15 Replies to “We Mustn’t Let the Poor Have Nice Things”

  1. More evidence that Britain is unrecoverably F’ed up – even the class system no longer works in a traditional fashion – what ever happened to “noblesse oblige” with this upper crust misanthrope?

  2. “The War on the Middle Class is progressing extremely well” – Ebola and Chief.
    No worries of “expensive food” harming the poor, they just raise the middle class tax’s and increase the welfare payments to Ebola’s domestic troops on the ground.

  3. Not so, Occam. The class system is working exactly the way it always has. Too often people see everything through left vs. right. What the senile Westwood is illustrating is that the old meme of class warfare is still very much alive and well.

  4. Class system? Don’t assume that because she is well off she must be of the social class that should have a sense of “noblesse oblige”?

  5. She is just exhibiting the typical socialist attitude of some being more equal than others. The Zeks need to be kept down.

  6. Leftists are mentally ill. And the more artistic they are the more crazy are. If she were actually sane she would know you can’t buy a whole cooked chicken for £2!

  7. “noblesse oblige” ? Nah. The senile old bat is talking “lese majeste”. Britain is now irretriviably FUBARED.

  8. And this horrible person is the type that permeates the environmental movement of today. She provides more ample evidence that the movement that nurtured, supported and gave rise to Nazism pre WW2 were all left leaning on the political spectrum.

  9. Four hundred pounds for a PVC handbag? A plastic handbag? Sheesh. For that kind of money, it should be made from the hide of a vegan, free-range hippie. With tasteful tattoos, too.
    Never forget, this twatwaffle is wealthy because stupid people buy her stuff.

  10. I have relatives still in the social/civil morass called Britain and class “posers” abound. The victoria class structure was renown for it’s noblese oblige – many titled politicians and functionaries had more empathy with the Common man than the administrators from their own class -Lord Monck who championed common law rights and gave us the confederal division of powers in the BNA. He was a GG you could share a beer with at a local Bytown tavern. He lacked the pretensions and arrogance of class posers.

  11. Vivienne Westwood was born to working class parents in a Derbyshire village. In the old days, material success such as she has had combined with the right conduct might have allowed her to mix with the upper classes, but they would never have accepted her as one of them. However, if she educated her children properly and they were successful and behaved in the right way their children would have had the chance to be accepted as part of a higher class.

  12. Leaving aside all the business of class and upbringing, Vivienne Westwood has never had any reputation as a likeable sort of person.
