Bottom Gun

Via email;

Referring to the latest reports about some jihadists learning how to fly in ISIS, there is a video about an air crash, probably in Tobruk, in the last few weeks.
Considering all the things happening in Libya now and the way the MIG-21 plane was shown flying and crashing, it quite likely was an inexperienced and overly cocky pilot.
My guess is it could have been an under trained jihad pilot.

Check out the video here

32 Replies to “Bottom Gun”

  1. That was definitely NOT a trained pilot. Flown like a chimp with no banana, and could not find the ejection handles? Wonder if that counts for his 72 virgin goats?

  2. Watching an episode of Customs and Border Control U.K. on You Tube and in one of the houses full of Muslim illegals the agents found an aircraft flying manual in one of the bedside tables.
    Can you learn to fly a plane by reading the manual only??

  3. MIG 21s don’t roll so good, eh? Buddy ran out of altitude and ideas real fast.
    Kind of indicative of who these guys are that this moron is showboating OVER THE CITY in a plane he clearly doesn’t know how to fly, at wide-open throttle to boot. Missed the apartment buildings by not a lot, more good luck than good management I’m sure. Somebody in that building had a horseshoe stuck somewhere that day.
    Compare and contrast with Canadian Air Force pilots, who -can- fly under the hydro wires, but don’t.
    Somewhere, 72 virgins are mocking this guy’s small weewee. They’re hunting for the magnifying glass and the tweezers.

  4. Most of you folks are forgetting something. For this lot, as 9/11 showed, landing is purely optional in some mission profiles.

  5. Well, cgh, he did in fact land the plane. It won’t likely be back in service anytime soon though…

  6. It should be common knowledge that training pilots to fly combat jet fighters is a long and costly process.
    Combat aircraft have generally always been not just tricky but dangerously unstable…
    Witness the Sopwith Camel…reputed to have killed as many pilots as enemy…but in the hands of a talented pilot was a sure killer…due to it’s will-O’-the-wisp ability to change direction instantly.
    Mig 15’s were so difficult to recover from a spin that recovery rockets were installed…
    Then there is the basic problem, for ISIS, that the talent pool is….shallow?

  7. There was a great series on Discovery a few years back called JetStream that documented a class of candidates vying for a few seats in a CF-18 squadron. One of the lines that stuck in my head was a backseat instructor telling the pilot trainee that “In one of these things EVERYBODY is 1/2 a second away from their very own crash site”.

  8. Things like this can happen in the best of families. Tonight, at about 5pm, two F-16s of the 138 fighter squadron collided over the gunnery range in northern Kansas. One pilot bailed over Moline KS. He was taken to McConnell AFB. The aircraft were from the Tulsa AGS. These guys are not amateurs and for the last 20 years have been flying the no-fly zone in Iraq, air support in Iraq, and some just came back.All three remaining aircraft made it back to the AGS,

  9. 1400 years of marrying your first cousin, meet fighter jets, fighter jets meet 1400 yea/BOOM/

  10. The lowly buzz-job claims another victim.
    There are a lot of sayings in aviation that are designed to make you reconsider your actions when you are about to do something stupid in an airplane. Some common examples:
    -There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots.
    -It’s better to be on the ground and wishing you were flying than flying and wishing you were on the ground.
    -The family farm has killed more pilots than (pick an event).
    -The Piper Cub is the safest airplane ever built. It can just barely kill you.
    I’m guessing they don’t translate into arabic well.

  11. Otterdriver – you can add “Gravity always wins” to those truisms. My favourite is the Bird Theory of Aviation: “Better a live chicken than a dead duck”

  12. Very short duration of the crash fire could suggest that the aircraft
    had a lot less fuel on board than the pilot had been led to expect.

  13. Raymond Collishaw would probably agree about the Camel. He got his goodly share of Germans in Europe and of Bolos in South Russia.
    Cannot add much to the comments above, but “Bottom gun” is a gem.

  14. Mother would tell us stories, WWII, how the soviet “liberators” of the city found bicycles to be exciting contraptions and would ride them around town until they died.
    The islamists find it exciting to fly jets they found in about the same fashion.

  15. Yep, local yout gone radical, glad he’s dead and hope the injured recover fully.
    As far as jihad jamalah crashing the jet; good twofer. Takes the jet out of their hands and kills it’s killer.

  16. This jihadi chimp probably got his training watching the Top Gun movie. He probably figured if neck stretchers Tom Cruise and George W can fly a jet, surely praying 5 times a day and with Mohammed on his side he could do it to. Oh well, he’s got his 70 virgin yaks to entertain him now.

  17. As a pilot my first thought on seeing the video was “control problem or catastrophically bad handling”. MiG 21s are pretty robust and simple, so the latter seems likely.
    A lot of pilots from less developed countries learn to fly in the UK, both civilian and military. One of my old instructors in the military used to teach Arabs to fly Lightnings (basically a pair of large turbojets with small wings; British fighter of the 1960s-80s). He said that the old rumour about them letting go and saying “Allah has control” (“you have control” is a standard wording for handover to another pilot) was basically correct. Muslims tend to be more fatalistic than people from Christian cultures. The very religious ones believe that Allah remakes the world every instant in the way he wants (every Plank time I assume!) and they actually do not believe in cause and effect. Therefore they would think that if Allah wants them to fight they will be safe flying.

  18. Every Muzzie I have ever heard on videos like this sounds like a lunatic savage. This is a primitive life form we are dealing with folks. To call them barbarians is an accurate description.

  19. Different types of fighter jets usually have very different types of operating characteristics. They are all built to do the same job but invariably have idiosyncrasies. For example when flying the MIG-21 under specific circumstances its advantageous for the pilot to let go of the stick and the aircraft will then reach a stable condition on its own. To actually reach a degree of proficiency with any type of aircraft requires numerous hours of ground school and flight training time. You can’t learn to fly a MIG by reading an online training manual! Even if this devoid of cause and effect jihadi has flown commercial jets before he was obviously in way over his head and a victim of the Peter Principle. My guess he wasn’t wearing his G suit and passed out or he didn’t let go of the stick when he should of.
