22 Replies to “Birds Do It, Bees Do It”

  1. The reason why I don’t drink water (unless distilled or fermented) is because of what fish and beach frontage yuppies do in it.

  2. That has led researchers to assume that copulation, in which a male’s sperm are inserted into a female’s reproductive tract, and fertilisation takes place therein, is a derivative rather than an original characteristic of the vertebrate line that leads from the first jawed, bony fish to mankind.
    Heh, the theory of evilution needs to be overhauled once again.
    I wonder how many times this monstrosity needs to be broken before this mishmash of subjective interpretation, each subjective interpretation supposedly proving the other, is discarded?

  3. “I wonder how many times this monstrosity needs to be broken before this mishmash of subjective interpretation, each subjective interpretation supposedly proving the other, is discarded?”
    That’s because you don’t understand what the word “theory” means. Otherwise you’d know the answer is “as often as possible”. Science isn’t about proving theories are true, its about proving they are -not- true.
    It is important to note that disapproval of a theory generally does not count as disproof.

  4. Science isn’t about proving theories are true, its about proving they are -not- true.
    Ah, no wonder it progresses one step forward, and two steps back, lately. Constantly trying to prove a negative…you call that ‘science’, eh? lol
    You may as well just admit the theory of evilution is a disease of the mind, like AGW. Totally created within the minds of men, and doesn’t exist in the real world.
    This article is just another example of the real world intruding on something that only exists in the diseased minds of it’s believers.

  5. When a scientific theory is proven wrong by the discovery of new facts, it can be amended to account for the new facts, or replaced by a better theory that accounts for all the known facts. When “revealed wisdom” is wrong, it’s wrong forever.

  6. Gee, I guess your ‘received wisdom’, in the form of many subjective interpretations, is wrong forever.
    You see, evilution stopped. There isn’t an unbroken living line of creatures climbing out of the ooze, sprouting legs and, eventually, spouting complicated subjective interpretations.
    Wrong forever. Just like AGW.

  7. Darwinian evolution is a science, in that it adheres to the scientific method, whereas creationism is not.

  8. You’re the only one going on about creationism. lol
    And, no, darwinism doesn’t adhere to the scientific method. It’s been falsified by the fact it stopped. There is not a living stream climbing from the ooze, with all the stages leading to the higher organisms, alive today.
    The believers need to explain why it stopped.

  9. Stopped?
    It is a process that takes hundreds of thousands of years.
    The theory has been around for 150 years. Speciation takes even longer.

  10. You need to explain why there still aren’t creatures climbing out of the ooze, and an unbroken, living, line of stages of evolution of organisms.
    You need to explain why it stopped.

  11. It hasn’t stopped.
    At this point in history, there are few niches available for a new species, so, what we have now is species changing into other species, as opposed to climbing out of the bacterial mud. The time scales involved are huge.
    Much like a mayfly cannot see the passing of seasons, a human cannot see evolution, unless we look at fossil records.

  12. …there are few niches available for a new species…
    All it would take is one to prove your theory. But there isn’t even one. All you have is subjective interpretations of fossils.
    …so, what we have now is species changing into other species, as opposed to climbing out of the bacterial mud.
    What’s to prevent the same species from continuing to evolve from the ooze? You need to explain why they stopped?
    The theory of evilution only exists within the minds of men, nowhere else. Just like the subjective interpretations used to ‘prove’ AGW.

  13. “The theory of evilution only exists within the minds of men, nowhere else.”
    Like quantum mechanics, and relativity. Tautologies are not arguments.
    Evolution has made predictions, and observation has born them out. That makes it a science.
    There is no other theory that even comes close to explaining the fossil record or the changes we see in front of us.
    Cherry-picking things that don’t fit the theory does not equal invalidating the theory.
    There are things that are not explained adequately in every branch of science, that does not invalidate science.
    There are also things that lie outside of the scope of science.

  14. Evolution has made predictions, and observation has born them out.
    Bah, fanciful tales used to explain observations prove nothing. Real science is repeatable.
    Which brings us back to the question, why did it stop?

  15. It didn’t stop.
    Evolution is still happening, as you can see by the links I posted.
    Many of the experiments used to validate evolution have been repeated.
    It seems explaining evolution to you is like explaining ice ages to a mayfly.

  16. Heh, your first link is an explanation of how something happened based on how it happens now. So, how has anything changed?
    Your second link is an example of, so-called, micro-evolution. Still the same plant, just has longer roots. Plant breeders have been doing the same thing for years, but there’s always a limit to removing undesirable characteristics.
    Hence the advent of genetic modification in the lab to add information. Something that doesn’t happen in nature.

  17. “Hence the advent of genetic modification in the lab to add information. Something that doesn’t happen in nature.”
    Then how do you explain the fact that life has become more complex since it started a few billion years ago?
