58 Replies to ““Ahmad the Convert””

  1. Maybe lance can enlighten us as to how we “NEED TO DEVELOP THE MIDDLE CLASS HERE IN CANADA” in order ro prevent this and other root causes of terrorism.
    I mean, it is OBVIOUS Canadians are turning into jihadis because the middle class is NOT DEVELOPED ENOUGH HERE IN CANADA. If only we could do more to develop it, we could nip in the bud all the root causes.

  2. The last thing anyone wants to see is a Canadian beheaded in the streets.
    As a precautionary step the Canadian military must reduce the risk that our soldiers and their families face when based at home.
    Every Canadian soldier must be ordered to carry their sidearm at all times, when they’re on the base, when they’re at home and when they travel anywhere.
    They put they’re lives on the line for us every day. The least that we can do is make sure that they and their families aren’t easy targets because they’re unarmed.

  3. Oh Dear! 1
    One less vote for Shiny Pony. After enduring all those mosque harangues he’s listened to in a language he doesn’t understand.

  4. Interesting stuff on CBC PNP tonight. Lib and Dip flacks were trying to insist that this was all just alarmism without evidence from PMO. Naturally, CBC did not provide the name of the perp.

  5. At least the Quebec child care system can take care of his virgins for seven bucks an hour until they’re ready fer poppin’.
    Seriously, we all knew they were here. How about we start a group that goes into THEIR neighbourhood and messes with THEM. What’s that Facebook URL again? Yeah, we all want to do stuff like that until push comes to shove.

  6. Radicalized? You. Don’t. Say.
    Yeah, root causes indeed. Perhaps chapters 4 and 9 of the Koran might be the place to start. Ya know, in case someone wants to actually see root causes or just another excuse to bully more tax money out of us Canadians.

  7. “Every Canadian soldier must be ordered to carry their sidearm at all times …”
    Every Canadian soldier doesn’t have a sidearm. And the CF doesn’t have enough to give one to each if they wanted to (they don’t want to.) And if they had the money it would take to buy enough, they’d spend it on something else more important.

  8. “The last thing anyone wants to see is a Canadian beheaded in the streets.”
    Er, actually, there are some people about who want to see a Canadian beheaded in the streets. That’s the problem we are having.

  9. 3 comments and already the Globe and Mail has “Comments Closed” on this story.
    Best wishes to the soldiers involved. Can’t wait for Justin to get all root causy over this guy.

  10. Every Canadian should be entitled to carry a firearm, openly or concealed, for self-defence, sidearm or long arm.

  11. I guess if he were a “moderate” muslim, he would have run down the soldiers with a camel, and not an automobile.

  12. I’m for closing the borders to keep ebola out… let’s close the borders to this disease too.

  13. Come now, let’s not be hasty… If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it could still be an innocent tragically misunderstood cross-dressing cat coughing up a hairball…

  14. I must say on this one I agree with Daniel hates Red Tories.
    the idea that a middle class would fix everything is, well…I’ll be polite, it is …amusing

  15. Do you want Canadian soldiers walking around or do you want Muslims walking around? You can only choose one.

  16. Well one things for certain. If this looks like it may damage shiny pony, expect the media to downplay it. I’m sure they have a reporter right now peeking into Rob and Doug Fords bedroom windows.

  17. You get “radical eyes” by staring at the “moon god” for too long. Hitting your forhead on the ground five times a day doesn’t help either.

  18. I am glad the police shot this piece of vermin before Trudeau got to discuss root causes with him.

  19. He became “radicalized” did he? Why don’t the cops or the media have the guts to tell the truth.
    He didn’t become “radicalized”, the became a MUSLIM!!!!

  20. CTV’s “public security expert” says there’s nothing to worry about, nothing to indicate that this is terrorism, our soldiers and their families shouldn’t be worried etc. etc.
    And then the idiot host brings up ‘our first case of homegrown terrorism’, the Oklahoma city bombing.
    If I could reach through the TV and slap those two idiots…

  21. Wouldn’t have helped in this case, nor in the case of the soldier in England.
    Good time to revive this Liberal election ploy:
    “Stephen Harper actually announced he wants to increase military presence in our cities. Canadian cities. Soldiers with guns. In our cities. In Canada.”

  22. ‘our first case of homegrown terrorism’
    I guess the poor fools don’t know about the Weather Underground or in Canada the FLQ.

  23. This has nothing to do with Islam. Now, let us have no more talk about this bizarre cover-up.
    Had this culprit been another sort, rest assured we would have every fact, real or imagined, splayed out for us.

