Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?

It’s come to this: Voters in battleground states think President Obama is worse at “managing the basic functions of the federal government” than his predecessor George W. Bush, according to a POLITICO poll released Monday. In other words, voters think Obama is a less effective manager than the man he stills blames for his failures.

12 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. So: 38% of voters in certain important states are sane and moderately informed. Why am I not reassured by that number, in the face of the worst US president ever? One of the worst rulers in the history of the Anglosphere?

  2. That they are still using George Bush as the standard affirms that the left are still in charge. Bush was a progressive-lite mediocre administrator who likely stacks up as an average President. Obama should be compared to an empty White House or an enemy infiltrator who has great difficulty hiding his lies.

  3. And time’s running out for the donkeys to turn this around. We can hope that by December that slime Harry Reid is no longer Sen Maj Leader.

  4. Although, ever so light majority apparently are going to vote democrats (on O’Reily’s show today).
    One wonder’s sometimes if the world is full of masochists.

  5. I send out emails busting on Obama about 3x a week to a group of people I used to work with, all Obama voters. I can always rely on about 2 or 3 of them to respond in his defense. The recent ebola incompetence and the anarchy on the southern border leaves them totally silent. The one guy has a son in the Marines (hard to believe I know). I’m sure he’s thrilled with the possibility he may be cleaning bedpans in Liberia sometime soon.

  6. Say what you want about Chimpy McBushitler, he didn’t bring EBOLA to Texas. It took Obama to manage that.
    Personally, I am staying off airplanes until they show some evidence they’ve got that quarantine locked down. Some people say I’m crazy. I say, wouldn’t it suck to -die- just for a two week holiday?
    Staying the hell home this year or driving. Maybe 2015 we’ll see. Suck on that, airline industry.

  7. Its clear by your comments that you hate the entire airline industry, I’m really not sure that hate is warranted.
    I work in the Airline industry and with the rigmarole various agencies of government puts us through. You’d be amazed an aircraft ever makes it off the ground.
    Most of the Airlines voluntarily suspended service to Liberia and effected places in West Africa a long time ago. There was never any direct service between any point in the United States and Libera. No US carriers even go there. The only one that did, Delta Airlines suspended service on their own accord in August.
    Lets just say if the aircraft stop flying, we stop making money. Aircraft are expensive finely tuned machines that don’t sit very well for long periods of time, parking fees and aircraft lease fees will eat the industry alive. You could buy a new car every month for what we pay to put one of our jets in a hangar for heavy maintenance or storage. I rather like having a career to go to and coming home safe and healthy to my home and family and believe us we don’t want anyone to get Ebola either.
    Also we carry lots of perishable cargo to market, if we don’t fly everyone’s costs of living go up.
    Currently the only airlines flying to Liberia are Royal Air Maroc and Brussels Airlines, Ask the European Union why Belgium’s flag carrier still goes there and as for Royal Air Maroc can you really trust a Muslim run airline? But please don’t tarnish us all with the same brush

  8. Lev, the world is full of idiots. that is why history continues to repeat itself. stupid people just never catch on, or up.

  9. Good day John; I never accepted the meme of BDS being a poor Administrator. He may have maintained a “C” average, but did earn a MBA. This is an exceptional background for POTUS as the majority appear to have a Law background.
    Continue to feel one of the background elements of BDS is the intolerance of the Legal profession taking issue with the encroachment on their Turf. We can draw a comparison with the present pOTUS and his Law and Constitutional credit during what is now being described as an image of failure during the 24 hour news cycle. “W” also had to deal with this during and after the greatest attack on American soil in the electronic age. Cheers;

  10. Voters in battleground states think President Obama is worse at “managing the basic functions of the federal government” than his predecessor George W. Bush
    I don’t know whether Iowa qualifies as a battleground state, but I think that that President Obama is worse at managing the basic functions of the federal government than my four-year-old niece would be.
