.)
    Unfortunately, Turkey’s geographic position keeps it important even as it becomes more Islamic. Throwing Turkey out of NATO would probably be a huge mistake.

  10. There are two types of Muslims:
    Radicals: Take without asking
    Moderate: Take by taking advantage
    I would be interested in seeing how much the Muslims in Canada actually contribute to paying taxes. In my business I don’t see it, all I see is fraud and Revenue Canada turning a blind eye to it.
    The example I see all the time is cab drivers, their income sheets all say the same thing, $1200 per month net, but many only work 10 months a year and go home to where ever and live like kings taking the whole family with them. Simply math, they drive approx 5000 km per month, make $50 for 20 km fare, get a tip, and claim they make no money after expenses.
    They are experts at milking our system for subsidize rents, free education and medical,and we sponsor this crap.
    Time to wake up North America.

  11. Well said Liz.
    This from the article. “Turkish animosity against Kurds is hardly a secret, so I’m not sure why so many in Washington can’t understand this guy. Maybe it’s because he lets girls go to school and doesn’t stone anybody to death.” I expect that this will change in the not too distant future…as soon as he has removed any potential danger from the military.

  12. Yeah well, Erdogen has the same dilemma as any despot or dictator, balancing needing of the military to maintain power while restraining the militaries ability to overthrow them…..Stalin’s purges weakened the Red Army to the point that it was unable to roll over tiny Finland.
    Erdogen, and Turks generally, fear Kurdish nationalism but always has Attaturk’s overthrow of the Sultan, and subsequent military coups, in mind.
    Erdogen fears the Kurds politically and militarily, arabs not so much, but has to calculate how much he can weaken the military and still defeat Daesh(IS) if necessary.
    Obama fears the Pentagon, and has militarized the Police as a counter…but if confronted with the reality that while urban police may support him, largely rural sheriffs oppose him.
    That makes Obama and Erdogen fellow travelors……

  13. As everyone who studies history knows, ethnic cleansing is an old and well-established Turkish tradition – no surprise here.

  14. JJM >
    “So what we’re saying is that Turkey puts its own national interests first.
    You obviously don’t live in the west!
    Who are you and why are you posting here causing confusion? Open borders along with national and cultural suicide are our way of life and we’re damned proud of it!

  15. Iraq should probably have been partitioned after the overthrow of Saddam, if only to annoy the Turks.

  16. The real problem is that we have political leaders who believe that we still NEED Turkey in our opposition to Russia and Iran. We continue to try and woo the Turks to our cause, when they –at virtually every turn– turn their heads and cuddle up to the other suitors.