  24. If you bigoted racists ever bothered to take multicultural sensitivity training (should be mandatory for the likes of you) you would not be so viciously stereotyping the poor fellow. There are plenty of reasons this could have happened and they have nothing to do with terrorism. He could have simply dropped his falafel on his pajamas and tried to pick it up while driving. Yes he is guilty of distracted driving and not taking mass transit in the first place but that is not terrorism (well it is eco terrorism so… ugh nevermind that). Or he could have been depressed and upset after learning that his goat was unfaithful. Or he could be simply frustrated and not paying attention because his child bride still did not get her period. You can’t judge him while being ignorant of his noble peaceful culture. For the great messiah have said: “Future does not belong to those who slander Islam, it belongs to those who bend over customary eight times in front of Arab kings”.

  25. Next step is to find out which mosque radicalized him. Probably one that Trudeau Jr. was at, trolling for votes.

  26. If he was a gun owner, the media would be earnestly asking if it wasn’t perhaps time to have a national conversation about guns and gun owners and whether this is the kind of Canada we want for our children.
    But since he was a Muslim, well you know…
    Oooooh look a Ford brother!!!

  27. The QPP helped him with his conversion. They converted him from a living soul to dead meat.

  28. I watched about 10 minutes of the CBC and CTV coverage on some political discussion forums, switching back and forth looking for some rational thinking. All either station had was hosts and guests spouting hate-filled drivel about Harper having some sinister plot to create hysteria.
    I switched off the TV when I couldn’t watch any more without puking!
    I am sure looking forward to a time when Sun News Network will be part of everybody’s basic cable service.

  29. What will be the government reaction?
    In the U.K. and France, off duty soldiers are advised not to wear their uniform, nor any identifying clothing or accessories. Will Canadian armed forces be told to do the same? ???
    Will they be ordered such a “retreat” on Canadian soil? Likely.
    Or, will they be issued pistols and trained in their effective use? Unlikely.
    More civilian gun control? Likely.
    That is the current policy in the U.K. with renewed police inspections of every premise where someone who holds a firearms license lives.
    Though handguns have been banned for years in the U.K., the killers of Lee Rigby had one.
    The Liberal Party of Just in has promised to ban handguns from legal possession by peaceful, law-abiding citizens.
    Under Sharia Law, infidels are not allowed the possession of weapons.
    Canada’s C-68(1995) made simple, peaceful possession of a firearm, a criminal offence. The most radical law violating hundreds of years of Common-Law, property rights, and the Right to Self-Defence. A Right, which no political party defends anymore.
    More High River style raids?
    Under Sharia Law, infidels aren’t allowed weapons. Did I mention that under …
    Clearly, some in the RCMP believe that, too. Maybe, more than some?
    Will the government begin to shut down the radical mosques and imams and the madrassahs teaching Sharia Law across Canada? Unlikely.
    How many of Canada’s 1.2 million Muslims will be marching in protest against this attack on Canada’s armed forces on Canadian soil, done in the name of Islam?
    Count them and get back to me.

  30. Re: Martin Rouleau: Opps sorry! He was shot by municipal police–not QPP
    Nice shooting fellows!

  31. Larry said “Canada’s C-68(1995) made simple, peaceful possession of a firearm, a criminal offence. The most radical law violating hundreds of years of Common-Law, property rights, and the Right to Self-Defence. A Right, which no political party defends anymore.”
    I’m with ya dude, but one thing. Canadians has no property rights.Shiny Pony’s dad purposely left them out of the Constitution. See, all that “man’s home is his castle” stuff is from British Common Law, but PET was a fan of the French civil code, where the citizens rights, instead of being inviolable and inalienable like under British Common Law, were only the rights that the government in its infinite wisdom deigned to allow him to have, and of course, those are revocable whenever the government decides you don’t need them any more. We need an amendment to the constitution to add property rights back. That would be a good issue for a (real) Conservative party to be pushing for. Just saying.

  32. 1/2 hour from my house. Great. How many centuries has the “Religion of Peace” been waging this war, anyway?

  33. You hit it right on the head. There will be no property rights – whether by constitutional reform or statute – from this government. I have a recent letter from my MP that confirms this. And you can rest assured that turdo la doo or Commie Tom won’t be raising the matter.

  34. This is my hometown. My friends who still live there are generally not pleased with the Religion of Peace(tm). Other people living outside the area (Montreal, Quebc City) still stick to: Extremism is bad; why does police shoot to kill; the ahmad is a victim, etc. The usual lefty chorus.
    Hopefully they will be hit by large hammer of cognitive dissonance once it hits closer to their home
    It’s just been announced, one of the soldiers Ahmad ran over has died of his injuries. RIP.

  35. Matt, I’ll bet money that Turdo was in this mosque sucking up for votes, it’ll be buried 6 miles deep by the MSM if its the case, But I’d love to see a pic of the Dauphine shaking hands with this pond scum

  36. Will Justin be coming out talking about root causes that led to this creep’s choice to become radicalized?

  37. This guy lived 25 minutes away from the Al Sunnah Al Nabawiah mosque Trudeau visited. A betting man would say this is the mosque that he attended, and good odds that he attended the event. Don’t look for the media to dig that deep.
