The World Is Being Run By Crazy People


The rubber plantation has 8,000 workers with 71,000 dependents. It is an hour north-east of Monrovia, surrounded by Ebola outbreaks. The virus arrived on the plantation in March. Knowing that the UN and the Liberian government were not going to save them, the managers sat around a rubber tree and googled “Ebola” and learned on the run instead.

h/t John Lewis

15 Replies to “The World Is Being Run By Crazy People”

  1. Meanwhile Obama has appointed Joe Biden’s ex-chief of staff as Ebola czar because who needs pertinent training and knowledge?

  2. Which just goes to show, that intelligent and motivated amateurs will out-do professional bureaucrats 99 times out of 100.

  3. “The Liberian plantation probably has more of the original American spirit of independence than all the Institutions of America.”
    No probably about. Companies are run by business men/women,NOT bureaucracies feeding off the public teat. They(business) realize that to survive and thrive,they must protect their most valuable asset,skilled and trained workers. And besides,all socialist,neos are just useful idiots for the UN dictats and Agenda 21. What’s a few 100 million dead brown people anyways?

  4. “Companies are run by business men/women,NOT bureaucracies feeding off the public teat.”
    Tell it to General Motors. Or Tesla. Or the legion of crony capitalists in renewable energy.

  5. Thats why those companies are in decline and no longer competitive. They are backed up, for the time being, with tax dollars. When there is a regime change they will find themselves out of a sugar daddy. Then it will be sink or swim.

  6. Yep, but I remain to be convinced that crony capitalism will ever be brought under control. It’s as old as the Hammurabic Code. It only ever seems to undergo a slight step back with the methods Robespierre used.

  7. Sounds like the making of a good Zombie Apocolypse movie – shipping containers and all.

  8. Exactly, and they keep coming back because they know they can bamboozle, with the aid of a little bribe, the peter principle bureaucrats and unscrupulous politicians.

  9. Well I upset, what I suspect were good Libranos, in the Tims, yesterday.
    I commented about Ebola and they immediately started remarking how far Dallas was from Ontariowe.
    Then another fella said how long it took to run a truck from there.
    I noticed the odd look of concern…..then I cluster bombed them with “Cleveland is much closer.”
    Huh?…. they said.
    Wall, I sez, y’all didn’t hear a few days back, that the #2 infected nurse, flew from Dallas to Cleveland and back with a temperature of 99.7….Now Cleveland doncha know is just over the horizon from here…..
    One gal blurted out…”Stop you are frightening me!”
    I sez “Good! Your enlightenment is beginning.”
    The group disbursed…..I noted their personal distance had increased by about 6 feet or so….

  10. Good work that, Sasquatch. A lot more people need to be a lot more concerned about what’s going on in the world.

  11. Any place with a decent airport is less than a day away from any other place with a decent airport.

  12. Let us see now.
    The Africans, because of necessity had to deal with a virus that after messing up the afflicted person’s digestive system, mostly cause’s death.
    The Africans had to deal with it the best way they could.
    Good thing it did not include protocols (word which became a buzz to distract from actually coming up with solutions), they could never get out of that bureaucratic mess.
    Then you have the ‘mericans, if they did not have all that Chinese money, they could not heal themselves. Just check how much it cost them to do in one Ebola guy.
    As mentioned earlier, they should have kept the decease in Africa and build a hospital there to take care of the sick and in the process teach Africans how to do health care. Though with all those books full of bureaucratic nonsense it could be questionable.
    Sometime one wonders why they did not send doctors to help the Africans. Though must admit that the army may accomplish what civilians can’t.
    Army has well trained no nonsense doctors that sort of go and do it, rather than worry about lawsuits and such.
    The occupant of the White House is completely and utterly lost as to what is going on.
    The Africans knew they had to isolate the afflicted from the healthy.
    The occupant invites the afflicted to the US to sort of spread it around to create a real actual crisis.
    Maybe then he could hold onto the office and occupy the White House longer than prescribed by the constitution for which he has not respect and finds it a hindrance to his dictatorial tendencies.
    And he also could get a lot more of free golf at the best courses in.
