58 Replies to ““Ahmad the Convert””

  1. ISIS and its sympathizers still No. 3 on the list, according to Obama in his United Nations speech.

  2. “The root cause of this murder is liberalism.”
    Pretty much. At the very least it’s what allows for it, because under progressivism the expression of any number of fundamental, observable, real-world truths is socially proscribed.
    If academia/media weren’t composed of (and the minority view silenced by) indoctrinated progressive drones, the plain truth headline to this story would be something like —

    Canadian soldier killed on home soil “in the name of Allah” by radical Islamist convert, another injured.

    Here’s the CP headline:

    Soldier dies of injuries after being hit by car driven by man police killed

    The soldier didn’t “die of his injuries” so much as he was murdered; people who are murdered tend to die of their injuries, just like a lot of people who are accidentally hit by a car die of their injuries. And that phrase — “hit by a car” – scours away the fact that he was deliberately struck / run over; note that the only “killing” in the headline was committed by police.
    And of course, since the beloved “exotic other” must be protected, the killer’s ideology/motivation is censored/excised, because any reference to Islam invokes for progressives the spectre of “Islamophobia”, which of course refers only to brown-skinned people..

  3. The root cause? How does a French Canadian boy become a sick monster like this? We have here, an empty vessel because Quebec has turned away from its religious heritage, and he was waiting to be filled with something. The Muslims (Jihadists) got to him first. If we insist on bringing up our children w/o a belief system, someone else will come along and do so. Unfortunately, this is more like a case of demonic possession.

  4. Meanwhile Captain Book-tour and Mad Tom ponder whether this was an act of road rage, mental illness, a misspent youth, or work place violence. Wait a sec….. this is sounding like a page out of JT’s memoirs.

  5. From the reports the Mama Bear (female LEO) comported herself in a wise and pragmatic manner.
    As the guy sez these people are not “committing suicide by cop”….it is a suicide attack. Ya don’t take prisoners!
    IMO attempting to “arrest” this guy is a red matter.
    Everything has colours….pity and compassion are red…I’ve seen it on the floor too many times.
    To those who whine that he was shot like a dog…..I say he was shot like a rabid dog…appropriate.
    While I genuinely mourn the death of his victim and the injury of the other…I openly celebrate the demise of the jihadi.
    Deis Vult! No apologies.

  6. As the police demonstrated here, the best way to “de-radicalize” one of these Islamo-zombies is by placing a 165 grain projectile between their ears.

  7. Whether this guy was shot by a male cop or a female cop is irrelevant. The fact is that whoever shot this turd saved the Canadian taxpayer several million dollars that would have surely been awarded to him in order to compensate for the inconvenience of his unlawful imprisonment before being exonerated by a left wing Judicial system and their obedient media. Then of course the Papineau pretender could lecture us all on the necessity of identifying ” root causes “.
